CH RAD-Order (R4)
1.0.0 - STU 1

This page is part of the CH RAD-Order (R4) (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

StructureMap: RadOrderQrToBundle

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Draft as of 2022-02-22 Computable Name: RadOrderQrToBundle
map "" = "RadOrderQrToBundle"

// Radiologoy QuestionnaireResponse to Bundle

uses "" alias QuestionnaireResponse as source
uses "" alias Bundle as target
uses "" alias Patient as target
uses "" alias Organization as target
uses "" alias Practitioner as target
uses "" alias PractitionerRole as target
uses "" alias ServiceRequest as target
uses "" alias BackboneElement as target

imports ""

group RadOrderQrToBundle(source qr : QuestionnaireResponse, target bundle : Bundle) {
  qr ->  bundle.identifier as documentIdentifier,  documentIdentifier.system = 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986',  uuid() as uuidDoc,  documentIdentifier.value = ('urn:uuid:' + uuidDoc) "documentIdentifier";
  qr as qrcp ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Composition') as composition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  composition.title = 'Radiologieauftrag',  composition.type as type,  type.coding as coding,  coding.code = '2161000195103',  coding.system = 'urn:oid:2.16.756.',  coding.display = 'Imaging order (record artifact)',  composition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = '721963009',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Order (record artifact)',  bundle.entry as e2,  bundle.timestamp = (now()) as timestamp, = timestamp,  e2.resource = create('Patient') as patient, = uuid() as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid2),  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.resource = qrcp as questionnaireresp, = uuid() as uuid4,  e4.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid4),  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.resource = create('ServiceRequest') as servicerequest, = uuid() as uuid5,  e5.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid5) then {
    qr.questionnaire as can ->  bundle.entry as e6,  e6.resource = (can.resolve()) as q, = uuid() as uuid6,  e6.fullUrl = append('urn:uuid:', uuid6) then QrToBundle(qr, q, patient, questionnaireresp, servicerequest, composition, bundle) "orfbundle";
    qr then RadOrderQrToServiceRequest(qr, patient, bundle, composition, servicerequest) "servicerequest";
  } "orfbundle";

group RadOrderQrToServiceRequest(source qr : QuestionnaireResponse, target patient : Patient, target bundle : Bundle, target composition : Composition, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {
  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'requestedService' then RequestedServiceItems(grp, serviceRequest) "requestedService";
  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'reason' then ReasonServiceItems(grp, serviceRequest) "reason";
  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'imagingService' then ImagingServiceItems(grp, serviceRequest) "imagingService";
  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'orderDetail' then OrderDetailServiceItems(grp, serviceRequest) "orderDetail";
  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'desiredRadiologist' then DesiredRadiologistServiceItems(grp, bundle, serviceRequest) "desiredRadiologist";
  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'diagnosisList' then DiagnosisListServiceItems(grp, patient, bundle, serviceRequest) "diagnosisList";
  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'caveat' then CaveatServiceItems(grp, patient, bundle, serviceRequest) "Caveat";
  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'previousResults' then PreviousImagingStudyResults(grp, bundle, serviceRequest, patient) "previousResults";

group RequestedServiceItems(source src : BackboneElement, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'requestedService.service') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as coding ->  serviceRequest.category as cc,  cc.coding = coding "service";
    } "valueCoding";
  } "answer";

group ReasonServiceItems(source src : BackboneElement, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'reason.question') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : string as value ->  serviceRequest.reasonCode as reasonCode,  reasonCode.text = value "question";
    } "valueString";
  } "answer";

group ImagingServiceItems(source src : BackboneElement, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'imagingService.type') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as coding ->  serviceRequest.code as code,  code.coding = coding "service";
    } "valueCoding";
  } "answer";

group OrderDetailServiceItems(source src : BackboneElement, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'orderDetail.imagingRegion') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as coding ->  serviceRequest.orderDetail as cc,  cc.extension as ext,  ext.url = '',  ext.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = '',  coding.code = 'imagingRegion',  cc.coding = coding "imagingRegion";
    } "valueCoding";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'orderDetail.imagingFocus') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as coding ->  serviceRequest.bodySite as cc,  cc.coding = coding "imagingFocus";
    } "valueCoding";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'orderDetail.laterality') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as coding ->  serviceRequest.orderDetail as cc,  cc.extension as ext,  ext.url = '',  ext.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = '',  coding.code = 'laterality',  cc.coding = coding "laterality";
    } "valueCoding";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'orderDetail.viewType') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as coding ->  serviceRequest.orderDetail as cc,  cc.extension as ext,  ext.url = '',  ext.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = '',  coding.code = 'viewType',  cc.coding = coding "viewType";
    } "valueCoding";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'orderDetail.maneuverType') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as coding ->  serviceRequest.orderDetail as cc,  cc.extension as ext,  ext.url = '',  ext.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = '',  coding.code = 'maneuverType',  cc.coding = coding "maneuverType";
    } "valueCoding";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'orderDetail.guidanceForAction') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as coding ->  serviceRequest.orderDetail as cc,  cc.extension as ext,  ext.url = '',  ext.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = '',  coding.code = 'guidanceForAction',  cc.coding = coding "guidanceForAction";
    } "valueCoding";
  } "answer";

