1.0.0 - STU 2 Ballot

This page is part of the CH EMED (R4) (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Medication Card document

The Medication Card document describes the current medication of a patient, medications (MORE) that have been, is or will be taken by the patient.

FHIR document (Bundle)

This exchange format is defined as a document type that corresponds to a Bundle as a FHIR resource. A Bundle has a list of entries. The first entry is the Composition, in which all contained entries are then referenced.

The representation of the Medication Card document SHALL be embedded as a PDF in PDF/A-1 or PDF/A-2 format. The required elements in the PDF correspond to the minimum data set in the IPAG report. In the FHIR profiles, the flag mustSupport is set to true for these elements.

Fig.: Medication Card document

Fig.: Medication Card document

Example instances

  • 2-7 Medication Card document: XML, JSON
  • 2-7 Medication Card document with uuid for fullUrl: XML, JSON
