Implementation Guide CH VACD
2.0.0 - STU 2

This page is part of the CH VACD (R4) (v2.0.0: STU 2) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

TC A 01

Test Case A 01: Patient has three vaccination documents in two different communities (one of them recorded by the patient himself)


The patient has an EPR. There are three vaccination administration documents for him on the respositories of the communities. He created a Document A-D1-P-C1 himself and uploaded it to the repository of his home community. The other two documents were created and uploaded by two experts HCP1 and HCP2.

Specialist HCP1 is connected to the same community as the patient and has created and uploaded a document Dokument A-D2-HCP1-C1.

Specialist HCP2 is connected to another community and has created and uploaded a Dokument A-D3-HCP2-C2 for the patient there.


Test Case A 01Reference Community (C1)Community (C2)PatientHealth Care Professional 1 (C1)Doc1AdminDoc2AdminAggregatorResultRecordDoc3AdminHealth Care Professional 2 (C2)Patient (C1) creates documentwith vaccination Havrix 1440 against viral heaptite AHCP1 (C1) creates documentwith vaccination Boostrix againstDiphteria, Tetanus and pertussisHCP2 (G2) creates documentwith vaccination FSME-Immun CCagainst TBE (1. Dosis)aggregationaggregationaggregationcreates documentVaccination RecordPatient sees immunization statusVersion 1.0


The aggregated view (Result. Dokument 01) of patient’s vaccination documents should be displayed in the vaccination module.

