CDA-FHIR-Maps (R4)
0.3.0 - DSTU 1

This page is part of the CDA-FHIR-Maps (R4) (v0.3.0: DSTU 1) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

StructureMap: CDA-CH-EMED to Bundle

map "" = "CdaChEmedToBundle"

// Medication Entries
// 2020-10-30 Oliver Egger, copyright ahdis ag, Apache License

uses "" alias ClinicalDocument as source
uses "" alias AssignedAuthor as source
uses "" alias AssignedEntity as source
uses "" alias Author as source
uses "" alias CustodianOrganization as source
uses "" alias IVL_TS as source
uses "" alias EIVL_TS as source
uses "" alias Observation as source
uses "" alias PatientRole as source
uses "" alias RecordTarget as source
uses "" alias Section as source
uses "" alias SubstanceAdministration as source
uses "" alias SXPR_TS as source
uses "" alias Bundle as target
uses "" alias Composition as produced
uses "" alias Patient as produced
uses "" alias Practitioner as produced
uses "" alias Organization as produced
uses "" alias MedicationStatement as produced
uses "" alias Dosage as produced
uses "" alias Observation as produced

imports ""
imports ""
imports ""

// source:
// target: Annotation note (e.g.
group AnnotationComment(source section : Section, source act : Act, target note : Annotation) {
  act.text as text then { as data -> note.text = data "level3";
    text.reference as reference then {
      reference.value as value -> note.extension as ext then NarrativeLink(value, ext) "narrativeLink";

// source:
// target:
group ManufacturedMaterialEntryContentModuleDispense(source src : Supply, target medicationDispense : MedicationDispense, target medication : Medication) {
  src -> = 'med',  medicationDispense.medication = create('Reference') as vt,  vt.reference = '#med' "medication";
  // quantity value (number of packages)
  src.quantity as quantity -> medicationDispense.quantity as medDispQuantity then {
    // IHE-DIS: If the product-element contains package information, the unit attribute is not be present
    quantity.value as value -> medDispQuantity.value = value;
    // IHE-DIS: If the product-element does not contain package information, the unit attribut is present and the value SHALL be out of the UCUM code system
    quantity.unit as unit then {
      unit -> medDispQuantity.unit = unit "unit";
      unit -> medDispQuantity.system = '' "ucum";
      unit -> medDispQuantity.code = unit "code";
  src.product as product then {
    product.manufacturedProduct as manufacturedProduct then {
      manufacturedProduct.manufacturedMaterial as manufacturedMaterial then { as name where asContent.exists() = false ->  medication.code as fhircode,  fhircode.text = ( "code";
        manufacturedMaterial.asContent as asContent then {
          asContent.containerPackagedMedicine as containerPackagedMedicine then {
            containerPackagedMedicine.code as code -> medication.code as fhircode share medcode then CECodeableConcept(code, fhircode);
   as name -> medication.code as fhircode share medcode then {
              name -> fhircode.text = (%name.other) "text";
            } "text";
            containerPackagedMedicine.formCode as formCode -> medication.form as form then CECodeableConcept(formCode, form);
            // Package size
            containerPackagedMedicine.capacityQuantity as capacityQuantity ->  medication.amount = create('Ratio') as ratio,  ratio.denominator = create('Quantity') as denominator,  denominator.value = '1',  denominator.unit = 'Package',  denominator.system = '',  denominator.code = '{Package}',  ratio.numerator = create('Quantity') as quantity then EmedPQQuantity(capacityQuantity, quantity);
        manufacturedMaterial.ingredient as ingredient -> medication.ingredient as ing then {
          ingredient.quantity as quantity -> ing.strength = create('Ratio') as strength then EmedRTOPQPQRatio(quantity, strength) "strength";
          ingredient.ingredient as medingredient then {
            medingredient.code as code ->  ing.item = create('CodeableConcept') as ingcode,  ingcode.text = ( then CECodeableConcept(code, ingcode) "ingredientCode";
    // dosage for normal dosing, as no sequences are present there
    src.entryRelationship as entry then {
      entry.substanceAdministration as substanceAdministration then {
        substanceAdministration where $this.entryRelationship.sequenceNumber.exists() = false -> medicationDispense.dosageInstruction as dosage then DosageInstructionsStartStopFrequency(substanceAdministration, dosage) "dosage";
    } "entry";