group DesiredRadiologistServiceItems(source src : BackboneElement, target bundle : Bundle, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {
  src ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner, = uuid() as uuid,  serviceRequest.performer as performer,  performer.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid) then {
    src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'desiredRadiologist.familyName') and answer.exists()) -> as name share name, = (item.answer.value);
    src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'desiredRadiologist.givenName') and answer.exists()) -> as name share name,  name.given = (item.answer.value);
  } "performer";

group DiagnosisListServiceItems(source src : BackboneElement, target patient : Patient, target bundle : Bundle, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'diagnosisList.primaryDiagnosis') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : string as value ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.reasonReference as reasonReference,  reasonReference.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.text = value,  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "primaryDiagnosis";
    } "valueString";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'diagnosisList.secondaryDiagnosis') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : string as value ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.text = value,  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "secondaryDiagnosis";
    } "valueString";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'diagnosisList.bodyHeight') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Quantity as value ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Observation') as observation,  observation.status = 'final', = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  observation.status = 'final',  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  observation.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'vital-signs',  coding.system = '',  observation.value = value,  observation.code as cc,  cc.coding as c,  c.system = '',  c.code = '8302-2',  observation.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "bodyHeight";
    } "valueString";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'diagnosisList.bodyWeight') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Quantity as value ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Observation') as observation,  observation.status = 'final', = uuid() as uuid,  observation.status = 'final',  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  observation.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'vital-signs',  coding.system = '',  observation.value = value,  observation.code as cc,  cc.coding as c,  c.system = '',  c.code = '29463-7',  observation.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "bodyWeight";
    } "valueString";
  } "answer";

group CaveatServiceItems(source src : BackboneElement, target patient : Patient, target bundle : Bundle, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.bloodCoagulation') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as value ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '64779008',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Blood coagulation disorder (disorder)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '64779008',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Blood coagulation disorder (disorder)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + then {
        answer.item as subitem where (linkId.value = 'caveat.bloodCoagulation.INR') ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Observation') as observation, = uuid() as uuid,  observation.status = 'final',  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.evidence as evidence,  evidence.detail as detail,  detail.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  observation.code as cc,  cc.coding as c,  c.system = '',  c.code = '34714-6',  observation.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + then {
          subitem.item as quantityitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.bloodCoagulation.INR.quantity') and answer.exists()) then {
            quantityitem.answer as answer then {
              answer.value : Quantity as value -> observation.value = value;
            } "value";
          } "quantity";
          subitem.item as datetimeitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.bloodCoagulation.INR.dateTime') and answer.exists()) then {
            datetimeitem.answer as answer then {
              answer.value : dateTime as value -> observation.effective = value;
            } "value";
          } "dateTime";
        } "INR";
        answer.item as subitem where (linkId.value = 'caveat.bloodCoagulation.platelets') ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Observation') as observation, = uuid() as uuid,  observation.status = 'final',  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.evidence as evidence,  evidence.detail as detail,  detail.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  observation.code as cc,  cc.coding as c,  c.system = '',  c.code = '26515-7',  observation.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + then {
          subitem.item as quantityitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.bloodCoagulation.platelets.quantity') and answer.exists()) then {
            quantityitem.answer as answer then {
              answer.value : Quantity as value -> observation.value = value;
            } "value";
          } "platelets";
          subitem.item as datetimeitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.bloodCoagulation.platelets.dateTime') and answer.exists()) then {
            datetimeitem.answer as answer then {
              answer.value : dateTime as value -> observation.effective = value;
            } "value";
          } "platelets";
        } "INR";
      } "bloodCoagulation";
    } "valueString";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.renalInsufficiency') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as value ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '723188008',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Renal insufficiency (disorder)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '723188008',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Renal insufficiency (disorder)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + then {
        answer.item as subitem where (linkId.value = 'caveat.renalInsufficiency.creatinineClearance') ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Observation') as observation,  observation.status = 'final', = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.evidence as evidence,  evidence.detail as detail,  detail.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  observation.code as cc,  cc.coding as c,  c.system = '',  c.code = '33558-8',  observation.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + then {
          subitem.item as quantityitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.renalInsufficiency.creatinineClearance.quantity') and answer.exists()) then {
            quantityitem.answer as answer then {
              answer.value : Quantity as value -> observation.value = value;
            } "value";
          } "quantity";
          subitem.item as datetimeitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.renalInsufficiency.creatinineClearance.dateTime') and answer.exists()) then {
            datetimeitem.answer as answer then {
              answer.value : dateTime as value -> observation.effective = value;
            } "value";
          } "creatinineClearancedateTime";
        } "INR";
        answer.item as subitem where (linkId.value = 'caveat.renalInsufficiency.creatinine') ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Observation') as observation,  observation.status = 'final', = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.evidence as evidence,  evidence.detail as detail,  detail.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  observation.code as cc,  cc.coding as c,  c.system = '',  c.code = '77140-2',  observation.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + then {
          subitem.item as quantityitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.renalInsufficiency.creatinine.quantity') and answer.exists()) then {
            quantityitem.answer as answer then {
              answer.value : Quantity as value -> observation.value = value;
            } "value";
          } "creatinine";
          subitem.item as datetimeitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.renalInsufficiency.creatinine.dateTime') and answer.exists()) then {
            datetimeitem.answer as answer then {
              answer.value : dateTime as value -> observation.effective = value;
            } "ue";
          } "platelets";
        } "creatinine";
      } "bloodCoagulation";
    } "valueString";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.claustrophobia') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as value ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '19887002',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Claustrophobia (finding)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '19887002',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Claustrophobia (finding)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "claustrophobia";
    } "valueString";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.bodyPiercing') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as value ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '879862001',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Body piercing (finding)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '879862001',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Body piercing (finding)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "bodyPiercing";
    } "valueString";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where (linkId.value = 'caveat.device') ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid) then {
    item.item as subitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.device.choice') and answer.exists()) then {
      subitem.answer as answer then {
        answer.value : Coding as value ->  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '397578001',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Device in situ (finding)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "device";
      } "choise";
      item.item as subitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.device.specifictype') and answer.exists()) then {
        subitem.answer as answer then {
          answer.value : Coding as value ->  condition.code as code,  code.coding = value "devicespecific";
        } "specifictype";
      } "devicespecific";
    } "device";
  } "device";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.hyperthyroidism') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as value ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '34486009',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Hyperthyroidism (disorder)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '34486009',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Hyperthyroidism (disorder)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "hyperthyroidism";
    } "valueString";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.diabetes') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as value ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '73211009',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Diabetes mellitus (disorder)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '73211009',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Diabetes mellitus (disorder)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "diabetes";
    } "valueString";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.gravida') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as value ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '366321006',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Finding of gravida (finding)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '366321006',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Finding of gravida (finding)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "gravida";
    } "valueString";
  } "answer";
  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.contrastMediaAllergy') and answer.exists()) then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as value ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '293637006',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Allergy to contrast media (finding)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '293637006',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Allergy to contrast media (finding)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "contrastMediaAllergy";
    } "valueString";
  } "answer";
  // "caveat.drugPrescription.metformin"
  src.item as item where (linkId.value = 'caveat.drugPrescription') then DesiredRadiologistServiceItemsDrugDescription(item, bundle, serviceRequest, patient) "DrugPrescription";

