CH EPR mHealth (R4)
3.0.0 - DSTU3 Switzerland flag

This page is part of the CH EPR mHealth (R4) (v3.0.0: DSTU3) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions


  • CH MHD DocumentReference Comprehensive

    CH MHD Profile on CH Core DocumentReference

  • CH MHD Find Document References Comprehensive Response message

    A profile on the Find Document References Comprehensive Response message for ITI-68

  • CH MHD Provide Document Bundle Comprehensive

    IHE MHD profile on Provide Document Bundle (ITI-65) transaction with Comprehensive Metadata for the Swiss EPR.

  • CH MHD Provide Document Bundle Comprehensive Response

    IHE MHD profile on Response of Provide Document Bundle (ITI-65) transaction with Comprehensive Metadata.

  • CH MHD SubmissionSet Comprehensive

    CH MHD SubmissionSet Comprehensive

  • CH MHD SubmissionSet Comprehensive Bundle

    CH MHD SubmissionSet Comprehensive Bundle response [ITI-66]

  • CH PDQm OperationOutcome More Attributes Requested

    A profile on the OperationOutcome for indicating which additional attributes are requested to lower the results number.

  • CH PDQm Patient

    The patient demographics and identifier information which can be provided in the PDQm response according to the EPR. If the patient is already registered in a community, the MPI-PID SHALL be provided as an identifier. The EPR-SPID as an identifier MAY be added. The birthname can be added with the ISO 21090 qualifier extension.

  • CH PDQm Provider Organization


  • CH PDQm Query Patient Resource Response message

    A profile on the Query Patient Resource Response message for ITI-78

  • CH PIXm IN Parameters

    The StructureDefinition defines the Input Parameters for the $ihe-pix operation: - Input: sourceIdentifier, targetSystem

  • CH PIXm OUT Parameters

    The StructureDefinition defines the Output Parameters for the $ihe-pix operation:

  • CH PIXm Patient Feed

    The patient demographics and identifier information which can be provided in the PIXm Feed according to the EPR. The EPR-SPID as an identifier SHALL be added. The birthname can be added with the ISO 21090 qualifier extension.

  • CH mCSD Organization

    CH mCSD profile on Organization

  • CH mCSD Practitioner

    CH mCSD profile on Practitioner

  • CH mCSD PractitionerRole

    CH mCSD profile on PractitionerRole