group EmedPQQuantity(source src : PQ, target tgt : Quantity) {
  src.value as value -> tgt.value = value;
  src.unit as unit -> tgt.code = unit;
  src.unit as unit -> tgt.system = (''.resolve().compose.include.where(concept.where(code = %unit)).system);
  src.unit as unit -> tgt.unit = (''.resolve().compose.include.concept.where(code = %unit).display);

group EmedRTOPQPQRatio(source src : RTO_PQ_PQ, target tgt : Ratio) {
  src.numerator as numerator -> tgt.numerator as targetNumerator then EmedPQQuantity(numerator, targetNumerator);
  src.denominator as denominator -> tgt.denominator as targetDenominator then EmedPQQuantity(denominator, targetDenominator);

// source:
// target:
group ManufacturedMaterialEntryContentModuleStatement(source src : SubstanceAdministration, target medicationStatement : MedicationStatement, target medication : Medication) {
  src -> = 'med',  medicationStatement.medication = create('Reference') as vt,  vt.reference = '#med' "medication";
  src.consumable as consumable then {
    consumable.manufacturedProduct as manufacturedProduct then {
      manufacturedProduct.manufacturedMaterial as manufacturedMaterial then { as name where asContent.exists() = false ->  medication.code as fhircode,  fhircode.text = ( "code";
        manufacturedMaterial.asContent as asContent then {
          asContent.containerPackagedMedicine as containerPackagedMedicine then {
            containerPackagedMedicine.code as code -> medication.code as fhircode share medcode then CECodeableConcept(code, fhircode);
   as name -> medication.code as fhircode share medcode then {
              name -> fhircode.text = (%name.other) "text";
            } "text";
            containerPackagedMedicine.formCode as formCode -> medication.form as form then CECodeableConcept(formCode, form);
            // Package size
            containerPackagedMedicine.capacityQuantity as capacityQuantity ->  medication.amount = create('Ratio') as ratio,  ratio.denominator = create('Quantity') as denominator,  denominator.value = '1',  denominator.unit = 'Package',  denominator.system = '',  denominator.code = '{Package}',  ratio.numerator = create('Quantity') as quantity then EmedPQQuantity(capacityQuantity, quantity);
        manufacturedMaterial.ingredient as ingredient -> medication.ingredient as ing then {
          ingredient.quantity as quantity -> ing.strength = create('Ratio') as strength then EmedRTOPQPQRatio(quantity, strength) "strength";
          ingredient.ingredient as medingredient then {
            medingredient.code as code ->  ing.item = create('CodeableConcept') as ingcode,  ingcode.text = ( then CECodeableConcept(code, ingcode) "ingredientCode";
    // dosage for normal dosing, as no sequences are present there
    src where $this.entryRelationship.sequenceNumber.exists() = false -> medicationStatement.dosage as dosage then DosageInstructionsStartStopFrequency(src, dosage) "dosage";

// source:
// target:
group MedicationTreatmentPlanItemEntryContentModule(source section : Section, source src : SubstanceAdministration, source patient : Patient, target medicationStatement : MedicationStatement) {
  // src.templateId as template then TemplateID(template, medicationStatement) "templateId"; -> medicationStatement.identifier;
  patient ->  medicationStatement.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "patient";
  src -> medicationStatement.status = 'completed' "completed";
  src.text as text then {
    text.reference as reference then {
      reference.value as value -> medicationStatement.extension as ext then NarrativeLink(value, ext) "narrativeLink";
  src -> medicationStatement.contained = create('Medication') as medication then ManufacturedMaterialEntryContentModuleStatement(src, medicationStatement, medication) "medication";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where typeCode = 'RSON' then {
    entry.observation as observation -> medicationStatement.reasonCode as reasonCode then TreatmentReasonEntryContentModule(section, observation, reasonCode) "reasonCode";
  } "41";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'COMP') and (substanceAdministration.templateId.root = '2.16.756.')) -> medicationStatement.dosage as dosage then DosageInstructionsNonStructuredEntryContentModule(section, entry, dosage) "52";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'COMP') and (sequenceNumber.value >= 0)) -> medicationStatement.dosage as dosage then DosageInstructionsEntryDosageChange(src, entry, dosage) "36";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'REFR') and substanceAdministration.templateId.where(root = '').exists()) -> medicationStatement.extension as ext then MTPReferenceEntryContentModule(entry, ext) "MTPReferenceEntry";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'COMP') and act.templateId.where(root = '2.16.756.').exists()) then {
    entry.act as act -> medicationStatement.note as note then AnnotationComment(section, act, note) "annotation";
  } "2";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'COMP') and act.templateId.where(root = '').exists()) then {
    entry.act as act -> medicationStatement as medicationStatement then SubstitutionStatement(act, medicationStatement) "substitution";
  } "1";

