0 Table of Contents |
  1 Home |
  2 Use Cases |
  3 Anwendungsfälle |
  4 Cas d'application |
  5 Questionnaire Order-Referral-Form |
  6 Modular Form |
  7 Form Population |
  8 Form Data Extraction |
  9 Document |
  10 Profiles |
  11 Extensions |
  12 Terminology |
  13 Changelog |
  14 Artifacts Summary |
   14.1 Module Questionnaire Familydoctor |
   14.2 Module Questionnaire Address |
   14.3 Module Questionnaire Order |
   14.4 Module Questionnaire Receiver |
   14.5 Module Questionnaire Patient |
   14.6 Module Questionnaire Requested Encounter |
   14.7 Module Questionnaire Coverage |
   14.8 Module Questionnaire Sender |
   14.9 Module Questionnaire Receiver Copy |
   14.10 Module Questionnaire Appointment |
   14.11 Module Questionnaire Practitioner Name Tel |
   14.12 Module Questionnaire Initiator |
   14.13 Module Questionnaire Consent |
   14.14 CH ORF Document |
   14.15 CH ORF Composition |
   14.16 CH ORF Questionnaire |
   14.17 CH ORF QuestionnaireResponse |
   14.18 CH ORF ServiceRequest |
   14.19 CH ORF DocumentReference |
   14.20 CH ORF Coverage |
   14.21 CH ORF Location |
   14.22 CH ORF Appointment |
   14.23 CH ORF Requested Encounter |
   14.24 CH ORF Consent |
   14.25 CH ORF Episode of Care |
   14.26 CH ORF Urgent Notification Contact For This Documet |
   14.27 CH ORF Urgent Notification Contact For The Response To This Document |
   14.28 CH ORF Receiver |
   14.29 CH ORF Copy Receiver |
   14.30 CH ORF Location and Time |
   14.31 CH ORF Requested Encounter Details |
   14.32 CH ORF Desired Accommodation |
   14.33 CH ORF Episode of Care |
   14.34 CH ORF Precedent Document |
   14.35 CH ORF Patient Consent |
   14.36 CH ORF Consent Code |
   14.37 CH ORF Consent Note |
   14.38 CH ORF Initiator |
   14.39 Coverage Identifier Type |
   14.40 Appointment Status |
   14.41 Encounter Class |
   14.42 Desired Accommodation |
   14.43 Personal Relation |
   14.44 Legal Relation |
   14.45 Consent Status |
   14.46 Coverage Identifier Type |
   14.47 Consent Status |
   14.48 Map ORF |
   14.49 Bundle Order-Referral-Form |
   14.50 Composition Spitex-Order |
   14.51 Radiology Order |
   14.52 Order External Diagnostics |
   14.53 Composition Order-Referral-Form |
   14.54 SDCModularQuestionnaireExampleForIssue126 |
   14.55 Questionnaire Order-Referral-Form |
   14.56 Questionnaire Order-Referral-Form (Modular version) |
   14.57 QuestionnaireResponse Medical Referral |
   14.58 QuestionnaireResponse Radiology Order |
   14.59 QuestionnaireResponse External Diagnostics Order |
   14.60 ServiceRequest Order-Referral-Form |
   14.61 DocumentReference |
   14.62 Notification Contact Sabine Meier |
   14.63 Sabine Meier @ Praxis Seeblick |
   14.64 Stabilo Boss @ Praxis Seeblick |
   14.65 Hans Röntgen @ Kantonsspital |
   14.66 Spitex |
   14.67 Notification Contact Hans Röntgen |
   14.68 Copy Receiver Sabine Meier @ Praxis Seeblick |
   14.69 Praxis Seeblick |
   14.70 Copy Receiver Praxis Seeblick |
   14.71 Kantonsspital |
   14.72 Sabine Meier |
   14.73 Copy Receiver Sabine Meier |
   14.74 Notification Contact Sabine Meier |
   14.75 Stabilo Boss |
   14.76 Hans Röntgen |
   14.77 Notification Contact Hans Röntgen |
   14.78 Erika Musterfrau |
   14.79 Coverage KVG |
   14.80 Coverage Self (Patient) |
   14.81 Coverage Self (RelatedPerson) |
   14.82 Encounter Emergency |
   14.83 Appointment Pending |
   14.84 Appointment Booked |
   14.85 Appointment Proposed |
   14.86 Location of Appointment |
   14.87 Susanna Ufferer |
   14.88 Max Ufferer |
   14.89 Eisode of Care |
   14.90 Consent |
   14.91 Spital Trubschachen |
   14.92 Florence Amily @ Praxis Allzeitbereit |
   14.93 Samuel Pitex |
   14.94 Thomas Rub |
   14.95 Florence Amily |