This page is part of the Observations of notifiable communicable infectious diseases (v1.9.1: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Mappings for the ch-elm-practitioner-orderer resource profile.
ChElmPractitionerOrderer |
Practitioner | |
name | eCH-0011: nameData |
family | eCH-0010: lastName |
extension (ech11name) | eCH-0011: officialName, originalName, allianceName, nameOnForeignPassport, aliasName, otherName, declaredForeignName |
given | eCH-0010: firstName equivalent to callName of eCH-0011 |
extension (ech11firstname) | eCH-0011: officialFirstName, callName, allianceName, firstNameOnForeignPassport, declaredForeignFirstName |
prefix | eCH-0010: mrMrs, title |
telecom | eCH-0046: Contact |
telecom (email) | eCH-0046: email |
system | eCH-0046: emailType |
value | eCH-0046: emailAddress |
use | eCH-0046: emailCategory/otherEmailCategory |
extension (emailCategory) | eCH-0046: emailCategory |
period | eCH-0046: validity |
start | eCH-0046: dateFrom |
end | eCH-0046: dateTo |
telecom (phone) | eCH-0046: phone |
system | eCH-0046: phoneType |
value | eCH-0046: phoneNumber |
use | eCH-0046: phoneCategory/otherPhoneCategory |
extension (phoneCategory) | eCH-0046: phoneNumberCategory |
period | eCH-0046: validity |
start | eCH-0046: dateFrom |
end | eCH-0046: dateTo |
telecom (internet) | eCH-0046: internet |
address | eCH-0010: addressInformation |
line | |
extension (addressLine1) | eCH-0010: addressLine1 |
extension (addressLine2) | eCH-0010: addressLine2 |
extension (street) | eCH-0010: street |
extension (streetName) | eCH-0010: streetName |
extension (houseNumber) | eCH-0010: houseNumber |
extension (unitID) | eCH-0010: dwellingNumber |
extension (postOfficeBoxText) | eCH-0010: postOfficeBoxText |
extension (postOfficeBoxNumber) | eCH-0010: postOfficeBoxNumber |
city | eCH-0010: town |
district | eCH-0010: locality |
state | eCH-0010: locality |
postalCode | eCH-0010: swissZipCode, swissZipCodeAddOn, swissZipCodeId, foreignZipCode |
country | eCH-0010: country |
gender | eCH-0011: sex. sexType, BFS-33, see ConceptMap |
birthDate | eCH-0011: birthData, BFS-31 |
communication | eCH-0011: languageOfCorrespondance: de, fr, it, rm = Rhaeto-Romance, en, other languages ISO 639-1 |
ChElmPractitionerOrderer |
Practitioner | PRD (as one example) |
identifier | PRD-7 (or XCN.1) |
identifier (GLN) | CX / EI (occasionally, more often EI maps to a resource id or a URL) |
identifier (ZSR) | CX / EI (occasionally, more often EI maps to a resource id or a URL) |
name | XPN |
use | XPN.7, but often indicated by which field contains the name |
text | implied by XPN.11 |
family | XPN.1/FN.1 |
given | XPN.2 + XPN.3 |
prefix | XPN.5 |
suffix | XPN/4 |
period | XPN.13 + XPN.14 |
telecom | PRT-15, STF-10, ROL-12 |
telecom (email) | XTN |
system | XTN.3 |
value | XTN.1 (or XTN.12) |
use | XTN.2 - but often indicated by field |
rank | n/a |
period | N/A |
start | DR.1 |
end | DR.2 |
telecom (phone) | XTN |
system | XTN.3 |
value | XTN.1 (or XTN.12) |
use | XTN.2 - but often indicated by field |
rank | n/a |
period | N/A |
start | DR.1 |
end | DR.2 |
telecom (internet) | XTN |
address | XAD |
use | XAD.7 |
type | XAD.18 |
text | XAD.1 + XAD.2 + XAD.3 + XAD.4 + XAD.5 + XAD.6 |
line | XAD.1 + XAD.2 (note: XAD.1 and XAD.2 have different meanings for a company address than for a person address) |
city | XAD.3 |
district | XAD.9 |
state | XAD.4 |
postalCode | XAD.5 |
country | XAD.6 |
period | XAD.12 / XAD.13 + XAD.14 |
gender | STF-5 |
birthDate | STF-6 |
qualification | CER? |
communication | PID-15, NK1-20, LAN-2 |
ChElmPractitionerOrderer |
Practitioner | Entity. Role, or Act, Role |
text | Act.text? |
contained | N/A |
extension | N/A |
modifierExtension | N/A |
identifier | ./id |
identifier (GLN) | n/a, II - The Identifier class is a little looser than the v3 type II because it allows URIs as well as registered OIDs or GUIDs. Also maps to Role[classCode=IDENT] |
