Implementation Guide CH VACD
2.0.0 - STU 2

This page is part of the CH VACD (R4) (v2.0.0: STU 2) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: ch-vacd-targetdiseases-vaccines-cm

Formats: XML, JSON, Turtle

TargetDiseaseToVaccineCodeMapping (

Mapping from to

ACTIVE. Published on 2022-02-11 02:45:16+0100 by HL7 Switzerland (HL7 Switzerland: This artefact includes content from SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is copyright of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). Implementers of these artefacts must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license - for more information contact or

Mappings from target disease to vaccine code according to the correcsponding valuesets

Source Concept DetailsRelationshipDestination Concept Details
Code from SNOMED CT International EditionCode from Swiss Medic Authorized Vaccines Codesystem
397430003Diphtheria caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae (disorder)maps to wider concept619Infanrix (DTPa-IPV+Hib)
maps to wider concept638Infanrix (DTPa-IPV)
maps to wider concept612Tetravac
maps to wider concept600DiTe Anatoxal Erwachsene / Adultes
maps to wider concept613Pentavac
maps to wider concept690DiTe Anatoxal N Erwachsene / Adultes
maps to wider concept567Ditanrix
maps to wider concept702Td-pur
maps to wider concept644Hexavac
maps to wider concept640Infanrix hexa (DTPa-HBV-IPV+Hib)
maps to wider concept646Revaxis
maps to wider concept637Boostrix
maps to wider concept686Td-Virelon
maps to wider concept681Boostrix Polio
maps to wider concept711DiTe pediatric adsorbed
76902006Tetanus (disorder)maps to wider concept619Infanrix (DTPa-IPV+Hib)
maps to wider concept638Infanrix (DTPa-IPV)
maps to wider concept612Tetravac
maps to wider concept600DiTe Anatoxal Erwachsene / Adultes
maps to wider concept613Pentavac
maps to wider concept690DiTe Anatoxal N Erwachsene / Adultes
maps to wider concept567Ditanrix
maps to wider concept702Td-pur
maps to wider concept644Hexavac
maps to wider concept640Infanrix hexa (DTPa-HBV-IPV+Hib)
maps to wider concept707Tetanol pur
maps to wider concept646Revaxis
maps to wider concept637Boostrix
maps to wider concept35Te Anatoxal
maps to wider concept686Td-Virelon
maps to wider concept689Te Anatoxal N
maps to wider concept681Boostrix Polio
maps to wider concept711DiTe pediatric adsorbed
27836007Pertussis (disorder)maps to wider concept619Infanrix (DTPa-IPV+Hib)
maps to wider concept640Infanrix hexa (DTPa-HBV-IPV+Hib)
maps to wider concept638Infanrix (DTPa-IPV)
maps to wider concept612Tetravac
maps to wider concept637Boostrix
maps to wider concept613Pentavac
maps to wider concept681Boostrix Polio
maps to wider concept644Hexavac
398102009Acute poliomyelitis (disorder)maps to wider concept619Infanrix (DTPa-IPV+Hib)
maps to wider concept640Infanrix hexa (DTPa-HBV-IPV+Hib)
maps to wider concept638Infanrix (DTPa-IPV)
maps to wider concept669Poliorix
maps to wider concept612Tetravac
maps to wider concept646Revaxis
maps to wider concept613Pentavac
maps to wider concept686Td-Virelon
maps to wider concept681Boostrix Polio
maps to wider concept644Hexavac
709410003Haemophilus influenzae type b infection (disorder)maps to wider concept619Infanrix (DTPa-IPV+Hib)
maps to wider concept640Infanrix hexa (DTPa-HBV-IPV+Hib)
maps to wider concept603Hiberix
maps to wider concept613Pentavac
maps to wider concept644Hexavac
40468003Viral hepatitis, type A (disorder)maps to wider concept558Havrix 1440
maps to wider concept599Havrix 720
maps to wider concept592Twinrix 720/20
maps to wider concept572Epaxal
66071002Viral hepatitis type B (disorder)maps to wider concept640Infanrix hexa (DTPa-HBV-IPV+Hib)
maps to wider concept528Gen H-B-Vax 10
maps to wider concept544Heprecomb
maps to wider concept551Engerix-B 10
maps to wider concept610Gen H-B-Vax 5
maps to wider concept663HBVAXPRO 10
maps to wider concept545HBVAXPRO 40
maps to wider concept534Engerix-B 20
maps to wider concept592Twinrix 720/20
maps to wider concept642Heprecomb Kinder
maps to wider concept644Hexavac
14189004Measles (disorder)maps to wider concept268MMR-II
maps to wider concept483Rimevax
maps to wider concept703MMRVaxPro
maps to wider concept58506Measles vaccine live
maps to wider concept533Moraten
maps to wider concept615Priorix
maps to wider concept58158Priorix-Tetra
