CH EPR mHealth (R4)
1.1.0 - DSTU 2 Informative Ballot Switzerland flag

This page is part of the CH EPR mHealth (R4) (v1.1.0: DSTU 2) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Find Document References [ITI-67]

There are no additional requirements for the Swiss EPR extension of the Find Document References [ITI-67] transaction defined in the MHD Profile published in the IHE ITI Trial Implementation “Mobile Access to Health Documents”.


The Find Document References transaction is used to find DocumentReference Resources that satisfy a set of parameters. It is equivalent to the FindDocuments and FindDocumentsByReferenceId queries from the Registry Stored Query [ITI-18] transaction. The result of the query is a FHIR Bundle containing DocumentReference Resources that match the query parameters.

Actor Roles

Actor: Document Consumer
Role: Requests a list of DocumentReference Resources, matching the supplied set of criteria, from the Document Responder.
Actor: Document Responder
Role: Returns DocumentReference Resources that match the search criteria provided by the Document Consumer.

Referenced Standards

Mobile access to Health Documents (MHD), Rev. 4.0.2 – Trial-Implementation, November 8, 2021

This MHD Profile is based on Release 4 of the HL7® FHIR® standard.


Interaction Diagram for [ITI-67]Document ConsumerDocument ConsumerDocument ResponderDocument Responder1. Find Document References [ITI-67]

Trigger Events

When the Document Consumer needs to discover DocumentReference Resources matching various metadata parameters, it issues a Find Document References message.

Message Example

Find Document Reference request:

GET [base]/DocumentReference?patient.identifier=urn:oid:2.999|11111111 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/fhir+json

See Bundle example (and the corresponding profile) as response to the Find Document Reference request.

Security Consideration

TLS SHALL be used. This national extension enforces authentication and authorization of access to the Document Responder using the IUA profile with extended access token. Consequently the Find Document References [ITI-67] request must authorize using the Incorporate Access Token [ITI-72] transaction of the IUA profile.