Implementation Guide CH VACD
4.0.1 - trial-use Switzerland flag

This page is part of the CH VACD (R4) (v4.0.1: STU 4) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: Allergies and Intolerance values for Immunization

Official URL: Version: 4.0.1
Draft as of 2023-12-28 Computable Name: AllergiesAndIntolerancesForImmunization
Other Identifiers: id: 2.16.756. (use: OFFICIAL)

Copyright/Legal: This artefact includes content from SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is copyright of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). Implementers of these artefacts must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license - for more information contact or

The allergies and adverse reactions which have an influence on the immunization recommendations.


Logical Definition (CLD)

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:

  • Include these codes as defined in
    716186003No known allergy (situation)
    213020009Allergy to egg protein (finding)
    416098002Allergy to drug (finding)
    39579001Anaphylaxis (disorder)
    24079001Atopic dermatitis (disorder)
    863903001Allergy to component of vaccine product (finding)
    293104008Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product (disorder)
    219082005Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Vibrio cholerae antigen (disorder)
    1142181004Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing only Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 messenger ribonucleic acid (disorder)
    1157106007Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing only recombinant non-replicating viral vector encoding Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 spike protein (disorder)
    1162639000Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis, Clostridium tetani, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Haemophilus influenzae type B, Hepatitis B virus and inactivated Human poliovirus antigens (disorder)
    293108006Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens (disorder)
    293109003Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens (disorder)
    293127000Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Haemophilus influenzae type B antigen (disorder)
    293126009Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Hepatitis A virus antigen (disorder)
    293110008Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Hepatitis B virus antigen (disorder)
    420113004Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Influenza virus antigen (disorder)
    293125008Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing only Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens (disorder)
    219096004Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Measles morbillivirus antigen (disorder)
    219088009Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Neisseria meningitidis antigen (disorder)
    293114004Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Mumps orthorubulavirus antigen (disorder)
    293116002Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Streptococcus pneumoniae antigen (disorder)
    293117006Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Human poliovirus antigen (disorder)
    293118001Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Rabies lyssavirus antigen (disorder)
    219084006Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Clostridium tetani antigen (disorder)
    219076007Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Bacillus Calmette-Guerin antigen (disorder)
    293122006Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigen (disorder)
    219095000Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Yellow fever virus antigen (disorder)
    1162644007Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing only severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 recombinant spike protein antigen (disorder)
    1217476001Anaphylaxis caused by component of vaccine product (disorder)
    293120003Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Vaccinia virus antigen (disorder)
    294657002Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Vaccinia virus antigen (finding)
    294641002Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Bacillus anthracis antigen (finding)
    700468006Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Rotavirus antigen (finding)
  • Include these codes as defined in
    allergyvaccinevarizellaAdverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing varicella antigen
    allergyvaccinehpvAdverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing human papillomavirus antigen
    allergyvaccineherpeszosterAdverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Herpes zoster
    allergyvaccinefsmeAdverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing tick-borne encephalitis virus antigen