36989005Mumps (disorder)maps to wider concept268MMR-II
maps to wider concept247Mumpsvax
maps to wider concept703MMRVaxPro
maps to wider concept615Priorix
maps to wider concept58158Priorix-Tetra
36653000Rubella (disorder)maps to wider concept268MMR-II
maps to wider concept703MMRVaxPro
maps to wider concept615Priorix
maps to wider concept58158Priorix-Tetra
16901001Central European encephalitis (disorder)maps to wider concept628Encepur N Kinder / Enfants
maps to wider concept627Encepur N
maps to wider concept628Encepur N Kinder / Enfants
maps to wider concept683FSME-Immun 0.25 ml Junior
maps to wider concept627Encepur N
maps to wider concept450FSME-Immun CC
23511006Meningococcal infectious disease (disorder)maps to wider concept654Meningitec
maps to wider concept62502Menveo
maps to wider concept656NeisVac-C
maps to wider concept652Mencevax ACWY
maps to wider concept657Menjugate
719590007Influenza caused by seasonal influenza virus (disorder)maps to wider concept583Fluarix
maps to wider concept614Inflexal V
maps to wider concept58271Optaflu
maps to wider concept660Influvac plus
maps to wider concept373Mutagrip
maps to wider concept62961Fluarix Tetra
maps to wider concept58317Fluad
maps to wider concept59267Agrippal
maps to wider concept485Influvac
maps to wider concept67482Flucelvax Tetra
maps to wider concept67704Efluelda 0.7 ml
maps to wider concept68003Supemtek 0.5 ml
63650001Cholera (disorder)maps to wider concept704Dukoral
maps to wider concept555Orochol
14168008Rabies (disorder)maps to wider concept685Rabipur
maps to wider concept417Tollwut Impfstoff Mérieux
maps to wider concept417Tollwut Impfstoff Mérieux
4834000Typhoid fever (disorder)maps to wider concept467Vivotif
38907003Varicella (disorder)maps to wider concept688Varivax
maps to wider concept585Varilrix
maps to wider concept58158Priorix-Tetra
56717001Tuberculosis (disorder)maps to wider concept696BCG SSI
16541001Yellow fever (disorder)maps to wider concept520Stamaril
16814004Pneumococcal infectious disease (disorder)maps to wider concept60129Prevenar-13
maps to wider concept643Prevenar-7
maps to wider concept509Pneumovax-23
23511006Meningococcal infectious disease (disorder)maps to wider concept62502Menveo
maps to wider concept652Mencevax ACWY
240532009Human papillomavirus infection (disorder)maps to wider concept57735Gardasil
maps to wider concept57814Cervarix
4740000Herpes zoster (disorder)maps to wider concept67987Shingrix
18624000Disease caused by Rotavirus (disorder)maps to wider concept60150Rotarix
52947006Japanese encephalitis virus disease (disorder)maps to wider concept59147Ixiaro
840539006Disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)maps to wider concept68225Comirnaty (COVID-19 Vaccine, Pfizer)
maps to wider concept68267Spikevax (COVID-19 Vaccine, Moderna)
maps to wider concept68235COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen
719865001Influenza caused by pandemic influenza virus (disorder)maps to wider concept66161Foclivia (Durchstechflasche)
maps to wider concept66156Foclivia (Fertigspritze)
Source Concept DetailsRelationshipDestination Concept Details
Code from Old Swiss Vaccines CodesystemCode from SNOMED CT International Edition
397430003Diphtheria caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae (disorder)maps to wider concept93Infanrix DTPa-HBV
maps to wider concept99Pentacoq
maps to wider concept73Infanrix DTPa+Hib
maps to wider concept80Anatoxal DiTe Erwachsene
maps to wider concept126Ditanrix pediatric
maps to wider concept81Anatoxal DiTe N Erwachsene
maps to wider concept154DiTe Anatoxal Kinder / Enfants
maps to wider concept107Tetramune
maps to wider concept82Anatoxal Di
maps to wider concept35Infanrix DTPa
maps to wider concept142Prohibit DTP
maps to wider concept39Infanrix Penta
maps to wider concept106Tetracoq
maps to wider concept166Infanrix
maps to wider concept134Anatoxal DiTe Kinder
maps to wider concept79Anatoxal DiTePer
maps to wider concept76Acel Immune
maps to wider concept155DiTePer Anatoxal
maps to wider concept151Di Anatoxal
76902006Tetanus (disorder)maps to wider concept93Infanrix DTPa-HBV
maps to wider concept99Pentacoq
maps to wider concept73Infanrix DTPa+Hib
maps to wider concept80Anatoxal DiTe Erwachsene
maps to wider concept84Anatoxal Te N
maps to wider concept126Ditanrix pediatric
maps to wider concept81Anatoxal DiTe N Erwachsene