identifier (ZSR) | n/a, II - The Identifier class is a little looser than the v3 type II because it allows URIs as well as registered OIDs or GUIDs. Also maps to Role[classCode=IDENT] |
active | ./statusCode |
name | n/a, EN (actually, PN) |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
use | unique(./use) |
text | ./formatted |
family | ./part[partType = FAM] |
given | ./part[partType = GIV] |
extension (dataabsentreason) | ANY.nullFlavor |
prefix | ./part[partType = PFX] |
extension (salutationandtitle) | ENXP.qualifier |
suffix | ./part[partType = SFX] |
period | ./usablePeriod[type="IVL<TS>"] |
telecom | ./telecom |
telecom (email) | n/a, TEL |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
system | ./scheme |
value | ./url |
use | unique(./use) |
extension (emailCategory) | n/a, N/A |
rank | n/a |
period | ./usablePeriod[type="IVL<TS>"] |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
start | ./low |
end | ./high |
telecom (phone) | n/a, TEL |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
system | ./scheme |
value | ./url |
use | unique(./use) |
extension (phoneCategory) | n/a, N/A |
rank | n/a |
period | ./usablePeriod[type="IVL<TS>"] |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
start | ./low |
end | ./high |
telecom (internet) | n/a, TEL |
address | n/a, AD |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
use | unique(./use) |
type | unique(./use) |
text | ./formatted |
line | AD.part[parttype = AL] |
extension | |
extension (addressLine1) | |
id | n/a |
url | N/A |
value[x] | N/A |
value[x] (valueCode) | N/A |
extension (addressLine2) | |
id | n/a |
url | N/A |
value[x] | N/A |
value[x] (valueCode) | N/A |
extension (street) | |
id | n/a |
url | N/A |
value[x] | N/A |
value[x] (valueCode) | N/A |
extension (streetName) | ADXP[partType=STR] |
extension (houseNumber) | ADXP[partType=BNR] |
extension (unitID) | ADXP[partType=UNID] |
extension (postOfficeBoxText) | |
id | n/a |
url | N/A |
value[x] | N/A |
value[x] (valueCode) | N/A |
extension (postOfficeBoxNumber) | ADXP[partType=POB] |
city | AD.part[parttype = CTY] |
district | AD.part[parttype = CNT | CPA] |
state | AD.part[parttype = STA] |
postalCode | AD.part[parttype = ZIP] |
country | AD.part[parttype = CNT] |
extension (countrycode) | SC.code |
period | ./usablePeriod[type="IVL<TS>"] |
gender | ./administrativeGender |
birthDate | ./birthTime |
photo | ./subjectOf/ObservationEvent[code="photo"]/value |
qualification | .playingEntity.playingRole[classCode=QUAL].code |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
identifier | .playingEntity.playingRole[classCode=QUAL].id |
code | .playingEntity.playingRole[classCode=QUAL].code |
period | .playingEntity.playingRole[classCode=QUAL].effectiveTime |
issuer | .playingEntity.playingRole[classCode=QUAL].scoper |
communication | ./languageCommunication |
ChElmPractitionerOrderer |
Practitioner | Provider |
identifier | ./Identifiers |
identifier (GLN) | Identifier |
identifier (ZSR) | Identifier |
name | ProviderName |
use | ./NamePurpose |
family | ./FamilyName |
given | ./GivenNames |
prefix | ./TitleCode |
period | ./StartDate and ./EndDate |
telecom | ./ContactPoints |
telecom (email) | ContactPoint |
system | ./ContactPointType |
value | ./Value |
use | ./ContactPointPurpose |
period | ./StartDate and ./EndDate |
telecom (phone) | ContactPoint |
system | ./ContactPointType |
value | ./Value |
use | ./ContactPointPurpose |
period | ./StartDate and ./EndDate |
telecom (internet) | ContactPoint |
address | Address |
use | ./AddressPurpose |
line | ./StreetAddress (newline delimitted) |
city | ./Jurisdiction |
state | ./Region |
postalCode | ./PostalIdentificationCode |
country | ./Country |
period | ./StartDate and ./EndDate |
gender | ./GenderCode |
birthDate | (not represented in ServD) |
photo | ./ImageURI (only supports the URI reference) |
qualification | ./Qualifications |
code | ./Qualifications.Value |
period | ./Qualifications.StartDate and ./Qualifications.EndDate |
communication | ./Languages.LanguageSpokenCode |