Additional Language Displays

CodeDeutsch (Schweiz) (German (Switzerland), de)English (United States) (English (United States), en)French (Switzerland) (fr)Italian (Switzerland) (it)rm
716186003Keine Allergie bekanntNo known allergypas d'allergie connuenessuna allergia notanagina allergia enconuschenta
213020009Allergie gegen HühnereiweissAllergy to egg proteinallergie aux protéines de l'œufallergia alle proteine dell'uovoallergia cunter alv d'ov da giaglina
416098002Medikamenten-AllergieAllergy to drugallergie aux médicamentsallergia ai farmaciallergia cunter medicaments
39579001Anaphylaktische ReaktionAnaphylactic reactionréaction anaphylactiquereazione anafilatticaAnaphylaktische Reaktion
24079001Atopische DermatitisAtopic dermatitisdermite atopiquedermatite atopicadermatitis atopica
863903001Allergie gegen Bestandteil eines ImpfstoffsAllergy to component of vaccine productallergie à un composant du vaccinallergia a un componente del vaccinoallergia cunter ina cumponenta d'in vaccin
293104008Unerwünschte Wirkung eines ImpfstoffsVaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable à un vaccinreazione avversa a un vaccinoeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin
219082005Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Cholera-ImpfstoffsCholera vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable d'un vaccin contre le cholérareazione avversa al vaccino contro il coleraeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter colera
1142181004Unerwünschte Wirkung eines mRNA-Impfstoffs gegen COVID-19COVID-19 mRNA vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable d'un vaccin à ARNm contre la COVID-19reazione avversa al vaccino a mRNA anti-COVID-19effect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter COVID-19 mRNA
1157106007Unerwünschte Wirkung eines nicht replizierenden viralen Vektorimpfstoffs gegen COVID-19COVID-19 non-replicating viral vector vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable d'un vaccin à vecteur viral recombinant non réplicatif contre le COVID-19reazione avversa al vaccino a vettore virale non replicante anti-COVID-19effect nungiavischà d'in vaccin vectorial viral betg replitgant cunter COVID-19
1162639000Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Diphtherie-, Pertussis (azellulär)-, Haemophilus influenzae B-, Hepatitis B- und Poliomyelitis sowie Tetanus (inaktiviert)-ImpfstoffsDiphtheria and acellular pertussis and Haemophilus influenzae type B and hepatitis B and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable d'un vaccin contre la diphtérie, la coqueluche (acellulaire), Haemophilus influenzae de type B, l'hépatite B, la poliomyélite (inactivé) et le tétanosreazione avversa al vaccino contro la difterite, il tetano, la pertosse (acellulare), la poliomielite (inattivato), l’Haemophilus influenzae di tipo B e l’epatite Beffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin (inactivà) cunter difteria, la tuss chanina (acellulara), hemofilus influenza B, hepatitis B e poliomielitis sco er tetanus
293108006Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Diphtherie- und Tetanus-ImpfstoffsDiphtheria and tetanus vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre la diphtérie et le tétanosreazione avversa al vaccino contro la difterite e il tetanoeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter difteria e tetanus
293109003Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Diphtherie-, Pertussis und Tetanus-ImpfstoffsDiphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre la diphtérie, le tétanos et la coqueluchereazione avversa al vaccino contro la difterite, il tetano e la pertosseeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter difteria, la tuss chanina e tetanus
293127000Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Haemophilus influenzae B-ImpfstoffsHaemophilus influenzae Type B vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre Haemophilus influenzae de type Breazione avversa al vaccino contro l’Haemophilus influenzae di tipo Beffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter hemofilus influenza B
293126009Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Hepatitis A-ImpfstoffsHepatitis A vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre l'hépatite Areazione avversa al vaccino contro l’epatite Aeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter hepatitis A
293110008Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Hepatitis B-ImpfstoffsHepatitis B vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre l'hépatite Breazione avversa al vaccino contro l’epatite Beffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter hepatitis B
420113004Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Influenzavirus-ImpfstoffsInfluenza virus vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre l'influenzareazione avversa al vaccino contro l’influenzaeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter la grippa
293125008Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Masern-, Mumps- und Röteln-ImpfstoffsMeasles and mumps and rubella vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre la rougeole, les oreillons et la rubéolereazione avversa al vaccino contro il morbillo, la parotite e la rosoliaeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter il virustgel, il glandun e la rubella
219096004Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Masern-ImpfstoffsMeasles vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin antirougeoleuxreazione avversa al vaccino contro il morbilloeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter il virustgel
219088009Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Meningokokken-ImpfstoffsMeningococcal vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre les méningocoquesreazione avversa al vaccino contro i meningococchieffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter meningococcus
293114004Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Mumps-ImpfstoffsMumps vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre les oreillonsreazione avversa al vaccino contro la parotiteeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter il glandun
293116002Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Pneumokokken-ImpfstoffsPneumococcal vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre les pneumocoquesreazione avversa al vaccino contro gli pneumococchieffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter pneumococcus
293117006Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Poliomyelitis-ImpfstoffsPoliomyelitis vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre la poliomyélitereazione avversa al vaccino contro la poliomieliteeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter poliomielitis
293118001Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Tollwut-ImpfstoffsRabies vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre la ragereazione avversa al vaccino contro la rabbiaeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter la frenesia
219084006Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Tetanus-ImpfstoffsTetanus vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre le tétanosreazione avversa al vaccino contro il tetanoeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter tetanus
219076007Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Tuberkulose-ImpfstoffsAdverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Bacillus Calmette-Guerin antigen (disorder)effet indésirable du vaccin contre la tuberculosereazione avversa al vaccino contro la tubercolosieffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter tuberculosa
293122006Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Typhus-ImpfstoffsTyphoid vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre la fièvre typhoïdereazione avversa al vaccino contro la febbre tifoideeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter tifus
219095000Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Gelbfieber-ImpfstoffsYellow fever vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin contre la fièvre jaunereazione avversa al vaccino contro la febbre giallaeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter la fevra melna
1162644007Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Covid-19-rekombinanten Spike-Protein-Antigen-ImpfstoffsCOVID-19 recombinant spike protein antigen vaccine adverse reactioneffet indésirable du vaccin antigénique à protéine Spike recombinante contre le COVID-19reazione avversa al vaccino anti-COVID-19 ricombinante con antigene della proteina spikeeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter COVID-19 cun antigens dal protein spike recumbinant
1217476001Anaphylaktische Reaktion auf einen ImpfstoffAnaphylaxis due to vaccineréaction anaphylactique due au vaccinanafilassi dovuta al vaccinoreacziun anafilactica sin in vaccin
293120003Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Pocken-ImpfstoffsSmallpox vaccine adverse reactionerse reactioneffet indésirable d'un vaccin contre la varioleeffetto indesiderato di un vaccino antivaioloeffect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter la virola
294657002Allergie gegen PockenimpfstoffAllergy to smallpox vaccineallergie au vaccin contre la varioleallergia al vaccino contro il vaioloAllergie gegen Pockenimpfstoff
294641002Allergie gegen Anthrax-ImpfstoffAllergy to anthrax vaccineallergie au vaccin contre le charbonallergia al vaccino contro l'antraceAllergie gegen Anthrax-Impfstoff
700468006Allergie gegen Impfstoff gegen RotavirusAllergy to Rotavirus vaccineallergie au vaccin contre le rotavirusallergia al vaccino contro il RotavirusAllergie gegen Impfstoff gegen Rotavirus
allergyvaccinevarizellaUnerwünschte Wirkung eines Varizellen-ImpfstoffsAdverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing varicella antigenEffet indésirable du vaccin contre la varicelleAdverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing varicella antigenUnerwünschte Wirkung eines Varizellen-Impfstoffs
allergyvaccinehpvUnerwünschte Wirkung eines Humanen-Papillomaviren-ImpfstoffsAdverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing human papillomavirus antigenEffet indésirable du vaccin contre le papillomavirus humainAdverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing human papillomavirus antigenUnerwünschte Wirkung eines Humanen-Papillomaviren-Impfstoffs
allergyvaccineherpeszosterUnerwünschte Wirkung eines Herpes-Zoster-ImpfstoffsAdverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Herpes zosterEffet indésirable du vaccin contre le zonaAdverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Herpes zosterUnerwünschte Wirkung eines Herpes-Zoster-Impfstoffs
allergyvaccinefsmeUnerwünschte Wirkung eines FSME-ImpfstoffsAdverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing tick-borne encephalitis virus antigenEffet indésirable du vaccin contre la FSMEAdverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing tick-borne encephalitis virus antigenUnerwünschte Wirkung eines FSME-Impfstoffs



