CH LAB-Report (R4)
1.0.0-ballot - ballot Switzerland flag

This page is part of the CH LAB-Report (R4) (v1.0.0-ballot: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example Bundle: Bundle 1-tvt

id: HansGuggindieluft


identifier: 012/08.111111

name: Hans Guggindieluft

gender: MALE

birthDate: Jan 01, 1981

maritalStatus: unverheiratet (Details : {$ech-11-maritalstatus code '5' = '5', given as 'unverheiratet'})


*Deutsch (Schweiz) (Details : {urn:ietf:bcp:47 code 'de-CH' = 'German (Region=Schweiz))true

Case study 1-tvt

Suspicion of deep vein thrombosis

A patient, Tobias Timmermann, presents to Dr. med. Marc Mustermann at the Olten group practice on 09.03.2016. He verbally identifies himself via his master data as Tobias Timmermann, 01.01.1984. He reports unclear leg pain in the left lower leg as well as simultaneously occurring respiratory pain and cough. The doctor carries out the anamnesis and physical examination and prescribes the following laboratory parameters:

  • Blood cell count incl. differentiation
  • CRP
  • D-dimer

The doctor carries out the Blood count and the CRP determination himself by means of point of care diagnostics, the D-dimer diagnostics is prescribed as quantitative diagnostics in an external sending laboratory. To obtain the sample, a Blood sample is taken lying down (1 EDTA tube, 2 citrate tubes of 5 ml). The order is transmitted to the external laboratory and the sample is sent to the external dispatch laboratory by courier ordered by telephone. The results of the internal point of care diagnostics (Blood count and CRP) are entered in the patient`s laboratory sheet in the doctor`s office software (manually or via locally installed electronic interfaces). A prescription is therefore issued by the doctor to the patient for self-administration of an anti-thrombotic agent. The results of the sending-in laboratory arrive electronically at the GP`s on the same evening and are also entered in the patient`s laboratory sheet. By using the present exchange format, this process can be fully automated. After a telephone enquiry by the doctor at the sending laboratory due to a borderline D-dimer result, the information is given that a deep vein thrombosis cannot be ruled out in this situation by means of D-dimer and the patient is therefore called back the next day for a sonography of the legs.

As it is probably a primary leg vein thrombosis, Dr Eva Erlenmeier from the Pipette laboratory sends feedback to Dr Mustermann with the recommendation to carry out a thrombophilia screening, which includes the following analyses: Quick, aPTT, fibrinogen, antithrombin (funct.), thrombin time I 2.5 NIH/ml, APC resistance, D-dimers, protein C, (aPTT method), protein S antigen. The analyses can be carried out directly from the samples of the citrate tubes sent along.

Laboratory examinations

Hematology studies (set)

Chemistry studies (set)

Coagulation studies (set)

Additional Document Content

2. urn:uuid:03464e4f-12f0-4d50-970d-f522b92a3f06 (DiagnosticReport/03464e4f-12f0-4d50-970d-f522b92a3f06)

Laboratory report

SubjectNot done yet
When For2022-10-25 13:35:00+0100
Identifier: URI/urn:uuid:3f69e0a5-2177-4540-baab-7a5d0877428f

Report Details

CodeValueReference RangeFlagsWhen For
CBC panel Auto (Bld)2024-04-23 11:24:26+0100
CRP [Mass/Vol]8 mg/L<10 mg/L2024-04-23 11:24:26+0100
Fibrin D-dimer FEU IA (Bld) [Mass/Vol]1.8 mg/L<0.5 mg/LCritical high2024-04-23 11:24:26+0100

3. urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef (Patient/6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef)

id: HansGuggindieluft


identifier: 012/08.111111

name: Hans Guggindieluft

gender: MALE

birthDate: Jan 01, 1981

maritalStatus: unverheiratet (Details : {$ech-11-maritalstatus code '5' = '5', given as 'unverheiratet'})


*Deutsch (Schweiz) (Details : {urn:ietf:bcp:47 code 'de-CH' = 'German (Region=Schweiz))true

4. urn:uuid:0ad0810e-6eb4-11ee-b962-0242ac120002 (Observation/0ad0810e-6eb4-11ee-b962-0242ac120002)

