1.9.0 - release Switzerland flag

This page is part of the Observations of notifiable communicable infectious diseases (v1.9.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Capability Statements

The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.

FOPH CapabilityStatement for receiving laboratory reports

CapabilityStatement for receiving laboratory reports

Behavior: Search Parameters

These define the properties by which a RESTful server can be searched. They can also be used for sorting and including related resources.


Status of the processing of the document referenced by the DocumentReference

Structures: Logical Models

These define data models that represent the domain covered by this implementation guide in more business-friendly terms than the underlying FHIR resources.

CH ELM Laboratory Report

The logical model represents the CH ELM laboratory report as an abstract data model. This data elements are defined by the ordinance of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and are then mapped to the FHIR document structure.


  • The cardinalities in the logical model show the so-called 'best case'. This means that if these data are available, they must be submitted to the FOPH.
  • Since in reality the data is not always available, the CH ELM profiles define which elements are required or optional.
  • See also the concept 'Must Support', which is described on the 'Home' page of this implementation guide

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

CH ELM Composition: Laboratory Report

This CH ELM base profile constrains the Composition resource for the purpose of laboratory test reports.

CH ELM Composition: Laboratory Report Strict

This CH ELM Composition profile constrains that the section codes have corresponding observation value codes

CH ELM DiagnosticReport: Laboratory Report

This CH ELM base profile constrains the DiagnosticReport resource for the purpose of laboratory test reports.

CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report

This CH ELM base profile constrains the Bundle resource for the purpose of laboratory test reports.

CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report (strict)

CH ELM profile for the Bundle resource with a stricter validation mechanism than the base profile via binding strength reinforcement for the leading code element and checking patient name requirements if possible.

CH ELM Observation Component Results: Concentration

Ratio as observation.component result, see also 'Guidance - Laboratory Result'

CH ELM Observation Results for Genotyping

This CH ELM profile constrains the Observation resource for the purpose of laboratory test reports.

CH ELM Observation Results for Genotyping (strict)

CH ELM profile for the Observation resource with a stricter validation mechanism than the base profile via binding strength reinforcement for the leading code element.

CH ELM Observation Results for Microbial susceptibility tests

This CH ELM profile constrains the Observation resource for the purpose of laboratory test reports.

CH ELM Observation Results for Microbial susceptibility tests (strict)

CH ELM profile for the Observation resource with a stricter validation mechanism than the base profile via binding strength reinforcement for the leading code element.

CH ELM Observation Results for Microbiology studies (set)

This CH ELM profile constrains the Observation resource for the purpose of laboratory test reports.

CH ELM Observation Results for Microbiology studies (set) strict

CH ELM profile for the Observation resource with a stricter validation mechanism than the base profile via binding strength reinforcement for the leading code element.

CH ELM Observation Results: Laboratory

This CH ELM base profile constrains the Observation resource for the purpose of laboratory test reports.

CH ELM Observation Results: Ratio

Ratio as observation result, see also 'Guidance - Laboratory Result'

CH ELM Observation Results: Text

Text as observation result, see also 'Guidance - Laboratory Result'

CH ELM Observation Results: Viral Load

Viral Load as observation result, see also 'Guidance - Laboratory Result'

CH ELM Organization: Author

This CH ELM base profile constrains the Organization resource for the author of the laboratory report.

CH ELM Organization: Lab

This CH ELM base profile constrains the Organization resource for the reporting laboratory.

CH ELM Organization: Orderer

This CH ELM base profile constrains the Organization resource for the orderer.

CH ELM Patient

This CH ELM base profile constrains the Patient resource for the purpose of laboratory orders and test reports.

CH ELM Patient HIV

Patient representation for HIV

CH ELM Patient Initials

Patient representation via Initials

CH ELM Patient VCT

Patient representation via a VCT Code

CH ELM Practitioner: Orderer

This CH ELM base profile constrains the Practitioner resource for the orderer.