Expansion based on:

This value set contains 38 concepts

  716186003 known allergy (situation)
  213020009 to egg protein (finding)
  416098002 to drug (finding)
  39579001 (disorder)
  24079001 dermatitis (disorder)
  863903001 to component of vaccine product (finding)
  293104008 reaction to component of vaccine product (disorder)
  219082005 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Vibrio cholerae antigen (disorder)
  1142181004 reaction to component of vaccine product containing only Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 messenger ribonucleic acid (disorder)
  1157106007 reaction to component of vaccine product containing only recombinant non-replicating viral vector encoding Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 spike protein (disorder)
  1162639000 reaction to component of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis, Clostridium tetani, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Haemophilus influenzae type B, Hepatitis B virus and inactivated Human poliovirus antigens (disorder)
  293108006 reaction to component of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens (disorder)
  293109003 reaction to component of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens (disorder)
  293127000 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Haemophilus influenzae type B antigen (disorder)
  293126009 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Hepatitis A virus antigen (disorder)
  293110008 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Hepatitis B virus antigen (disorder)
  420113004 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Influenza virus antigen (disorder)
  293125008 reaction to component of vaccine product containing only Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens (disorder)
  219096004 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Measles morbillivirus antigen (disorder)
  219088009 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Neisseria meningitidis antigen (disorder)
  293114004 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Mumps orthorubulavirus antigen (disorder)
  293116002 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Streptococcus pneumoniae antigen (disorder)
  293117006 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Human poliovirus antigen (disorder)
  293118001 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Rabies lyssavirus antigen (disorder)
  219084006 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Clostridium tetani antigen (disorder)
  219076007 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Bacillus Calmette-Guerin antigen (disorder)
  293122006 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigen (disorder)
  219095000 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Yellow fever virus antigen (disorder)
  1162644007 reaction to component of vaccine product containing only severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 recombinant spike protein antigen (disorder)
  1217476001 caused by component of vaccine product (disorder)
  293120003 reaction to component of vaccine product containing Vaccinia virus antigen (disorder)
  294657002 to component of vaccine product containing Vaccinia virus antigen (finding)
  294641002 to component of vaccine product containing Bacillus anthracis antigen (finding)
  700468006 to component of vaccine product containing Rotavirus antigen (finding)
  allergyvaccinevarizella reaction to component of vaccine product containing varicella antigen
  allergyvaccinehpv reaction to component of vaccine product containing human papillomavirus antigen
  allergyvaccineherpeszoster reaction to component of vaccine product containing Herpes zoster
  allergyvaccinefsme reaction to component of vaccine product containing tick-borne encephalitis virus antigen

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code