Generated Narrative: Observation

ResourceObservation "0ad0810e-6eb4-11ee-b962-0242ac120002"

Profile: CH LAB Observation Results: Laboratory Report

status: FINAL

category: Laboratory (Observation Category Codes#laboratory), Hematopathology (SNOWMED CT#394916005), Hematology studies (set) (LOINC#18723-7)

code: CBC panel Auto (Bld) (LOINC#58410-2 "CBC panel - Blood by Automated count")

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

effective: 2024-04-23 11:24:26+0100

performer: See on this page: urn:uuid:12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052: Eva Erlenmeyer

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74: Blood Sample

device: See on this page: urn:uuid:3b9c6849-cf71-45e9-9d88-31f7879342f0: Sysmex XP-300


5. urn:uuid:5c1ceea1-2751-4ddc-afb5-4c28037ba1be (Observation/5c1ceea1-2751-4ddc-afb5-4c28037ba1be)

Generated Narrative: Observation

ResourceObservation "5c1ceea1-2751-4ddc-afb5-4c28037ba1be"

Profile: CH LAB Observation Results: Laboratory Report

status: FINAL

category: Laboratory (Observation Category Codes#laboratory), Hematopathology (SNOWMED CT#394916005), Hematology studies (set) (LOINC#18723-7)

code: WBC Auto (Bld) [#/Vol] (LOINC#6690-2 "Leukocytes [#/volume] in Blood by Automated count")

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

effective: 2024-04-23 11:24:26+0100

performer: See on this page: urn:uuid:12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052: Eva Erlenmeyer

value: 10 10*3/uL (Details: UCUM code 10*3/uL = '10*3/uL')

method: Automated count technique (qualifier value) (SNOWMED CT#702659008)


*4.5 10*3/uL11 10*3/uLNormal Range (Observation Reference Range Meaning Codes#normal)

6. urn:uuid:04ec7690-a1e8-4fdf-be4f-6c92949e948a (Observation/04ec7690-a1e8-4fdf-be4f-6c92949e948a)

Generated Narrative: Observation

ResourceObservation "04ec7690-a1e8-4fdf-be4f-6c92949e948a"

Profile: CH LAB Observation Results: Laboratory Report

status: FINAL

category: Laboratory (Observation Category Codes#laboratory), Hematopathology (SNOWMED CT#394916005), Hematology studies (set) (LOINC#18723-7)

code: RBC Auto (Bld) [#/Vol] (LOINC#789-8 "Erythrocytes [#/volume] in Blood by Automated count")

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

effective: 2024-04-23 11:24:26+0100

performer: See on this page: urn:uuid:12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052: Eva Erlenmeyer

value: 4.58 10*6/uL (Details: UCUM code 10*6/uL = '10*6/uL')

method: Automated count technique (qualifier value) (SNOWMED CT#702659008)


*4.1 10*6/uL6.1 10*6/uLNormal Range (Observation Reference Range Meaning Codes#normal)

7. urn:uuid:2565be07-47a0-4cca-926e-a57e1ac96fb8 (Observation/2565be07-47a0-4cca-926e-a57e1ac96fb8)

Generated Narrative: Observation

ResourceObservation "2565be07-47a0-4cca-926e-a57e1ac96fb8"

Profile: CH LAB Observation Results: Laboratory Report

status: FINAL

category: Laboratory (Observation Category Codes#laboratory), Hematopathology (SNOWMED CT#394916005), Hematology studies (set) (LOINC#18723-7)

code: Hemoglobin (Bld) [Mass/Vol] (LOINC#718-7 "Hemoglobin [Mass/volume] in Blood")

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

effective: 2024-04-23 11:24:26+0100

performer: See on this page: urn:uuid:12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052: Eva Erlenmeyer

value: 10.8 umol/L (Details: UCUM code umol/L = 'umol/L')

method: Photometry technique (qualifier value) (SNOWMED CT#83561000052101)

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74: Blood sammple


*8.7 umol/L11.2 umol/L

8. urn:uuid:c4d64c0a-aafb-4b41-ae0b-a620b2a6c08c (Observation/c4d64c0a-aafb-4b41-ae0b-a620b2a6c08c)

Generated Narrative: Observation

ResourceObservation "c4d64c0a-aafb-4b41-ae0b-a620b2a6c08c"