// source
// target:
// dosage for split dosing, with sequences
group DosageInstructionsEntryDosageChange(source src : substanceAdministration, source entry : entryRelationship, target dosage : Dosage) {
  entry.sequenceNumber as sequenceNumber then {
    sequenceNumber.value as val -> dosage.sequence = val;
  src as src -> dosage as dosage then EffectiveTimeStartEnd(src, dosage) "effectiveTimeStartEnd";
  entry.substanceAdministration as src -> dosage as dosage then EffectiveTimeWhen(src, dosage) "effectiveTimeWhen";
  src.routeCode as routeCode -> dosage.route as route then CECodeableConcept(routeCode, route);
  entry.substanceAdministration as src -> dosage as dosage then DoseQuantity(src, dosage) "doseQuantity";

// effective time start & end for dosage
group EffectiveTimeStartEnd(source src : substanceAdministration, target dosage : Dosage) {
  src.effectiveTime : IVL_TS as effectiveTime -> dosage.timing as timing share sharetiming then {
    effectiveTime -> timing.repeat as repeat then {
      effectiveTime -> repeat.bounds = create('Period') as period then {
        effectiveTime.low as low then {
          low.value as lowDate -> period.start = lowDate "lowDate";
        effectiveTime.high as high then {
          high.value as highDate -> period.end = highDate "highDate";
      } "period";
    } "repeat";
  } "effectiveTime-IVL-TS";

// effective time when for dosage
group EffectiveTimeWhen(source src : substanceAdministration, target dosage : Dosage) {
  src.effectiveTime : EIVL_TS as effectiveTime -> dosage.timing as timing share sharetiming then {
    effectiveTime -> timing.repeat as repeat then {
      effectiveTime.event as event then {
        event.code as code -> repeat.when = code;
    } "repeat";
  } "effectiveTime-EIVL-TS";
  src.effectiveTime : SXPR_TS as effectiveTime -> dosage.timing as timing share sharetiming then {
    effectiveTime -> timing.repeat as repeat then {
      effectiveTime.comp as comp then {
        comp.event as event then {
          event.code as code -> repeat.when = code;
    } "repeat";
  } "effectiveTime-SXPR-TS";

// source:
// target: reasonCode Coding (e.g.
group TreatmentReasonEntryContentModule(source section : Section, source observation : Observation, target reasonCode : Coding) {
  // extraxt text (Bluthochdruck) from id #mtpc.1.reason in section text <td ID="mtpc.1.reason">Bluthochdruck</td>
  observation.text as text then { as data -> reasonCode.text = data "level3";
    text.reference as reference then {
      reference.value as value -> reasonCode.extension as ext then NarrativeLink(value, ext) "narrativeLink";

// source:
// target:
group MTPReferenceEntryContentModule(source entryrelationship, target ext : Extension) {
  entryrelationship -> ext.url = '' "url";
  entryrelationship.substanceAdministration as substanceAdministration then { as id -> ext.extension as ext then InnerExtensionId(id, ext) "innerExtensionId";
    substanceAdministration.reference as reference then {
      reference.externalDocument as externalDocument then { as id -> ext.extension as ext then InnerExtensionExternalDocumentId(id, ext) "innerExtensionExternalDocumentId";
    } "substanceAdministration";
  } "id";

// source:
// target:
group DosageInstructionsNonStructuredEntryContentModule(source section : Section, source entry : Element, target dosage : Dosage) {
  // see MedicationTreatmentPlanItemEntryContentModule
  entry.substanceAdministration as observation then {
    observation.text as text then { as data -> dosage.text = data "level3";
      text.reference as reference then {
        reference.value as value -> dosage.extension as ext then NarrativeLink(value, ext) "narrativeLink";
  } "observation";