CH ELM PractitionerRole: Orderer

This profile constrains the PractitionerRole resource for the orderer:

  • orderer organization and/or practitioner must be present
  • a postalCode and city must be present from organization and/or practitioner
CH ELM ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

This CH ELM base profile constrains the ServiceRequest resource for the purpose of laboratory orders.

CH ELM Specimen: Laboratory

This CH ELM base profile constrains the Specimen resource for the purpose of laboratory test reports.

DocumentReference for Publish Response

A profile on the DocumentReference resource for the publication response:

  • must be status current
  • must have an identifier
DocumentReference for sending the report

A profile on the DocumentReference resource with publication constraints:

  • must be status current
  • must have an identifier
  • uses attachment.url to carry the document as a contained resource
  • validation according to
DocumentReference for sending the report with strict validation

A profile on the DocumentReference resource with publication constraints:

  • must be status current
  • must have an identifier
  • uses attachment.url to carry the document as a contained resource
  • strict validation according to
Find Document References Response message

A profile on the Find Document References Response message

Structures: Data Type Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

CH ELM CodeableConcept

This profile represents the constraint applied to the CodeableConcept data type by this IG to use the 'CH ELM CodeableConcept' data type profile.

CH ELM Coding

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Coding data type by this IG used in the 'CH ELM Coding' data type profile.

Human Name

Name with extensions for data-absent-reason

IDN Identifier

Identifier holding the IDN Liechtenstein. It is a 13-digit number without check digit and without special characters.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

CH ELM Extension: Department

This CH ELM extension enables the representation of a department (name) of an organization directly in the resource Organization itself.

CH ELM Extension: HIV code

This CH ELM extension enables to proivde the HIV Code.

CH ELM Extension: VCT code

This CH ELM extension enables to proivde the VCT Code.

Status of the processing of the document

Extension to define the status of the processing of the document

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

CH ELM Expecting Organism Specification

This CH ELM value set includes the leading codes for the laboratory test results, which have to be completed by another code for the expecting organism.

CH ELM Expecting Specimen Specification

This CH ELM value set includes the leading codes for the laboratory test results, which have to be completed by another code for the expecting specimen.

CH ELM FOPH Patient Name Representation

This CH ELM resource defines the codes which identify possible patient name schemas to be used.

CH ELM Interpretation Codes AVIDITY

This CH ELM value set includes the code for avidity interpretation code(s).

CH ELM Interpretation Codes Positive

This CH ELM value set includes the code for positive interpretation code(s).

CH ELM Interpretation Codes Positive and Negative

This CH ELM value set includes the code for positive and negative interpretation code(s).

CH ELM Interpretation Codes Resistant

This CH ELM value set includes the code for resistant interpretation code(s).

CH ELM Interpretation Codes Resistant and Susceptible

This CH ELM value set includes the code for resistant and susceptible interpretation code(s).

CH ELM Interpretation Codes SERO

This CH ELM value set includes the code for sero interpretation code(s).

CH ELM Interpretation Codes TITER

This CH ELM value set includes the code for titer interpretation code(s).

CH ELM Interpretation Codes Vs

This CH ELM value set includes the value set URLs as interpretation codes to map in the concept maps the leading codes.

CH ELM Lab Study Types

This CH ELM value set includes the codes for the laboratory specialties.

CH ELM Observation Profile Vs

This CH ELM value set includes the profile URLs as codes to map in the concept maps the leading codes, which specify how the observation value must be provided.

CH ELM Results Antibiotic Tb

The "ch elm results antibiotic tb" group provides a curated set of codes representing specific antibiotics. Each code within this group is selected to ensure consistency and accuracy for medical coding related to the primary LOINC codes. Clients using the "ch elm results antibiotic tb" group should refer to the provided codes to ensure they capture and report antibiotic information correctly and consistently

CH ELM Results Bot Org

The "CH ELM Results Bot Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Bot Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Bot Spec

The "CH ELM Results Bot Spec" material group provides a curated set of codes representing specific materials. Each code within this group is selected to ensure consistency and accuracy for medical coding related to the primary LOINC codes. Clients using the "CH ELM Results Bot Spec" group should refer to the provided codes to ensure they capture and report material information correctly and consistently.