Profile: CH LAB Observation Results: Laboratory Report

status: FINAL

category: Laboratory (Observation Category Codes#laboratory), Hematopathology (SNOWMED CT#394916005), Hematology studies (set) (LOINC#18723-7)

code: Hematocrit Auto (Bld) [Volume fraction] (LOINC#4544-3 "Hematocrit [Volume Fraction] of Blood by Automated count")

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

effective: 2024-04-23 11:24:26+0100

performer: See on this page: urn:uuid:12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052: Eva Erlenmeyer

value: 43 % (Details: UCUM code % = '%')

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74: Blood sammple


*38 %46 %Normal Range (Observation Reference Range Meaning Codes#normal)

9. urn:uuid:857cfa10-66ea-45ae-b236-e6e03af4be3f (Observation/857cfa10-66ea-45ae-b236-e6e03af4be3f)

Generated Narrative: Observation

ResourceObservation "857cfa10-66ea-45ae-b236-e6e03af4be3f"

Profile: CH LAB Observation Results: Laboratory Report

status: FINAL

category: Laboratory (Observation Category Codes#laboratory), Hematopathology (SNOWMED CT#394916005), Hematology studies (set) (LOINC#18723-7)

code: MCV Auto (RBC) [Entitic vol] (LOINC#787-2 "MCV [Entitic volume] by Automated count")

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

effective: 2024-04-23 11:24:26+0100

performer: See on this page: urn:uuid:12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052: Eva Erlenmeyer

value: 85 fL (Details: UCUM code fL = 'fL')


*82.4 fL87.3 fLNormal Range (Observation Reference Range Meaning Codes#normal)

10. urn:uuid:3b263f29-44d8-468f-b612-e748442e1845 (Observation/3b263f29-44d8-468f-b612-e748442e1845)

Generated Narrative: Observation

ResourceObservation "3b263f29-44d8-468f-b612-e748442e1845"

Profile: CH LAB Observation Results: Laboratory Report

status: FINAL

category: Laboratory (Observation Category Codes#laboratory), Hematopathology (SNOWMED CT#394916005), Hematology studies (set) (LOINC#18723-7)

code: MCH Auto (RBC) [Entitic mass] (LOINC#785-6 "MCH [Entitic mass] by Automated count")

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

effective: 2024-04-23 11:24:26+0100

performer: See on this page: urn:uuid:12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052: Eva Erlenmeyer

value: 30 pg (Details: UCUM code pg = 'pg')


*38 pg46 pgNormal Range (Observation Reference Range Meaning Codes#normal)

11. urn:uuid:735c9244-497a-420d-b006-15a57be365b1 (Observation/735c9244-497a-420d-b006-15a57be365b1)

Generated Narrative: Observation

ResourceObservation "735c9244-497a-420d-b006-15a57be365b1"

Profile: CH LAB Observation Results: Laboratory Report

status: FINAL

category: Laboratory (Observation Category Codes#laboratory), Hematopathology (SNOWMED CT#394916005), Hematology studies (set) (LOINC#18723-7)

code: MCHC Auto (RBC) [Mass/Vol] (LOINC#786-4 "MCHC [Mass/volume] by Automated count")

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

effective: 2024-04-23 11:24:26+0100

performer: See on this page: urn:uuid:12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052: Eva Erlenmeyer

value: 34.7 g/dL (Details: UCUM code g/dL = 'g/dL')


*30 g/dL34 g/dLNormal Range (Observation Reference Range Meaning Codes#normal)

12. urn:uuid:32a7d6fb-dc8a-4673-8cef-c59c1c5397db (Observation/32a7d6fb-dc8a-4673-8cef-c59c1c5397db)

Generated Narrative: Observation

ResourceObservation "32a7d6fb-dc8a-4673-8cef-c59c1c5397db"

Profile: CH LAB Observation Results: Laboratory Report

status: FINAL

category: Laboratory (Observation Category Codes#laboratory), Hematopathology (SNOWMED CT#394916005), Hematology studies (set) (LOINC#18723-7)

code: Platelets Auto (Bld) [#/Vol] (LOINC#777-3 "Platelets [#/volume] in Blood by Automated count")

