description | This data item records the extent of the primary tumour based on pathological (histological) evidence after completion of surgical therapy. **pT (Variable number: 4.8)** in \'NATIONAL CANCER DATA DICTIONARY, V 1.1, Part A, BASIC VARIABLES for Adults, Adolescents, and Children\' see [Nationale Krebsregistrierungsstelle]( > Partner im Gesundheitswesen > [Information, Grundlagen und Datenstruktur zum KRG]( | This data item records the extent of the primary tumour based on pathological (histological) evidence after completion of surgical therapy.
**pT (Variable number: 4.8)**
in \'NATIONAL CANCER DATA DICTIONARY, V 1.1, Part A, BASIC VARIABLES for Adults, Adolescents, and Children (23.12.2019)\'
[IT]( | |