CH ELM Results Bru Org

The "CH ELM Results Bru Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Bru Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Camp Diar Org

The "CH ELM Results Camp Diar Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Camp Diar Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Camp Org

The "CH ELM Results Camp Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Camp Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Chol Org

The "CH ELM Results Chol Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Chol Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Cjd Org

The "CH ELM Results Cjd Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Cjd Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Coded Values Laboratory

This CH ELM value set includes the codes for the laboratory test results (presence/absence).

CH ELM Results Complete Spec

The "CH ELM Results Complete Spec" material group provides a curated set of codes representing specific materials. Each code within this group is selected to ensure consistency and accuracy for medical coding related to the primary LOINC codes. Clients using the "CH ELM Results Complete Spec" group should refer to the provided codes to ensure they capture and report material information correctly and consistently.

CH ELM Results Completion Vs

This CH ELM value set includes the value set URLs as codes to map in the concept maps the leading codes, which must be completed with additional codes.

CH ELM Results Component Antibiotic for CPE

The "CH ELM Results Component Antibitics" oprovides a curated set of codes representing specific antibiotics.

CH ELM Results Component Gene CPE

The "CH ELM Results Component Gene CPE" provides a curated set of codes representing specific genes.

CH ELM Results Component Vs

This CH ELM value set includes the value set URLs as codes to map in the concept maps the leading codes

CH ELM Results Diph Org

The "CH ELM Results Diph Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Diph Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Diph Spec

The "CH ELM Results Diph Spec" material group provides a curated set of codes representing specific materials. Each code within this group is selected to ensure consistency and accuracy for medical coding related to the primary LOINC codes. Clients using the "CH ELM Results Diph Spec" group should refer to the provided codes to ensure they capture and report material information correctly and consistently.

CH ELM Results Ebol Org

The "CH ELM Results Ebol Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Ebol Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Ehec Org

The "CH ELM Results Ehec Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Ehec Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Ehec Tox Org

The "CH ELM Results Ehec Tox Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Ehec Tox Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Gene Tb

The "CH ELM Results Gene Tb" group provides a curated set of codes representing specific genotypes. Each code within this group is selected to ensure consistency and accuracy for medical coding related to the primary LOINC codes. Clients using the "CH ELM Results Gene Tb" group should refer to the provided codes to ensure they capture and report antibiotic information correctly and consistently

CH ELM Results Geni Spec

The "CH ELM Results Geni Spec" material group provides a curated set of codes representing specific materials. Each code within this group is selected to ensure consistency and accuracy for medical coding related to the primary LOINC codes. Clients using the "CH ELM Results Geni Spec" group should refer to the provided codes to ensure they capture and report material information correctly and consistently.

CH ELM Results Haem Org

The "CH ELM Results Haem Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Haem Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Hanta Org

The "CH ELM Results Hanta Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Hanta Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Hiv Org

The "CH ELM Results Hiv Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Hiv Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Inf Org

The "CH ELM Results Inf Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Inf Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Influenza Hxny Org

The "CH ELM Results Influenza Hxny Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Influenza Hxny Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Laboratory Observation

This CH ELM value set includes the codes for the laboratory test results (organism).

CH ELM Results Laboratory Observation Complete

This CH ELM value set includes the codes for every type of laboratory test results (organism detection, genotyping, susceptibility).

CH ELM Results Laboratory Observation Genotyping

This CH ELM value set includes the codes for the laboratory genotyping test results.

CH ELM Results Laboratory Observation Susceptibility

This CH ELM value set includes the codes for the laboratory Susceptibility test results.