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

effective: 2024-04-23 11:24:26+0100

performer: See on this page: urn:uuid:12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052: Eva Erlenmeyer

value: 200 10*3/uL (Details: UCUM code 10*3/uL = '10*3/uL')


*150 10*3/uL450 10*3/uLNormal Range (Observation Reference Range Meaning Codes#normal)

13. urn:uuid:c0eeeb40-77ed-46f3-b8d6-5fdac0a61f7c (Observation/c0eeeb40-77ed-46f3-b8d6-5fdac0a61f7c)

Generated Narrative: Observation

ResourceObservation "c0eeeb40-77ed-46f3-b8d6-5fdac0a61f7c"

Profile: CH LAB Observation Results: Laboratory Report

status: FINAL

category: Laboratory (Observation Category Codes#laboratory), Chemical pathology (SNOWMED CT#394596001), Chemistry studies (set) (LOINC#18719-5)

code: CRP [Mass/Vol] (LOINC#1988-5 "C reactive protein [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma")

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

effective: 2024-04-23 11:24:26+0100

performer: See on this page: urn:uuid:12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052: Eva Erlenmeyer

value: 8 mg/L (Details: UCUM code mg/L = 'mg/L')

method: Turbidimetry technique (qualifier value) (SNOWMED CT#83611000052104)

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:9b554309-f9d4-4559-ba81-91659cd11786: Serum Sample

device: See on this page: urn:uuid:729d1c62-051e-4e3a-80d4-06f861b2a794: Afinion™ CRP Test


*10 mg/L

14. urn:uuid:f30d8df7-474f-401e-b5d4-f690d28d718d (Observation/f30d8df7-474f-401e-b5d4-f690d28d718d)

Generated Narrative: Observation

ResourceObservation "f30d8df7-474f-401e-b5d4-f690d28d718d"

Profile: CH LAB Observation Results: Laboratory Report

status: FINAL

category: Laboratory (Observation Category Codes#laboratory), Hematopathology (SNOWMED CT#394916005), Hematology studies (set) (LOINC#18723-7)

code: Fibrin D-dimer FEU IA (Bld) [Mass/Vol] (LOINC#71427-9 "Fibrin D-dimer FEU [Mass/volume] in Blood by Immunoassay")

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

effective: 2024-04-23 11:24:26+0100

performer: See on this page: urn:uuid:12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052: Eva Erlenmeyer

value: 1.8 mg/L (Details: UCUM code mg/L = 'mg/L')

interpretation: Critical high (ObservationInterpretation#HH)

method: Immunoassay technique (qualifier value) (SNOWMED CT#726449005)

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:8d38e1bd-dced-45c1-8978-949d6cfd21e8: Blood Sample Coagulation

device: See on this page: urn:uuid:523fa1b9-f24d-4ae6-aa98-92d7f57b2066: Roche CARDIAC D-Dimer Testkit


*0.5 mg/L

15. urn:uuid:3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74 (Specimen/3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74)

Generated Narrative: Specimen

ResourceSpecimen "3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74"

Profile: CH LAB Specimen


type: Blood specimen (SNOWMED CT#119297000)

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft


*See on this page: urn:uuid:e23d6fa1-88bc-497c-a4df-eb3fa60eaa37: Dr. med. Marc Mustermann2024-04-16 06:40:17+0000Structure of superficial vein of left upper limb (body structure) (SNOWMED CT#721029009)


note: Specimen is grossly lipemic

16. urn:uuid:8d38e1bd-dced-45c1-8978-949d6cfd21e8 (Specimen/8d38e1bd-dced-45c1-8978-949d6cfd21e8)

Generated Narrative: Specimen

ResourceSpecimen "8d38e1bd-dced-45c1-8978-949d6cfd21e8"

Profile: CH LAB Specimen

identifier: 48736-55555-75465

accessionIdentifier: 4e88a-66666-dd888


type: Blood specimen (SNOWMED CT#119297000)

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

receivedTime: 2020-08-16 16:40:17+0000


*See on this page: urn:uuid:017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a70482024-04-16 06:40:17+0000


*2024-04-16 06:40:17+0000 --> 2024-04-17 06:40:17+0000


17. urn:uuid:9b554309-f9d4-4559-ba81-91659cd11786 (Specimen/9b554309-f9d4-4559-ba81-91659cd11786)