maps to wider concept154DiTe Anatoxal Kinder / Enfants
maps to wider concept83Anatoxal Te
maps to wider concept107Tetramune
maps to wider concept168Tanrix
maps to wider concept35Infanrix DTPa
maps to wider concept142Prohibit DTP
maps to wider concept39Infanrix Penta
maps to wider concept106Tetracoq
maps to wider concept166Infanrix
maps to wider concept134Anatoxal DiTe Kinder
maps to wider concept79Anatoxal DiTePer
maps to wider concept76Acel Immune
maps to wider concept155DiTePer Anatoxal
27836007Pertussis (disorder)maps to wider concept39Infanrix Penta
maps to wider concept106Tetracoq
maps to wider concept166Infanrix
maps to wider concept93Infanrix DTPa-HBV
maps to wider concept99Pentacoq
maps to wider concept73Infanrix DTPa+Hib
maps to wider concept79Anatoxal DiTePer
maps to wider concept76Acel Immune
maps to wider concept107Tetramune
maps to wider concept155DiTePer Anatoxal
maps to wider concept35Infanrix DTPa
maps to wider concept142Prohibit DTP
maps to wider concept77Acel P
398102009Acute poliomyelitis (disorder)maps to wider concept39Infanrix Penta
maps to wider concept102Polio Sabin
maps to wider concept106Tetracoq
maps to wider concept139Koprowski
maps to wider concept148Polio Lilly
maps to wider concept99Pentacoq
maps to wider concept147Polio Koprowski (K1-K3)
maps to wider concept138K1, K2, K3
maps to wider concept101Polio Salk
maps to wider concept17Poliomyelitis Impfstoff Berna
maps to wider concept103Poloral
709410003Haemophilus influenzae type b infection (disorder)maps to wider concept92HibTiter
maps to wider concept78Act-Hib
maps to wider concept99Pentacoq
maps to wider concept73Infanrix DTPa+Hib
maps to wider concept133ProHibit
maps to wider concept107Tetramune
maps to wider concept98Pedvax
maps to wider concept142Prohibit DTP
40468003Viral hepatitis, type A (disorder)maps to wider concept165Havrix junior
maps to wider concept74Twinrix 360/10
maps to wider concept115Havrix 360
maps to wider concept110Vaqta
66071002Viral hepatitis type B (disorder)maps to wider concept39Infanrix Penta
maps to wider concept172Hepavax
maps to wider concept118Hevac B
maps to wider concept93Infanrix DTPa-HBV
maps to wider concept164HBVAX DNA 40
maps to wider concept53HBVAXPRO 5
maps to wider concept170Engerix-B 40
maps to wider concept74Twinrix 360/10
maps to wider concept163HBVAX DNA 10
maps to wider concept162HBVAX DNA 5
14189004Measles (disorder)maps to wider concept14MoRu-Viraten
maps to wider concept23Triviraten
maps to wider concept47Attenuvax
maps to wider concept119MMR-I
maps to wider concept88Biviraten
maps to wider concept75Pluserix
maps to wider concept121Rimparix
maps to wider concept120Moruman
maps to wider concept127Eolarix
maps to wider concept96MM Vax
maps to wider concept123Trimovax
36989005Mumps (disorder)maps to wider concept75Pluserix
maps to wider concept97Mumaten
maps to wider concept121Rimparix
maps to wider concept96MM Vax
maps to wider concept119MMR-I
maps to wider concept123Trimovax
maps to wider concept88Biviraten
36653000Rubella (disorder)maps to wider concept117Almevax
maps to wider concept14MoRu-Viraten
maps to wider concept23Triviraten
maps to wider concept91Ervevax
maps to wider concept119MMR-I
maps to wider concept75Pluserix
maps to wider concept56Meruvax
maps to wider concept127Eolarix
maps to wider concept122Rubevac
maps to wider concept123Trimovax
maps to wider concept111Rubeaten
maps to wider concept112Rudivax
16901001Central European encephalitis (disorder)maps to wider concept128FSME-Immun Injekt
63650001Cholera (disorder)maps to wider concept16Orochol E
14168008Rabies (disorder)maps to wider concept94Lyssavac Berna
4834000Typhoid fever (disorder)maps to wider concept25Vivotif L
maps to wider concept143TAB oral
56717001Tuberculosis (disorder)maps to wider concept87BCG Vaccin Mérieux
maps to wider concept48BCG
16541001Yellow fever (disorder)maps to wider concept86Arilvax
16814004Pneumococcal infectious disease (disorder)maps to wider concept100Pnu-Immune
23511006Meningococcal infectious disease (disorder)maps to wider concept55Meningokokken-Impfstoff A+C Mérieux
719865001Influenza caused by pandemic influenza virus (disorder)maps to wider concept136Celtura
maps to wider concept137Focetria
maps to wider concept141Pandemrix
67924001Smallpox (disorder)maps to wider concept169Vaccin variole
maps to wider concept144Variola