CH ELM Results Leg Org

The "CH ELM Results Leg Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Leg Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Lis Org

The "CH ELM Results Lis Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Lis Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Mal Org

The "CH ELM Results Mal Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Mal Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Maldi-tof Org

The "CH ELM Results Maldi-tof Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Maldi-tof Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Mea Org

The "CH ELM Results Mea Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Mea Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Men Org

The "CH ELM Results Men Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Men Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Mpox Org

The "CH ELM Results Mpox Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Mpox Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Mpx Ctng

The "CH ELM Results Mpx Ctng" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Mpx Ctng" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Mpx Sash

The "CH ELM Results Mpx Sash" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Mpx Sash" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Mpx Sashec

The "CH ELM Results Mpx Sashec" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Mpx Sashec" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Pneu Org

The "CH ELM Results Pneu Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Pneu Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Sal Org

The "CH ELM Results Sal Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Sal Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Sal Org Complete

The "CH ELM Results Sal Org Complete" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Sal Org Complete" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Shi Org

The "CH ELM Results Shi Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Shi Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Sterile Spec

The "CH ELM Results Sterile Spec" material group provides a curated set of codes representing specific materials. Each code within this group is selected to ensure consistency and accuracy for medical coding related to the primary LOINC codes. Clients using the "CH ELM Results Sterile Spec" group should refer to the provided codes to ensure they capture and report material information correctly and consistently.

CH ELM Results Tub Gen Org

The "CH ELM Results Tub Gen Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Tub Gen Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Tub Org

The "CH ELM Results Tub Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Tub Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Tub Spec

The "CH ELM Results Tub Spec" material group provides a curated set of codes representing specific materials. Each code within this group is selected to ensure consistency and accuracy for medical coding related to the primary LOINC codes. Clients using the "CH ELM Results Tub Spec" group should refer to the provided codes to ensure they capture and report material information correctly and consistently.

CH ELM Results Tul Org

The "CH ELM Results Tul Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Tul Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Results Virus Cult Org

The "CH ELM Results Virus Cult Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Virus Cult Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.

CH ELM Status

This CH ELM value set includes the codes for the laboratory specialities.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

CH ELM FOPH Business Rules

This CH ELM code system describes specific business rules of the FOPH, which are applied during processing. Please note that the set of rules detailed herein only covers processes explicitly declared by the FOPH. Additional rules, not included in this code system, are applied by the FHIR validation logic, resulting in further codes. For more information about these additional codes, consult the official FHIR documentation and the implementation guideline.

CH ELM FOPH Patient Name Representation

This CH ELM resource defines the codes which identify possible patient name schemas to be used.

CH ELM Interpretation Codes Vs

The codes contained in this code system represent URLs of value sets that can be used as target codes in ConceptMaps. These value sets define the codes that are permitted to indicate the observation interpretation in relation to the leading code.

CH ELM Observation Profile Vs

The codes contained in this code system represent URLs of Profile Observations that can be used as target codes in ConceptMaps. These profiles defines the Observation in relation to the leading code.

CH ELM Results Completion Vs

The codes contained in this code system represent URLs of value sets that can be used as target codes in ConceptMaps. These value sets define the codes that are permitted for specifying the organism or specimen in relation to the leading code.

CH ELM Results Component Vs

This CH ELM value set includes the value set URLs as codes to map in the concept maps the leading codes.

Terminology: Naming Systems

These define identifier and/or code system identities used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

IDN Liechtenstein

The IDN is a unique identification number generated for each person with health insurance in Liechtenstein. For more details please visit

Terminology: Concept Maps

These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide.

CH ELM Expecting Organism Specification To Results Completion Vs

This CH ELM concept map shows which leading codes have to be completed by an additional code to specify the organism. The target code shows the URL of the value set containing the permitted codes for the organism specification.

CH ELM Expecting Specimen Specification To Results Completion Vs

This CH ELM concept map shows which leading codes have to be completed by an additional code to specify the specimen. The target code shows the URL of the value set containing the permitted codes for the specimen specification.

