3.0.0 - STU3 Switzerland flag

This page is part of the CH EMED (R4) (v3.0.0: STU 3) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions


  • CH EMED Extension Dispense

    Extension to reference an external MedicationDispense and the Medication Dispense document that contains it

  • CH EMED Extension Pharmaceutical Advice

    Extension to reference an external Observation and the Pharmaceutical Advice document that contains it

  • CH EMED Extension Prescription

    Extension to reference an external MedicationRequest and the Medication Prescritpion document that contains it

  • CH EMED Extension Substitution

    This extension is used to indicate whether the medication can be substituted for this patient, i.e. whether it is allowed. (For a prescription, MedicationRequest.substitution is used to record whether a substitution is allowed or not. When dispensing, a performed substitution is recorded in MedicationDispense.substitution.)

  • CH EMED Extension Treatment Plan

    Extension to reference an external MedicationStatement and the Medication Treatment Plan document that contains it

  • CH EMED Extension Treatment Reason

    Extension to represent the treatment reason

  • CH EMED Extension MedicationStatement Changed

    Extension to represent the changed MedicationStatement