// source: Substitution act Contains IHE Substitution Act Content Module
// target:
group SubstitutionDispense(source act : Act, target medicationDispense : MedicationDispense) {
  act -> medicationDispense.substitution as substitution then {
    act ->  substitution.wasSubstituted as wasSubstituted,  wasSubstituted.value = 'true' "wasSubstituted";
    // act.code as code -> substitution.type as type then CECodeableConcept(code, type) "type";
    act.code as actCode ->  substitution.type as type,  type.coding as coding then {
      actCode ->  coding.system as systemCC,  systemCC.value = '' "system";
      actCode.code as code ->  coding.code as codeCC,  codeCC.value = code;
      actCode.displayName as display ->  coding.display as displayCC,  displayCC.value = display "display";
    } "allowedCC";
  } "substitution";

// source:
// target:
group DispenseItemEntryContentModule(source section : Section, source src : Supply, source patient : Patient, target medicationDispense : MedicationDispense) {
  // src.templateId as template then TemplateID(template, medicationDispense) "templateId"; -> medicationDispense.identifier;
  patient ->  medicationDispense.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "patient";
  src -> medicationDispense.status = 'completed' "completed";
  src.text as text then {
    text.reference as reference then {
      reference.value as value -> medicationDispense.extension as ext then NarrativeLink(value, ext) "narrativeLink";
  src -> medicationDispense.contained = create('Medication') as medication then ManufacturedMaterialEntryContentModuleDispense(src, medicationDispense, medication) "medication";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'COMP') and (substanceAdministration.templateId.root = '2.16.756.')) -> medicationDispense.dosageInstruction as dosage then DosageInstructionsNonStructuredEntryContentModule(section, entry, dosage) "52";
  src.entryRelationship as entryRelationship then {
    entryRelationship.substanceAdministration as substanceAdministration then {
      // dosage for split dosing, as sequences are present there
      substanceAdministration.entryRelationship as entryRelationship where ((typeCode = 'COMP') and (sequenceNumber.value >= 0)) -> medicationDispense.dosageInstruction as dosage then DosageInstructionsEntryDosageChange(substanceAdministration, entryRelationship, dosage) "36";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'REFR') and substanceAdministration.templateId.where(root = '').exists()) -> medicationDispense.extension as ext then MTPReferenceEntryContentModule(entry, ext) "MTPReferenceEntry";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'COMP') and act.templateId.where(root = '2.16.756.').exists()) then {
    entry.act as act -> medicationDispense.note as note then AnnotationComment(section, act, note) "annotation";
  } "2";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'COMP') and act.templateId.where(root = '').exists()) then {
    entry.act as act -> medicationDispense as medicationDispense then SubstitutionDispense(act, medicationDispense) "substitution";
  } "2";

// dose quantity for dosage (application schema)
group DoseQuantity(source src : substanceAdministration, target dosage : Dosage) {
  src.doseQuantity as doseQuantity -> dosage.doseAndRate as doseAndRate then {
    doseQuantity.value as value -> doseAndRate.dose = create('Quantity') as quantity then {
      value -> quantity.value = value "value";
      doseQuantity.unit as unit -> quantity.code = unit;
      doseQuantity.unit as unit -> quantity.system = (''.resolve().compose.include.where(concept.where(code = %unit)).system);
      doseQuantity.unit as unit -> quantity.unit = (''.resolve().compose.include.concept.where(code = %unit).display);
    } "quantity";

// source: Substitution permission Contains IHE Substitution Permission Content Module (DYNAMIC)
// target:
group SubstitutionRequest(source act : Act, target medicationRequest : MedicationRequest) {
  act -> medicationRequest.substitution as substitution then {
    // act.code as code -> substitution.allowed = create('CodeableConcept') as allowedCC then CECodeableConcept(code, allowedCC) "allowedCC";
    act.code as actCode ->  substitution.allowed = create('CodeableConcept') as allowedCC,  allowedCC.coding as coding then {
      actCode ->  coding.system as systemCC,  systemCC.value = '' "system";
      actCode.code as code ->  coding.code as codeCC,  codeCC.value = code;
      actCode.displayName as display ->  coding.display as displayCC,  displayCC.value = display "display";
    } "allowedCC";
  } "substitutionRequest";