CH ELM Results Genotype To Component Code

This CH ELM concept map shows for each leading code defining genotype testing results its corresponding genotyp-valueset. The target code shows the URL of the value set containing the permitted genotype codes.

CH ELM Results Genotyping To Component Interpretation Code

This CH ELM concept map specifies the ValuesSet for component.code for each leading code.

CH ELM Results Susceptibility To Component Code

This CH ELM concept map shows for each leading code defining susceptibility testing results its corresponding antibiotic-valueset. The target code shows the URL of the value set containing the permitted antibiotic codes.

CH ELM Results Susceptibility To Component Interpretation Code

This CH ELM concept map specifies the ValuesSet for component.code for each leading code.

CH ELM Results Susceptibility To Component Observation Profile

This CH ELM concept map specifies the ValuesSet for component.code for each leading code.

CH ELM Results To FOPH Patient Name Representation

This CH ELM concept map specifies the required mode of patient representation for each leading code. It determines whether the full name, initials, or a unique code (e.g., for HIV patients) should be used, based on the specific LOINC code associated with the laboratory data. This ensures consistent and appropriate handling of patient identity in accordance with the type of pathogen reported.

CH ELM Results To Interpretation Code

This CH ELM concept map specifies the interpretation codes for each leading code. E.g. if positive, positive and negative or resistant-susceptible values are allowed

CH ELM Results To Observation Profile

This CH ELM concept map specifies the observation profile for each leading code

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

1 Doc - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Example for a CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report (where the 'Lab' is the same as the 'Author')

10Doc - Legionella

Example Document for Legionella

11Doc - Malaria

Example Document for Malaria

12Doc - Monkeypox

Example Document for Monkeypox

13Doc - Shigella

Example Document for Shigella

14Doc - Neisseria meningitidis - confirmation test

Example Document for a confirmation test of Neisseria meningitidis by secondary lab (reference laboratory)

15Doc - Measles Seroconversion

Example Document Measles Seroconversion

16Doc - Dengue Titer

Example Document Dengue with high IgG Ab-Titer

17Doc - Neisseria meningitidis – microscopic finding

Example Document for a microscopic observation of Neisseria meningitidis by primary lab

18Doc - Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Example Document for Corynebacterium diphtheriae with specimen specification

19Doc - Streptococcus pneumoniae

Example Document for Streptococcus pneumoniae

1Comp - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Example for a CH ELM Composition: Laboratory Report

1DR - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Example for a CH ELM DiagnosticReport: Laboratory Report

1Doc - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Example for a CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report (where the 'Lab' is the same as the 'Author')

1Obs - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Example for a CH ELM Observation Results: Laboratory

1Org - Kantonsspital ABC

Example for a CH ELM Organization: Orderer

1Org - Labor

Example for a CH ELM Organization: Lab and Author

1PR - Monika Giacometti @ Kantonsspital ABC

Example for a CH ELM PractitionerRole: Orderer

1PR - Monika Giacometti @ Kantonsspital ABC

Example for a CH ELM PractitionerRole: Orderer where the organization is not known, only the prtactitioner

1Pat - DM

Example for a CH ELM Patient (only with initials)

1Pract - Giacometti

Example for a CH ELM Practitioner: Orderer where only the name, plz and city is known

1Pract - Monika Giacometti

Example for a CH ELM Practitioner: Orderer

1SR - Order

Example for a CH ELM ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

1Spec - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Example for a CH ELM Specimen: Laboratory

1bComp - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Example for a CH ELM Composition: Laboratory Report

1bDR - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Example for a CH ELM DiagnosticReport: Laboratory Report

1bDoc - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Example for a CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report (where the 'Lab' is NOT the same as the 'Author' -> Broker Scenario)

1bObs - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Example for a CH ELM Observation Results: Laboratory