Generated Narrative: Specimen

ResourceSpecimen "9b554309-f9d4-4559-ba81-91659cd11786"

Profile: CH LAB Specimen

identifier: 48736-12345-75465

accessionIdentifier: 4e88a-12345-dd888


type: Serum specimen (SNOWMED CT#119364003)

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft


*See on this page: urn:uuid:017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a70482024-04-16 06:40:17+0000Structure of median cubital vein (body structure) (SNOWMED CT#49852007)Patient was fasting prior to the procedure. (relevantClincialInformation#F)


18. urn:uuid:3b9c6849-cf71-45e9-9d88-31f7879342f0 (Device/3b9c6849-cf71-45e9-9d88-31f7879342f0)

Generated Narrative: Device

ResourceDevice "3b9c6849-cf71-45e9-9d88-31f7879342f0"

Profile: CH LAB Device: Analyzer




status: ACTIVE

manufacturer: Sysmex

lotNumber: lot.112233

serialNumber: 06882382

19. urn:uuid:729d1c62-051e-4e3a-80d4-06f861b2a794 (Device/729d1c62-051e-4e3a-80d4-06f861b2a794)

Generated Narrative: Device

ResourceDevice "729d1c62-051e-4e3a-80d4-06f861b2a794"

Profile: CH LAB Device: TestKit




status: ACTIVE

manufacturer: Abbott

lotNumber: lot.112233

serialNumber: 1116787

20. urn:uuid:523fa1b9-f24d-4ae6-aa98-92d7f57b2066 (Device/523fa1b9-f24d-4ae6-aa98-92d7f57b2066)

Generated Narrative: Device

ResourceDevice "523fa1b9-f24d-4ae6-aa98-92d7f57b2066"

Profile: CH LAB Device: TestKit




status: ACTIVE

manufacturer: Roche

lotNumber: lot.112233

serialNumber: 06882382

21. urn:uuid:9e180157-5a4e-4a8a-8ca9-9b09c2056666 (ServiceRequest/9e180157-5a4e-4a8a-8ca9-9b09c2056666)

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

ResourceServiceRequest "9e180157-5a4e-4a8a-8ca9-9b09c2056666"

Profile: CH LAB ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

identifier: Placer Identifier/123


requisition: Provider number/ReqID-1234567

status: ACTIVE


priority: URGENT

code: CBC panel - Blood by Automated count (LOINC#58410-2)

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

requester: See on this page: urn:uuid:017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a7048: Marc Mustermann at Arztpraxis

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74: Blood Sample

22. urn:uuid:1dcc636a-cc10-450d-9748-cfd760e2668f (ServiceRequest/1dcc636a-cc10-450d-9748-cfd760e2668f)

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

ResourceServiceRequest "1dcc636a-cc10-450d-9748-cfd760e2668f"

Profile: CH LAB ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

identifier: Placer Identifier/123

requisition: Provider number/ReqID-1234567

status: ACTIVE


priority: URGENT

code: Leukocytes [#/volume] in Blood by Automated count (LOINC#6690-2)

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

requester: See on this page: urn:uuid:017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a7048: Marc Mustermann at Arztpraxis

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74: Blood Sample

23. urn:uuid:a64d92bf-8ca8-4e12-ae29-624c70ac0e26 (ServiceRequest/a64d92bf-8ca8-4e12-ae29-624c70ac0e26)

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

ResourceServiceRequest "a64d92bf-8ca8-4e12-ae29-624c70ac0e26"

Profile: CH LAB ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

identifier: Placer Identifier/123

requisition: Provider number/ReqID-1234567

status: ACTIVE


priority: URGENT

code: Erythrocytes [#/volume] in Blood by Automated count (LOINC#789-8)

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

requester: See on this page: urn:uuid:017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a7048: Marc Mustermann at Arztpraxis

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74: Blood Sample

24. urn:uuid:ce16707a-b9bb-4c8d-8e4e-f8c135ed4a40 (ServiceRequest/ce16707a-b9bb-4c8d-8e4e-f8c135ed4a40)

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

ResourceServiceRequest "ce16707a-b9bb-4c8d-8e4e-f8c135ed4a40"