// source: Substitution permission Contains IHE Substitution Permission Content Module (DYNAMIC)
// target:
group SubstitutionStatement(source act : Act, target medicationStatement : MedicationStatement) {
  act -> medicationStatement.extension as ext then {
    act -> ext.url = '' then {
      // act.code as code -> ext.value = create('CodeableConcept') as valueCC then CECodeableConcept(code, valueCC) "valueCC";
      act.code as actCode ->  ext.value = create('CodeableConcept') as valueCC,  valueCC.coding as coding then {
        actCode ->  coding.system as systemCC,  systemCC.value = '' "system";
        actCode.code as code ->  coding.code as codeCC,  codeCC.value = code;
        actCode.displayName as display ->  coding.display as displayCC,  displayCC.value = display "display";
      } "valueCC";
    } "substitutionExtension";
  } "substitutionStatement";

// Number of packages
// source:
// target:
group PrescribedQuantity(source supply : Supply, target medicationRequest : MedicationRequest) {
  supply.quantity as quantity ->  medicationRequest.dispenseRequest as dispenseRequest,  dispenseRequest.quantity as quant then {
    // IHE-PRE: If the product-element contains package information, the unit attribute is not be present
    quantity.value as value -> quant.value = value;
    // IHE-PRE: If the product-element does not contain package information, the unit attribut is present and the value SHALL be out of the UCUM code system
    quantity.unit as unit then {
      unit -> quant.unit = unit "unit";
      unit -> quant.system = '' "ucum";
      unit -> quant.code = unit "code";

// source:
// target:
group ManufacturedMaterialEntryContentModuleRequest(source src : SubstanceAdministration, target medicationRequest : MedicationRequest, target medication : Medication) {
  src -> = 'med',  medicationRequest.medication = create('Reference') as vt,  vt.reference = '#med' "medication";
  src.consumable as consumable then {
    consumable.manufacturedProduct as manufacturedProduct then {
      manufacturedProduct.manufacturedMaterial as manufacturedMaterial then { as name where asContent.exists() = false ->  medication.code as fhircode,  fhircode.text = ( "code";
        manufacturedMaterial.asContent as asContent then {
          asContent.containerPackagedMedicine as containerPackagedMedicine then {
            containerPackagedMedicine.code as code -> medication.code as fhircode share medcode then CECodeableConcept(code, fhircode);
   as name -> medication.code as fhircode share medcode then {
              name -> fhircode.text = (%name.other) "text";
            } "text";
            containerPackagedMedicine.formCode as formCode -> medication.form as form then CECodeableConcept(formCode, form);
            // Package size
            containerPackagedMedicine.capacityQuantity as capacityQuantity ->  medication.amount = create('Ratio') as ratio,  ratio.denominator = create('Quantity') as denominator,  denominator.value = '1',  denominator.unit = 'Package',  denominator.system = '',  denominator.code = '{Package}',  ratio.numerator = create('Quantity') as quantity then EmedPQQuantity(capacityQuantity, quantity);
        manufacturedMaterial.ingredient as ingredient -> medication.ingredient as ing then {
          ingredient.quantity as quantity -> ing.strength = create('Ratio') as strength then EmedRTOPQPQRatio(quantity, strength) "strength";
          ingredient.ingredient as medingredient then {
            medingredient.code as code ->  ing.item = create('CodeableConcept') as ingcode,  ingcode.text = ( then CECodeableConcept(code, ingcode) "ingredientCode";
    // dosage for normal dosing, as no sequences are present there
    src where $this.entryRelationship.sequenceNumber.exists() = false -> medicationRequest.dosageInstruction as dosage then DosageInstructionsStartStopFrequency(src, dosage) "dosage";