1bOrg - Broker

Example for a CH ELM Organization: Author

1bOrg - Labor

Example for a CH ELM Organization: Lab

1bSR - Order

Example for a CH ELM ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

1bSpec - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Example for a CH ELM Specimen: Laboratory

1cDR - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Example for a CH ELM DiagnosticReport: Laboratory Report

1cSR - Order

Example for a CH ELM ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

20Doc - Vibrio cholerae

Example Document for Vibrio cholerae

21Doc - Hepatite E

Example Document for Hepatite E

22Doc - Haemophilus influenzae

Example Document for Haemophilus influenzae

23Doc - Francisella tularensis with organism specification

Example Document for Francisella tularensis with organism specification

24Doc - Chikungunya fever

Example Document for Chikungunya fever

25Doc - Tick-borne encephalitis

Example Document for Tick-borne encephalitis

26Doc - Hepatite A

Example Document for Hepatite A

28Doc - Listeria monocytogenes

Example Document for Listeria monocytogenes

29Doc - Rubella

Example Document for Rubella

2Doc - Chlamydia Trachomatis

Example for a CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report (collection material in addition to the leading LOINC code, with references/fullUrls as UUIDs)

2Doc - Chlamydia Trachomatis (VCT)

Example for a CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report collection material in addition to the leading LOINC code and Patient with Patient VCT code

30Doc - Salmonella enteritidis

Example Document for Salmonella enteritidis

32Doc - Rubella avidity

Example Document for reporting a rubella avidity

33Doc - Salmonella valueString

Example Document for Salmonella reporting a (new) serotype for which no coding exists

34Doc - Brucella

Example Document for Brucella

35Doc CJD

Example Document for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

36Doc - Salmonella paratyphi

Example Document for Salmonella paratyphi

37Doc - Zika

Example Document for Zika

38Doc - Anthrax

Example Document for Bacillus anthracis

39Doc - Botulism

Example Document for Clostridium botulinum

40Doc - Crimean-Congo

Example Document for Crimean-congo virus

41Doc - Ebola

Example Document for Ebola virus

42Doc - Lassa

Example Document for Lassa virus

43Doc - Marburg

Example Document for Marburg virus

44Doc - MERS-CoV

Example Document for MERS coronavirus

45Doc - SARS-CoV

Example Document for Sars coronavirus

46Doc - Yersinia pestis

Example Document for Yersinia pestis

47Doc - Variola

Example Document for Variola

48Doc - Monkeypox Clade

Example Document for Monkeypox Clade

49Doc - HIV

Example Document for HIV

4Doc - Campylobacter coli

Example for a CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report

50Doc - HIV-viremia

Example Document for reporting a physical quantity value

51Doc - Gelbfieber

Example Document for Yellow fever-virus

52Doc - Hantavirus

Example Document for Hanta-virus

53Doc - Influenza HxNy

Example Document for Influenza A virus reporting a specific subtype

54Doc - Poliomyelitis

Example Document for Polio

55Doc - Tollwut

Example Document for Rabies-virus

56Doc - Trichinella spiralis

Example Document for Trichinella

57Doc - West Nile

Example Document for West-Nile-Fever-virus using an organism-specification code

58Doc - Coxiella

Example Document for reporting titer ratio

59Doc - EHEC

Example Document for reporting EHEC toxin

5Doc - Treponema pallidum

Example for a CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report (SNOMED CT as leading code)

61Doc - Tuberculosis Susceptibility

Example document for reporting microbial susceptibility pannels (antibiograms)

63Doc - Tuberculosis Genotyping

Example document for reporting genotyping analysis (resistance mutation)


Example document for reporting mycobacterium culture

6Doc - Influenza

Example for a CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report

7Doc - SARS-CoV-2

Example for a CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report (document in French, patient with full name)

8Doc - HepatiteB

Document for Hepatite B

9Doc - HepatiteC

Example Document for Hepatite C

Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae

Example Document for reporting Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae

