0 Table of Contents |
  1 Home |
  2 Usecases |
   2.1 Use Cases in English |
   2.2 Use Cases in French |
   2.3 Use Cases in German |
   2.4 Use Cases in Italian |
  3 Document |
  4 Profiles |
  5 Extensions |
  6 Terminology |
  7 Changelog |
  8 Artifacts Summary |
   8.1 CH LAB Composition: Laboratory Report |
   8.2 CH LAB Device: Analyzer |
   8.3 CH LAB Device: TestKit |
   8.4 CH LAB DiagnosticReport: Laboratory Report |
   8.5 CH LAB Document: Laboratory Report |
   8.6 CH LAB Observation Results CBC Panel - Blood by Automated count, Results in nested Profiles |
   8.7 CH LAB Observation Results CBC Panel - Blood by Automated count, Results in sliced component |
   8.8 CH LAB Observation Results: Albumin/Creatinine Ratio in Urine |
   8.9 CH LAB Observation Results: eGFR - CKD-EPI(ASR) Profile for females |
   8.10 CH LAB Observation Results: eGFR - CKD-EPI(ASR) Profile for males |
   8.11 CH LAB Observation Results: eGFR - MDRD Profile for females |
   8.12 CH LAB Observation Results: eGFR - MDRD Profile for males |
   8.13 CH LAB Observation Results: eGFR Profiles |
   8.14 CH LAB Observation Results: eGFRcr - CKD-EPI(AS) Creatinin based Profile |
   8.15 CH LAB Observation Results: eGFRcr-cys - CKD-EPI(AS) Creatinin and Cystatin-C based Profile |
   8.16 CH LAB Observation Results: Erythrocyte distribution width [Entitic volume] by Automated count |
   8.17 CH LAB Observation Results: Erythrocyte distribution width [Ratio] by Automated count |
   8.18 CH LAB Observation Results: ErythrocyteCount |
   8.19 CH LAB Observation Results: Hemoglobin |
   8.20 CH LAB Observation Results: Hemotocrit |
   8.21 CH LAB Observation Results: Laboratory Report |
   8.22 CH LAB Observation Results: LeucocyteCount |
   8.23 CH LAB Observation Results: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin |
   8.24 CH LAB Observation Results: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration |
   8.25 CH LAB Observation Results: MeanCorpuscularVolume |
   8.26 CH LAB Observation Results: Panel |
   8.27 CH LAB Observation Results: Platelet Count |
   8.28 CH LAB Observation Results: Platelet Distribution With |
   8.29 CH LAB Observation Results: Platelet Mean Volume |
   8.30 CH LAB Observation Results: Renal Insufficiency Panel |
   8.31 CH LAB Observation Results: Single Test |
   8.32 CH LAB Patient |
   8.33 CH LAB Practitioner |
   8.34 CH LAB PractitionerRole |
   8.35 CH LAB ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order |
   8.36 CH LAB Specimen |
   8.37 Substance: Specimen Additive Substance |
   8.38 CH Lab Results Blood Group Antibody |
   8.39 ChLab BloodGroup Antibody Screen Tests |
   8.40 Afinion™ 2 |
   8.41 Afinion™ CRP Test |
   8.42 Albumin Creatinin Ratio Urin |
   8.43 Blood CBC Sample |
   8.44 Blood Group ABO |
   8.45 Blood Group ABO Rh Panel |
   8.46 Blood Group Panel with Component ABO and Component Rh |
   8.47 Blood Group Rh |
   8.48 Blood Group Rh combined |
   8.49 Bundle 1-tvt |
   8.50 Bundle 2-electrophoresis |
   8.51 Bundle 3-breath-test |
   8.52 Bundle 4-sepsis |
   8.53 Combur Urin Test Streifen - Device |
   8.54 Dipotassium EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetate) |
   8.55 Erythrocyte Count |
   8.56 Erythrocyte Distribution Width |
   8.57 Erythrocyte Distribution Width Ratio |
   8.58 Example of estimated Glomerulum Filtration Rate |
   8.59 Example of Observation Result Panel |
   8.60 Example of Result eGFR-cr CKD-EPI 2021 |
   8.61 Example of Result eGFR-cr-cys CKD-EPI 2021 |
   8.62 Hematocrit |
   8.63 Hematocrit |
   8.64 Hemoglobin |
   8.65 Hemoglobin |
   8.66 Leucocyte Count |
   8.67 MCH |
   8.68 MCHC |
   8.69 MCV |
   8.70 Observation CBC panel using 'hasMember' |
   8.71 Observation Results: Renal Insufficiency Panel |
   8.72 Observation-eGFR-CKD-EPI-female |
   8.73 Observation-eGFR-CKD-EPI-male |
   8.74 Observation-eGFR-MDRD-female |
   8.75 Observation-eGFR-MDRD-male |
   8.76 Platelet Count |
   8.77 Result CBC Panel - Blood by Automated count, Results in sliced component |
   8.78 Roche CARDIAC D-Dimer Testkit |
   8.79 Sysmex XP-300 |
   8.80 Urin |