Profile: CH LAB ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

identifier: Placer Identifier/123

requisition: Provider number/ReqID-1234567

status: ACTIVE


priority: URGENT

code: Hemoglobin [Mass/volume] in Blood (LOINC#718-7)

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

requester: See on this page: urn:uuid:017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a7048: Marc Mustermann at Arztpraxis

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74: Blood Sample

25. urn:uuid:e4072da7-a760-47ba-83e7-59796c59a944 (ServiceRequest/e4072da7-a760-47ba-83e7-59796c59a944)

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

ResourceServiceRequest "e4072da7-a760-47ba-83e7-59796c59a944"

Profile: CH LAB ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

identifier: Placer Identifier/123

requisition: Provider number/ReqID-1234567

status: ACTIVE


priority: URGENT

code: Hematocrit [Volume Fraction] of Blood by Automated count (LOINC#4544-3)

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

requester: See on this page: urn:uuid:017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a7048: Marc Mustermann at Arztpraxis

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74: Blood Sample

26. urn:uuid:6adcf650-19cb-4d58-b27c-3cf52aa32d86 (ServiceRequest/6adcf650-19cb-4d58-b27c-3cf52aa32d86)

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

ResourceServiceRequest "6adcf650-19cb-4d58-b27c-3cf52aa32d86"

Profile: CH LAB ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

identifier: Placer Identifier/123

requisition: Provider number/ReqID-1234567

status: ACTIVE


priority: URGENT

code: MCV [Entitic volume] by Automated count (LOINC#787-2)

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

requester: See on this page: urn:uuid:017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a7048: Marc Mustermann at Arztpraxis

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74: Blood Sample

27. urn:uuid:3edb7f4c-e0c8-45c5-aee9-83d326aa61ab (ServiceRequest/3edb7f4c-e0c8-45c5-aee9-83d326aa61ab)

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

ResourceServiceRequest "3edb7f4c-e0c8-45c5-aee9-83d326aa61ab"

Profile: CH LAB ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

identifier: Placer Identifier/123

requisition: Provider number/ReqID-1234567

status: ACTIVE


priority: URGENT

code: MCH [Entitic mass] by Automated count (LOINC#785-6)

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

requester: See on this page: urn:uuid:017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a7048: Marc Mustermann at Arztpraxis

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74: Blood Sample

28. urn:uuid:82db46b7-acef-49f4-9456-6e9cbd62a27b (ServiceRequest/82db46b7-acef-49f4-9456-6e9cbd62a27b)

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

ResourceServiceRequest "82db46b7-acef-49f4-9456-6e9cbd62a27b"

Profile: CH LAB ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

identifier: Placer Identifier/123

requisition: Provider number/ReqID-1234567

status: ACTIVE


priority: URGENT

code: MCHC [Mass/volume] by Automated count (LOINC#786-4)

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

requester: See on this page: urn:uuid:017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a7048: Marc Mustermann at Arztpraxis

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74: Blood Sample

29. urn:uuid:bfc054ce-704c-11ee-b962-0242ac120002 (ServiceRequest/bfc054ce-704c-11ee-b962-0242ac120002)

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

ResourceServiceRequest "bfc054ce-704c-11ee-b962-0242ac120002"

Profile: CH LAB ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

identifier: Placer Identifier/123

requisition: Provider number/ReqID-1234567

status: ACTIVE


priority: URGENT

code: Platelets [#/volume] in Blood by Automated count (LOINC#777-3)

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

requester: See on this page: urn:uuid:017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a7048: Marc Mustermann at Arztpraxis

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74: Blood Sample

30. urn:uuid:8d98f9d1-581b-4495-93aa-4a522fa30a6c (ServiceRequest/8d98f9d1-581b-4495-93aa-4a522fa30a6c)

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

ResourceServiceRequest "8d98f9d1-581b-4495-93aa-4a522fa30a6c"

Profile: CH LAB ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

identifier: Placer Identifier/123

requisition: Provider number/ReqID-1234567

status: ACTIVE


priority: URGENT

code: C reactive protein [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma (LOINC#1988-5)

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

requester: See on this page: urn:uuid:017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a7048: Marc Mustermann at Arztpraxis

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:3a98a13d-cf64-40bb-b7a0-87ef45193a74: Serum specimen

