CH LAB-Order (R4)
2.0.0 - trial-use Switzerland flag

This page is part of the CH LAB-Order (R4) (v2.0.0: STU 2) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example Bundle: CH LAB-Order 2-pertussis with ServiceRequest

Case study 2

Suspicion of whooping cough

A mother visits the family doctor Peter Presto of the Olten group practice with her 6-year-old son Emil Kummer, born 5 May 2014, because the child has been coughing increasingly for a fortnight, with cramping cough attacks, and has a fever. The doctor`s receptionist measures the fever, takes a fingertip Blood sample from the son, determines the CRP and prepares a Blood smear. The doctor suspects a viral infection, but wants to rule out whooping cough, although the child has been vaccinated against it. As he is under time pressure due to an emergency, he does not want to do the necessary throat swab himself, but asks the mother to accompany the child to the nearby laboratory to have the swab done in peace. He prepares a laboratory order to carry out a pertussis PCR on the child`s throat swab and gives the order to the mother. The mother herself is not sure whether she herself has been vaccinated against pertussis. Consequently, the family doctor Peter Presto gives her the pertussis vaccination right away and recommends that the same be done for the child`s father and grandparents. In the meantime, the MPA has looked at the son`s Blood smear under the microscope and finds a lot of reactive lymphocytes, which seem suspicious to her. She is unsure and asks the doctor, who gives the order to give the child`s Blood smears to the mother and also to have them examined more closely in the laboratory. The mother arrives at the laboratory with her son, where the doctor`s order is first to establish the son`s identity. Then a pharyngeal swab and a right cubital venepuncture are taken from the child in the laboratory`s Blood collection room and passed on to the laboratory together with the Blood smears and the doctor`s examination order.

Laboratory Order with Service Request 2-pertussis

Laboratory Order with Service Request 2-pertussis

Additional Document Content

2. (Patient/EmilKummer)

id: EmilKummer


identifier: 012/08.111112

name: Emil Kummer

gender: MALE

birthDate: May 05, 2014

maritalStatus: ledig (Details : {$ech-11-maritalstatus code '1' = '1', given as 'ledig'})


*Deutsch (Schweiz) (Details : {urn:ietf:bcp:47 code 'de-CH' = 'German (Region=Schweiz))true

3. (Practitioner/PeterPresto)

Generated Narrative: Practitioner

ResourcePractitioner "PeterPresto"

Profile: CH Core Practitioner EPR

identifier: GLN/7601022050702, urn:oid:2.16.756.

name: Peter Presto (Official)

telecom: ph: 032 333 22 33(WORK),

4. (Organization/Gruppenpraxis)

Generated Narrative: Organization

ResourceOrganization "Gruppenpraxis"

Profile: CH Core Organization EPR

identifier: GLN/7601000241115

name: Gruppenpraxis Olten


*+41555556677,, http://www.gruppenpraxis.chGerbergasse 12 Olten 4600 CH

5. (PractitionerRole/PeterPrestoGruppenpraxis)

Generated Narrative: PractitionerRole

ResourcePractitionerRole "PeterPrestoGruppenpraxis"

Profile: CH Core PractitionerRole

practitioner: See on this page: Practitioner/PeterPresto

organization: See on this page: Organization/Gruppenpraxis

6. (Practitioner/MarcMustermann)

Generated Narrative: Practitioner

ResourcePractitioner "MarcMustermann"

Profile: CH Core Practitioner

identifier: GLN/7601000050700, urn:oid:2.16.756.

name: Marc Mustermann (Official)

telecom: ph: 033 444 22 11(WORK),

7. (PractitionerRole/MarcMustermannGruppenpraxis)

Generated Narrative: PractitionerRole

ResourcePractitionerRole "MarcMustermannGruppenpraxis"

Profile: CH Core PractitionerRole

practitioner: See on this page: Practitioner/MarcMustermann

organization: See on this page: Organization/Gruppenpraxis

8. (Practitioner/EvaErlenmeyer)

Generated Narrative: Practitioner

ResourcePractitioner "EvaErlenmeyer"

Profile: CH Core Practitioner

identifier: GLN/7601000050717, urn:oid:2.16.756.

name: Eva Erlenmeyer (Official)

telecom: ph: 033 444 55 66(WORK),

9. (Organization/LaborPipette)

Generated Narrative: Organization

ResourceOrganization "LaborPipette"

Profile: CH Core Organization

identifier: GLN/7601000234407

name: Labor Pipette


*+41223345566,, http://www.labor-pipette.chLaborstrasse 23 Olten 4600 CH

10. (PractitionerRole/EvaErlenmeyerLaborPipette)

Generated Narrative: PractitionerRole

ResourcePractitionerRole "EvaErlenmeyerLaborPipette"

Profile: CH Core PractitionerRole

identifier: urn:oid:2.16.756.

practitioner: See on this page: Practitioner/EvaErlenmeyer

organization: See on this page: Organization/LaborPipette

11. (Coverage/health-insurance-card-emil-kummer)

Generated Narrative: Coverage

ResourceCoverage "health-insurance-card-emil-kummer"

Profile: CH ORF Coverage

identifier: Insurance Card Number/A123456780-1

status: ACTIVE

type: According to KVG (Coverage Type#KVG)

subscriber: See on this page: Patient/EmilKummer

beneficiary: See on this page: Patient/EmilKummer

period: ?? --> 2024-12-31

12. (Specimen/Serum-2-pertussis)

Generated Narrative: Specimen

ResourceSpecimen "Serum-2-pertussis"

identifier: 48736-12345-75465

accessionIdentifier: 4e88a-12345-dd888


type: Serum specimen (specimen) (SNOMED CT#119364003)

subject: See on this page: Patient/EmilKummer


*See on this page: Practitioner/PeterPresto2015-08-16 06:40:17+0000


13. (Specimen/Throat-swab-2-pertussis)

Generated Narrative: Specimen

ResourceSpecimen "Throat-swab-2-pertussis"

identifier: 48736-222333-75465

accessionIdentifier: 4e88a-bc987-dd888


type: Throat swab (specimen) (SNOMED CT#258529004)

subject: See on this page: Patient/EmilKummer

receivedTime: 2023-12-01 16:40:17+0000

request: See on this page: ServiceRequest/2-pertussis-service-request


*See on this page: Practitioner/PeterPresto2023-12-01 06:40:17+0000Oral swab (specimen) (SNOMED CT#418932006)Entire throat (surface region of neck) (body structure) (SNOMED CT#264231000)


note: Some notes to Sample

14. (Specimen/Blood-2-pertussis)

Generated Narrative: Specimen

ResourceSpecimen "Blood-2-pertussis"


type: Blood sample (SNOMED CT#119297000)

subject: See on this page: Patient/EmilKummer


*See on this page: Practitioner/PeterPresto2015-08-16 06:40:17+0000Structure of capillary of skin (body structure) (SNOMED CT#49094006)


15. (ServiceRequest/2-pertussis-service-request)

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

ResourceServiceRequest "2-pertussis-service-request"

Profile: CH LAB-Order-SR

identifier: Placer Identifier/123

status: ACTIVE


priority: URGENT

code: Laboratory Order (LOINC#58410-2 "CBC panel - Blood by Automated count"; LOINC#1988-5 "C reactive protein [Mass/Volume] in Serum or Plasma")


Exception Generating Narrative: type ServiceRequest.orderDetail not handled. This may be due to unresolved inter-version compatibility issues