0 Table of Contents |
  1 Home |
  2 Volume 1 |
   2.1 Internet User Authorization (IUA) |
   2.2 Patient Demographics Query for Mobile (PDQm) |
   2.3 Patient Identifier Cross-referencing for mobile (PIXm) |
   2.4 Mobile Access to Health Documents (MHD) with XDS on FHIR |
   2.5 RESTful ATNA |
   2.6 Mobile Care Services Discovery (mCSD) |
  3 Volume 2 |
   3.1 Get Access Token [ITI-71] |
   3.2 Get Authorization Server Metadata [ITI-103] |
   3.3 Mobile Patient Demographics Query [ITI-78] |
   3.4 Mobile Patient Identifier Cross-reference Query [ITI-83] |
   3.5 Patient Identity Feed FHIR [ITI-104] |
   3.6 Provide Document Bundle [ITI-65] |
   3.7 Find Document Lists [ITI-66] |
   3.8 Find Document References [ITI-67] |
   3.9 Retrieve Document [ITI-68] |
   3.10 Record Audit Event [ITI-20] |
   3.11 Find Matching Care Services [ITI-90] |
  4 Appendix |
   4.1 Profiles |
   4.2 Extensions |
   4.3 Terminology |
   4.4 Capability Statements |
   4.5 Operations |
   4.6 Sequence Diagrams |
   4.7 Trace Context |
   4.8 Open Issues / Change Log |
  5 Artifacts Summary |
   5.1 mHealth: App (client) |
   5.2 PDQm Consumer (client) |
   5.3 PDQm Supplier (server) |
   5.4 PIXm Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Consumer (client) |
   5.5 PIXm Patient Identity Source (client) |
   5.6 MHD Document Source (client) |
   5.7 MHD Document Consumer (client) |
   5.8 mHealth: API (server) |
   5.9 PIXm Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager (server) |
   5.10 MHD Document Recipient (server) |
   5.11 MHD Document Responder (server) |
   5.12 mCSD Care Services Selective Supplier (server) |
   5.13 mCSD Care Services Selective Consumer (client) |
   5.14 ATNA Audit Creator (client) |
   5.15 ATNA Audit Record Repository (server) |
   5.16 PIXm Find patient matches |
   5.17 CH PIXm IN Parameters |
   5.18 CH PIXm OUT Parameters |
   5.19 CH PDQm Patient |
   5.20 CH PIXm Patient Feed |
   5.21 CH PDQm Provider Organization |
   5.22 CH MHD Provide Document Bundle Comprehensive |
   5.23 CH MHD SubmissionSet Comprehensive |
   5.24 CH MHD DocumentReference Comprehensive |
   5.25 CH MHD Provide Document Bundle Comprehensive Response |
   5.26 CH MHD SubmissionSet Comprehensive Bundle |
   5.27 CH MHD Find Document References Comprehensive Response message |
   5.28 CH mCSD Organization |
   5.29 CH mCSD Practitioner |
   5.30 CH mCSD PractitionerRole |
   5.31 CH PDQm OperationOutcome More Attributes Requested |
   5.32 CH PDQm Query Patient Resource Response message |
   5.33 CH EPR mHealth HumanName |
   5.34 CH EPR mHealth BirthName |
   5.35 Oid Identifier |
   5.36 CH Extension Author AuthorRole |
   5.37 CH Extension Deletion Status |
   5.38 CH PDQm ValueSet More Attributes Requested |
   5.39 IHE XCPD Codesystem more attributes requested |
   5.40 CH Codesystem PDQ More Attributes Requested |
   5.41 PIXm Parameters Query Input |
   5.42 PIXm Parameters Query Output |
   5.43 PIXm Patient Feed |
   5.44 PDQm Patient Franz Muster (Full URL) |
   5.45 PDQm Provider Organization Gruppenpraxis |
   5.46 MHD Provide Document Bundle for MedicationCard |
   5.47 PDQm Query response message |
   5.48 PDQm Query response message too many results |
   5.49 MHD SubmissionSet (List) for MedicationCard |
   5.50 MHD DocumentReference for MedicationCard |
   5.51 MHD Provide Document Bundle Response for MedicationCard |
   5.52 MHD Find DocumentSubmissionSet (List) |
   5.53 MHD Find DocumentReferences |
   5.54 ATNA Audit Event for Provide Bundle Transaction at Source |
   5.55 PDQm OperationOutcome More Attributes Requested Example |
   5.56 mCSD Practitioner Dr. Peter Pan |
   5.57 mCSD Organization Spital X |
   5.58 mCSD Organization Spital X Dept. 3 |
   5.59 mCSD Organization Praxis P |
   5.60 mCSD PractitionerRole Dr. Peter Pan at Spital X Dept. 3 |
   5.61 mCSD PractitionerRole Dr. Peter Pan at Praxis P |
   5.62 mCSD Find Matching Care Services Response Bundle |