group DesiredRadiologistServiceItemsDrugDescription(source src : BackboneElement, target bundle : Bundle, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest, target patient : Patient) {
  src.item as item where (linkId.value = 'caveat.drugPrescription.metformin') then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as value ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '182817000',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Drug prescription (situation)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '372567009',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Metformin (substance)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "drugPrescription";
    } "valueString";
  } "metformin";
  src.item as item where (linkId.value = 'caveat.drugPrescription.betaBlocker') then {
    item.answer as answer then {
      answer.value : Coding as value ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '182817000',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Drug prescription (situation)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '373254001',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Substance with beta adrenergic receptor antagonist mechanism of action (substance)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "drugPrescription";
    } "valueString";
  } "betaBlocker";

group PreviousImagingStudyResults(source grp : BackboneElement, target bundle : Bundle, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest, target patient : Patient) {
  grp.item as item where (linkId.value = 'previousResults.imagingStudy') ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('ImagingStudy') as imagingStudy, = uuid() as uuid,  imagingStudy.status = 'available',  imagingStudy.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' +,  e.fullUrl = append('urn:uuid:', uuid),  serviceRequest.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' +,  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid) then {
    item.item as dictomitem where ((linkId.value = 'previousResults.imagingStudy.StudyInstanceUid') and answer.exists()) ->  imagingStudy.identifier as uid,  uid.system = 'urn:dicom:uid',  uid.use = 'official',  uid.value = ('urn:oid:' + dictomitem.answer.value) "uid";
    item.item as dictomitem where ((linkId.value = 'previousResults.imagingStudy.acsn') and answer.exists()) ->  imagingStudy.identifier as acsn,  acsn.type as type,  type.coding as coding,  coding.system = '',  coding.code = 'ACSN',  acsn.use = 'usual',  acsn.value = (dictomitem.answer.value) "acsn";
    item.item as dictomitem where ((linkId.value = 'previousResults.imagingStudy.SeriesInstanceUid') and answer.exists()) -> imagingStudy.series as series then {
      dictomitem.answer as answer then {
        answer.value : string as value -> series.uid = value "uid";
        item.item as dictomitem where ((linkId.value = 'previousResults.imagingStudy.SopInstanceUid') and answer.exists()) -> series.instance as instance then {
          dictomitem.answer as answer then {
            answer.value : string as value -> instance.uid = value "uid";
        } "answer";
      } "series";
    } "imagingStudy";
  } "previousResult";