31. urn:uuid:e0330c6c-4f9b-46e7-8817-2ae5301f5d14 (ServiceRequest/e0330c6c-4f9b-46e7-8817-2ae5301f5d14)

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

ResourceServiceRequest "e0330c6c-4f9b-46e7-8817-2ae5301f5d14"

Profile: CH LAB ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order

identifier: Placer Identifier/123

requisition: Provider number/ReqID-1234567

status: ACTIVE


priority: URGENT

code: Fibrin D-dimer FEU [Mass/volume] in Blood by Immunoassay (LOINC#71427-9)

subject: See on this page: urn:uuid:6b8a0365-5022-403b-a5a5-8d8680d701ef: Hans Guggindieluft

requester: See on this page: urn:uuid:017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a7048: Marc Mustermann at Arztpraxis

specimen: See on this page: urn:uuid:8d38e1bd-dced-45c1-8978-949d6cfd21e8: Blood Sample Coagulation

32. urn:uuid:017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a7048 (PractitionerRole/017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a7048)

Generated Narrative: PractitionerRole

ResourcePractitionerRole "017e8e32-2f3b-4bef-baf1-92c7278a7048"

Profile: CH LAB PractitionerRole

practitioner: See on this page: urn:uuid:e23d6fa1-88bc-497c-a4df-eb3fa60eaa37: Dr. med. Marc Mustermann

organization: See on this page: urn:uuid:32c4c990-cedb-4999-998d-bab1d55db49f

code: Generalist Medical Practitioners (unknown#2211)

33. urn:uuid:e23d6fa1-88bc-497c-a4df-eb3fa60eaa37 (Practitioner/e23d6fa1-88bc-497c-a4df-eb3fa60eaa37)

Generated Narrative: Practitioner

ResourcePractitioner "e23d6fa1-88bc-497c-a4df-eb3fa60eaa37"

Profile: CH LAB Practitioner

identifier: GLN/7601000050700, urn:oid:2.16.756.

name: Marc Mustermann (Official)

telecom: ph: 033 333 22 11(WORK),

address: Doktorgasse 2 Messen 3254 CH


*Doctor of Medicine (degreeLicenseCertificate#MD)

34. urn:uuid:32c4c990-cedb-4999-998d-bab1d55db49f (Organization/32c4c990-cedb-4999-998d-bab1d55db49f)

Generated Narrative: Organization

ResourceOrganization "32c4c990-cedb-4999-998d-bab1d55db49f"

Profile: CH Core Organization

identifier: GLN/7601000235503

name: Arztpraxis Messen


*+41555545566,, http://www.arztpraxis.chDoktorgasse 2 Messen 3254 CH

35. urn:uuid:12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052 (Practitioner/12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052)

Generated Narrative: Practitioner

ResourcePractitioner "12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052"

Profile: CH LAB Practitioner

identifier: GLN/7601000050717, urn:oid:2.16.756.

name: Eva Erlenmeyer (Official)

telecom: ph: 033 444 55 66(WORK),

address: Laborstrasse 23 Olten 4600 CH


*Doctor of Medicine (degreeLicenseCertificate#MD)

36. urn:uuid:8472931c-fbd0-437b-9ed1-4f66472c78b5 (PractitionerRole/8472931c-fbd0-437b-9ed1-4f66472c78b5)

Generated Narrative: PractitionerRole

ResourcePractitionerRole "8472931c-fbd0-437b-9ed1-4f66472c78b5"

Profile: CH LAB PractitionerRole

practitioner: See on this page: urn:uuid:12328339-f7d6-4bb6-80e4-89fd03ce5052

organization: See on this page: urn:uuid:84483dc8-81d3-41cc-8d24-10c241279024

code: Medical and Pathology Laboratory Technicians (unknown#3212)

37. urn:uuid:84483dc8-81d3-41cc-8d24-10c241279024 (Organization/84483dc8-81d3-41cc-8d24-10c241279024)

Generated Narrative: Organization

ResourceOrganization "84483dc8-81d3-41cc-8d24-10c241279024"

Profile: CH Core Organization

identifier: GLN/7601000234407

name: Labor Pipette


telecom: +41223345566

address: Laborstrasse 23 Olten 4600 CH (work)


name: Dr. Eva Erlenmeyer(Official)


address: Laborstrasse 23 4. Stock Olten 4600 CH