Example of a Find Document References Response Message

Example of a Find Document References Bundle Search Set with a single DocumentReference

Org - Hôpital régional soleil

Example for a CH ELM Organization: Orderer

Org - Praxis Dr. Hauser

Example for a CH ELM Organization: Orderer

Org: Orderer with BER and UIDB

Example for a CH ELM Organization: Orderer

PR - Jeanne Moreau @ Hôpital régional soleil

Example for a CH ELM PractitionerRole: Orderer

PR - Peter Hauser @ Praxis Dr. Hauser

Example for a CH ELM PractitionerRole: Orderer

Pat - Antoine Dupont

Example for a CH ELM Patient - full name

Pat - E5

Example for a CH ELM Patient - special case HIV/AIDS

Pat - ET

Example for a CH ELM Patient - initials

Pat - Ernst Karl Tanner

Example for a CH ELM Patient - full name (and full address)

Pat - Lilly Liechtenstein

Example for a CH ELM Patient - IDN Liechtenstein

Pat - VCT

Example for a CH ELM Patient with VCT Code

Pract - Jeanne Moreau

Example for a CH ELM Practitioner: Orderer

Pract - Peter Hauser

Example for a CH ELM Practitioner: Orderer

Publish 1Doc-NeisseriaGonorrhoeae

Reporting Neisseria Gonorhoeae

Publish 1Doc-NeisseriaGonorrhoeae (Strict)

Reporting Neisseria Gonorhoeae

Publish 1cDoc-NeisseriaGonorrhoeae (Strict)

Reporting Neisseria Gonorhoeae with minimal orderer information (name, plz, city)

Publish 2Doc-ChlamydiaTrachomatis (Strict)

Reporting Chlamydia Trachomatis

Publish 2Doc-ChlamydiaTrachomatis (Strict)

Reporting Chlamydia Trachomatis

Publish 2Doc-ChlamydiaTrachomatis with Patient VCT Code

Reporting Chlamydia Trachomatis

Publish 2Doc-ChlamydiaTrachomatis with Patient VCT Code (Strict)

Reporting Chlamydia Trachomatis

Publish 4Doc-Campylobacter

Reporting Campylobacter coli

Publish 5Doc-TreponemaPallidum

Reporting Treponema pallidum

Publish 6Doc-Influenza

Reporting Influenza

Publish 7Doc-SARSCoV2

Reporting SARSCoV2

Publish Response for Neisseria Gonorhoeae completed

Reporting Neisseria Gonorhoeae

Publish Response for Neisseria Gonorhoeae failed

Reporting Neisseria Gonorhoeae

Publish Response for Neisseria Gonorhoeae in progress

Reporting Neisseria Gonorhoeae

Test92 - Warning for Ber Uid and Gln

Test script to verify if incorrect BerUid Gln are detected with warnings

Test92 Bundle - Bundle provoking warning for Ber Uid and Gln

Test bundle to verify if incorrect BerUid Gln are detected with warnings

Test93 Bundle - DocumentReference with contained Bundle provoking error for full name for Influenca (must be initials)

Test DocumentReference with contained Bundle provoking error for full name for Influenca (must be initials)

Test93 Error if full name is provided by Influenca (should be initials)

Test script to verify error if full name is provided by Influenca (must be initials)

Test94 - If warning is ignored for Binding for path (.+) has no source

Test script to verify if warning is ignored for Binding for path (.+) has no source

Test97 Bundle - Coxiella without titer ratio which should raise an error

Coxiella without titer ratio which should raise an error

Test98 - Verify that error for invalid hiv code is raised

Test script to verify if error is raised for an invalid hiv code

Test99 Bundle - Coxiella without zero denominator should raise an error

Coxiella with zero denomiator should raise an error



These are resources that are used within this implementation guide that do not fit into one of the other categories.
