1.9.1 - release Switzerland flag

This page is part of the Observations of notifiable communicable infectious diseases (v1.9.1: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Logical Model

Generated Narrative: StructureDefinition LaboratoryReport

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. LaboratoryReport 0..*Element
Elements defined in Ancestors:@id, extension
Laborbericht basierend auf der SR 818.101.126 Verordnung des EDI über die Meldung von Beobachtungen übertragbarer Krankheiten des Menschen (
... Header 1..1ElementDocument information
.... DocumentIdentifier 1..1IdentifierPersistent, unique identifier for the document
.... DocumentTimestamp 1..1dateTimeTimestamp of the document
.... DocumentLanguage 1..1codeLanguage of the document content
.... DocumentTitle 1..1stringHuman Readable name/title of the document
.... DocumentSectionTitle 1..1stringHuman Readable name/title of the section
... Author 1..1ElementAuthor of the document (may be identical with Lab)
.... OrganizationGLN 1..1IdentifierGlobal location number (GLN) of the authoring/sending organization
... Lab 1..1ElementNotifiable laboratory that performed the laboratory test -> Art. 4 Abs. 2 (Meldepflichtiges Laboratorium)
.... OrganizationGLN 1..1IdentifierGlobal location number (GLN) of the laboratory organization
.... OrganizationName 1..1stringName of the laboratory organization
.... OrderIdentifier 1..1IdentifierIdentifier assigned to this order by the testing laboratory
... Orderer 1..1ElementOrderer of the laboratory test -> Art. 4 Abs. 3 (Auftraggebende Ärztin oder auftraggebender Arzt und Betrieb in dem sie oder er tätig ist)
.... OrganizationBER 0..1IdentifierBusiness and Enterprise Register (BER) of the ordering organization
.... OrganizationUIDB 0..1IdentifierUnique Identification Business (UIDB) of the ordering organization
.... OrganizationName 1..1stringName of the ordering organization
.... OrganizationDepartment 1..1stringDepartment where the laboratory test is ordered
.... Physician 1..1ElementOrdering physician
..... GLN 1..1IdentifierGlobal location number (GLN) of the physician
..... ZSR 0..1IdentifierUnique Identification (ZSR/RCC) of the ordering physician
..... Surname 1..1stringSurname physician
..... Givenname 1..1stringGiven name physician
..... Phone 1..1stringPhone number physician
..... Email 1..1stringEmail address physician
.... OrganizationAddress 1..1ElementAddress of the ordering organization
..... StreetLine 1..1stringStreet name, house number
..... PostBox 1..1stringP.O. Box number
..... ZipCode 1..1stringZip code
..... City 1..1stringCity
... Patient 1..1ElementPatient -> Anhang 3 (Angaben zur betrofenen Person)
.... Identifier 1..1IdentifierIdentifier
..... OASI 0..1IdentifierSwitzerland: Old-age and survivors's insurance (OASI) number
..... IDN 0..1IdentifierLiechtenstein: Identification number (IDN)
.... Surname 1..1stringSurname (or initials)
.... Givenname 1..1stringGiven name (or initials)
.... Gender 1..1codeGender
.... DateOfBirth 1..1dateDate of birth
.... Phone 1..1stringPhone number
.... Address 1..1ElementResidence address
..... StreetLine 1..1stringStreet name, house number
..... ZipCode 1..1stringZip code
..... City 1..1stringCity
..... Canton 1..1codeCanton
..... Country 1..1codeCountry
... TestResult 1..1ElementLaboratory result -> Art. 4 Abs. 1 (Die zu meldenden laboranalytischen Befunde) - Anhang 3 (Angaben zum laboranalytischen Befund)
.... StudyType 1..1codeLaboratory study type
.... ExecutionDateTime 1..1dateTimeDate (-time) of test
.... Type 1..1ElementType of test
..... Code 1..1codeCoded data
..... CodeSystem 1..1uriIdentity fo the terminology system
.... Specimen 1..1ElementTest sample
..... CollectionDateTime 1..1dateTimeDate (-time) of sample collection
..... Type 1..1codeCollection material
...... Code 0..1codeCoded data
...... CodeSystem 0..1uriIdentity fo the terminology system
.... Value 1..1ElementAcutal test result
..... Code 1..1codeCoded data
..... CodeSystem 1..1uriIdentity fo the terminology system
.... Interpretation 1..1ElementInterpretation of the test result
..... Code 1..1codeCoded data
..... CodeSystem 1..1uriIdentity fo the terminology system (HL7 ObservationInterpretation)

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