1.3.0 - release Switzerland flag

This page is part of the Observations of notifiable communicable infectious diseases (v1.3.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 FHIR Document (Bundle)
... 3 Logical Model
... 4 Anwendungsfälle
... 5 Guidance
... 6 Profiles
... 7 Extensions
... 8 API
... 9 Terminology
... 10 Changelog
... 11 Business Rules
... 12 Artifacts Summary
.... 12.1 FOPH CapabilityStatement for receiving laboratory reports
.... 12.2 SearchParameter-ch-elm-status
.... 12.3 CH ELM Laboratory Report
.... 12.4 CH ELM Composition: Laboratory Report
.... 12.5 CH ELM DiagnosticReport: Laboratory Report
.... 12.6 CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report
.... 12.7 CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report (strict)
.... 12.8 CH ELM Observation Results: Laboratory
.... 12.9 CH ELM Observation Results: Laboratory (strict)
.... 12.10 CH ELM Organization: Author
.... 12.11 CH ELM Organization: Lab
.... 12.12 CH ELM Organization: Orderer
.... 12.13 CH ELM Patient
.... 12.14 CH ELM Patient HIV
.... 12.15 CH ELM Patient Initials
.... 12.16 CH ELM Patient VCT
.... 12.17 CH ELM Practitioner: Orderer
.... 12.18 CH ELM PractitionerRole: Orderer
.... 12.19 CH ELM ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order
.... 12.20 CH ELM Specimen: Laboratory
.... 12.21 DocumentReference for Publish Response
.... 12.22 DocumentReference for sending the report
.... 12.23 DocumentReference for sending the report with strict validation
.... 12.24 Find Document References Response message
.... 12.25 BER Identifier
.... 12.26 CH ELM CodeableConcept
.... 12.27 CH ELM Coding
.... 12.28 Human Name
.... 12.29 IDN Identifier
.... 12.30 UIDB Identifier
.... 12.31 CH ELM Extension: Department
.... 12.32 CH ELM Extension: HIV code
.... 12.33 CH ELM Extension: VCT code
.... 12.34 Status of the processing of the document
.... 12.35 CH ELM Expecting Organism Specification
.... 12.36 CH ELM Expecting Specimen Specification
.... 12.37 CH ELM FOPH Patient Name Representation
.... 12.38 CH ELM Interpretation Codes Positive
.... 12.39 CH ELM Interpretation Codes Positive and Negative
.... 12.40 CH ELM Interpretation Codes Resistant and Susceptible
.... 12.41 CH ELM Interpretation Codes Vs
.... 12.42 CH ELM Lab Study Types
.... 12.43 CH ELM Observation Interpretation Codes
.... 12.44 CH ELM Results Camp Diar Org
.... 12.45 CH ELM Results Camp Org
.... 12.46 CH ELM Results Coded Values Laboratory
.... 12.47 CH ELM Results Complete Spec
.... 12.48 CH ELM Results Completion Vs
.... 12.49 CH ELM Results Cpe Org
.... 12.50 CH ELM Results Geni Spec
.... 12.51 CH ELM Results Laboratory Observation
.... 12.52 CH ELM Results Leg Org
.... 12.53 CH ELM Results Sal Org
.... 12.54 CH ELM Results Shi Org
.... 12.55 CH ELM Status
.... 12.56 CH ELM FOPH Business Rules
.... 12.57 CH ELM FOPH Patient Name Representation
.... 12.58 CH ELM Interpretation Codes Vs
.... 12.59 CH ELM Results Completion Vs
.... 12.60 IDN Liechtenstein
.... 12.61 CH ELM Expecting Organism Specification To Results Completion Vs
.... 12.62 CH ELM Expecting Specimen Specification To Results Completion Vs
.... 12.63 CH ELM Results To FOPH Patient Name Representation
.... 12.64 CH ELM Results To Interpretation Code
.... 12.65 10Doc - Legionella
.... 12.66 11Doc - Malaria
.... 12.67 12Doc - Monkeypox
.... 12.68 13Doc - Shigella
.... 12.69 1bComp - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
.... 12.70 1bDoc - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
.... 12.71 1bDR - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
.... 12.72 1bObs - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
.... 12.73 1bOrg - Broker
.... 12.74 1bOrg - Labor
.... 12.75 1bSpec - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
.... 12.76 1bSR - Order
.... 12.77 1Comp - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
.... 12.78 1Doc - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
.... 12.79 1DR - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
.... 12.80 1Obs - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
.... 12.81 1Org - Kantonsspital ABC
.... 12.82 1Org - Labor
.... 12.83 1Pat - DM
.... 12.84 1PR - Monika Giacometti @ Kantonsspital ABC
.... 12.85 1Pract - Monika Giacometti
.... 12.86 1Spec - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
.... 12.87 1SR - Order
.... 12.88 2Doc - Chlamydia Trachomatis
.... 12.89 2Doc - Chlamydia Trachomatis (VCT)
.... 12.90 3Doc - Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE)
.... 12.91 4Doc - Campylobacter spp.
.... 12.92 5Doc - Treponema pallidum
.... 12.93 6Doc - Influenza
.... 12.94 7Doc - SARS-CoV-2
.... 12.95 8Doc - HepatiteB
.... 12.96 9Doc - HepatiteC
.... 12.97 DocumentReference for Neisseria Gonorhoeae - falied
.... 12.98 DocumentReference for reporting Chlamydia Trachomatis
.... 12.99 DocumentReference for reporting Chlamydia Trachomatis
.... 12.100 DocumentReference for reporting Chlamydia Trachomatis with Patient VCT Code
.... 12.101 DocumentReference for reporting Chlamydia Trachomatis with Patient VCT Code
.... 12.102 DocumentReference for reporting Neisseria Gonorhoeae
.... 12.103 DocumentReference for reporting Neisseria Gonorhoeae
.... 12.104 DocumentReference for reporting SARSCoV2
.... 12.105 DocumentReference Response for Neisseria Gonorhoeae completed
.... 12.106 DocumentReference Response for Neisseria Gonorhoeae in progress
.... 12.107 Example of a Find Document References Response Message
.... 12.108 Org - Hôpital régional soleil
.... 12.109 Org - Praxis Dr. Hauser
.... 12.110 Org: Orderer with BER and UIDB
.... 12.111 Pat - Antoine Dupont
.... 12.112 Pat - E5
.... 12.113 Pat - Ernst Karl Tanner
.... 12.114 Pat - ET
.... 12.115 Pat - Lilly Liechtenstein
.... 12.116 Pat - VCT
.... 12.117 PR - Jeanne Moreau @ Hôpital régional soleil
.... 12.118 PR - Peter Hauser @ Praxis Dr. Hauser
.... 12.119 Pract - Jeanne Moreau
.... 12.120 Pract - Peter Hauser