CH Core (R4)
2.0.0 - STU 2

This page is part of the CH Core (R4) (v2.0.0: STU 2) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

: ElisabethBroennimannByBFH - XML Representation

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<Patient xmlns="">
  <id value="ElisabethBroennimannByBFH"/>
    <source value=""/>
    <status value="additional"/>
    <div xmlns="">
        <b>id</b>: ElisabethBroennimannByBFH
        <b>name</b>: Elisabeth Brönnimann-Bertholet 
        <b>telecom</b>: ph: +41 32 321 61 11(HOME),
        <b>gender</b>: FEMALE
        <b>birthDate</b>: May 3, 1937
        <b>address</b>: Kreuzweg 11 Biel/Bienne 2500 (HOME)
        <b>maritalStatus</b>: verheiratet 
        <span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow">(Details : { code '2' = '2', given as 'verheiratet'}; { code 'M' = 'Married', given as 'married'})</span>
    <family value="Brönnimann-Bertholet"/>
    <given value="Elisabeth"/>
    <system value="phone"/>
    <value value="+41 32 321 61 11"/>
    <use value="home"/>
    <system value="email"/>
    <value value=""/>
  <gender value="female"/>
  <birthDate value="1937-05-03"/>
    <use value="home"/>
    <line value="Kreuzweg 11"/>
    <city value="Biel/Bienne"/>
    <postalCode value="2500"/>
      <system value=""/>
      <code value="2"/>
      <display value="verheiratet"/>
      <system value=""/>
      <code value="M"/>
      <display value="married"/>
    <reference value="Practitioner/HanspeterWengerByBFH"/>