1.0.0 - trial-use Switzerland flag

This page is part of the FHIR eMedication exchange formats for the implementation effort of CARA within its EPR community (v1.0.0: STU1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example MedicationStatement: MedicationStatement: Paracetamol Dafalgan Effervescent (MTP)

Generated Narrative: MedicationStatement

Resource MedicationStatement "MedicationStatementParacetamolDafalganEffMtp" (Language "fr-CH")

Profile: MTP MedicationStatement

identifier: id: #urn:uuid:819febad-dc65-4548-a739-00d1b305c265

status: active


code: DAFALGAN cpr eff 500mg (unknown#7680475030011; WHO ATC#N02BE01 "paracetamol")

form: Comprimé effervescent (EDQM - Standard Terms#10222000)

amount: 40 comprimé (Details: SNOMED CT code 732936001 = 'Tablet (unit of presentation)')/1 plaquette (Details: SNOMED CT code 732984005 = 'Blister (unit of presentation)')


*Paracétamol (SNOMED CT#387517004 "Paracetamol (substance)")true500 mg (Details: UCUM code mg = 'mg')/1 comprimé (Details: SNOMED CT code 732936001 = 'Tablet (unit of presentation)')

subject: urn:uuid:9b00e81e-1165-4039-9d60-698ef838ae1a

dateAsserted: 2023-11-04 00:00:00+0200

informationSource: urn:uuid:213d609a-1164-459a-bb10-727516ae3d0c

reasonCode: Difficulté à prendre comprimés pelliculés, substitution par comprimés effervescents. ()


timing: Starting 2023-10-04, , ?ngen-6?, ?ngen-6?, Until 2024-02-10

route: À avaler (EDQM - Standard Terms#20053000 "Oral use")


Generated Narrative: Medication #MedicationParacetamolDafalganEff

code: DAFALGAN cpr eff 500mg (unknown#7680475030011; WHO ATC#N02BE01 "paracetamol")

form: Comprimé effervescent (EDQM - Standard Terms#10222000)

amount: 40 comprimé (Details: SNOMED CT code 732936001 = 'Tablet (unit of presentation)')/1 plaquette (Details: SNOMED CT code 732984005 = 'Blister (unit of presentation)')


*Paracétamol (SNOMED CT#387517004 "Paracetamol (substance)")true500 mg (Details: UCUM code mg = 'mg')/1 comprimé (Details: SNOMED CT code 732936001 = 'Tablet (unit of presentation)')