
Audit Trail Consumption Event Types for CH:ATC

This code system urn:oid:2.16.756. defines the following codes:

ATC_DOC_CREATE Document upload
ATC_DOC_READ Document retrieval
ATC_DOC_UPDATE Document or Document Metadata update
ATC_DOC_DELETE Document removal
ATC_POL_CREATE_AUT_PART_AL Authorize participants to access level/date
ATC_POL_UPDATE_AUT_PART_AL Update access level/date of authorized participants
ATC_POL_REMOVE_AUT_PART_AL Remove authorization for participants to access level/date
ATC_POL_DEF_CONFLEVEL Set or update the default Confidentiality Level for new documents
ATC_POL_DIS_EMER_USE Disabling Emergency Access
ATC_POL_ENA_EMER_USE Enabling Emergency Access
ATC_POL_INCL_BLACKLIST Assign a Healthcare Professional to Blacklist
ATC_POL_EXL_BLACKLIST Exclude a Healthcare Professional from Blacklist
ATC_LOG_READ Accessing the Patient Audit Record Repository