// source:
// target:
group PrescriptionItemEntryContentModule(source section : Section, source src : SubstanceAdministration, source patient : Patient, target medicationRequest : MedicationRequest) { -> medicationRequest.identifier;
  patient ->  medicationRequest.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "patient";
  src -> medicationRequest.status = 'completed' "completed";
  src -> medicationRequest.intent = 'order' "order";
  src.text as text then {
    text.reference as reference then {
      reference.value as value -> medicationRequest.extension as ext then NarrativeLink(value, ext) "narrativeLink";
  src -> medicationRequest.contained = create('Medication') as medication then ManufacturedMaterialEntryContentModuleRequest(src, medicationRequest, medication) "medication";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where typeCode = 'RSON' then {
    entry.observation as observation -> medicationRequest.reasonCode as reasonCode then TreatmentReasonEntryContentModule(section, observation, reasonCode) "reasonCode";
  } "41";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'COMP') and (substanceAdministration.templateId.root = '2.16.756.')) -> medicationRequest.dosageInstruction as dosage then DosageInstructionsNonStructuredEntryContentModule(section, entry, dosage) "52";
  // dosage for split dosing, as sequences are present there
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'COMP') and (sequenceNumber.value >= 0)) -> medicationRequest.dosageInstruction as dosage then DosageInstructionsEntryDosageChange(src, entry, dosage) "36";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'REFR') and substanceAdministration.templateId.where(root = '').exists()) -> medicationRequest.extension as ext then MTPReferenceEntryContentModule(entry, ext) "MTPReferenceEntry";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'COMP') and act.templateId.where(root = '2.16.756.').exists()) then {
    entry.act as act -> medicationRequest.note as note then AnnotationComment(section, act, note) "annotation";
  } "2";
  src.repeatNumber as repeatNumber -> medicationRequest.dispenseRequest as dispenseRequest then {
    repeatNumber.value as val -> dispenseRequest.numberOfRepeatsAllowed = val "repeatNumber";
  } "repeats";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'COMP') and supply.templateId.where(root = '').exists()) then { as supply -> medicationRequest as medicationRequest then PrescribedQuantity(supply, medicationRequest) "quantity";
  } "8";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'COMP') and act.templateId.where(root = '').exists()) then {
    entry.act as act -> medicationRequest as medicationRequest then SubstitutionRequest(act, medicationRequest) "substitution";
  } "1";

// source:
// target:
// dosage for normal dosing, without sequences
group DosageInstructionsStartStopFrequency(source src : SubstanceAdministration, target dosage : Dosage) {
  src as src -> dosage as dosage then EffectiveTimeStartEnd(src, dosage) "effectiveTimeStartEnd";
  src as src -> dosage as dosage then EffectiveTimeWhen(src, dosage) "effectiveTimeWhen";
  src.routeCode as routeCode -> dosage.route as route then CECodeableConcept(routeCode, route);
  src as src -> dosage as dosage then DoseQuantity(src, dosage) "doseQuantity";

// source:
// target:
group PharmaceuticalAdviceItemEntryContentModule(source section : Section, source src : Observation, source patient : Patient, target observation : Observation, target bundle : Bundle) { -> observation.identifier;
  patient ->  observation.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + "patient";
  src -> observation.status = 'final' "final";
  src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> observation.effective = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value) "value";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'REFR') and substanceAdministration.templateId.where(root = '').exists()) -> observation.extension as ext then MTPReferenceEntryContentModule(entry, ext) "MTPReferenceEntry";
  src.entryRelationship as entry where ((typeCode = 'REFR') and substanceAdministration.templateId.where(root = '').exists()) ->  bundle.entry as e, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = append('urn:uuid:', uuid),  e.resource = create('MedicationStatement') as medicationstatement,  observation.extension as ext,  ext.url = '',  ext.value = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = append('urn:uuid:', uuid) then {
    entry.substanceAdministration as substanceAdministration then MedicationTreatmentPlanItemEntryContentModule(section, substanceAdministration, patient, medicationstatement);
  } "cdaEntry";
  src.text as text -> observation.note as note then { as data -> note.text = data "level3observation";
    text where (data.exists() = false) -> note.text = (%section.text.substring(%section.text.indexOf(%src.text.reference.value.substring(1))).substring(%section.text.substring(%section.text.indexOf(%src.text.reference.value.substring(1))).indexOf('>') + 1, %section.text.substring(%section.text.indexOf(%src.text.reference.value.substring(1))).indexOf('<') - %section.text.substring(%section.text.indexOf(%src.text.reference.value.substring(1))).indexOf('>') - 1)) "idRef";
    text.reference as reference then {
      reference.value as value -> note.extension as ext then NarrativeLink(value, ext) "narrativeLink";
  } "note";
  src.code -> observation.code;

// _________________________ Template Type not specified   _________________________
// target:
group InnerExtensionExternalDocumentId(source src, target ext : Extension) {
  src -> ext.url = 'externalDocumentId' "url";
  src -> ext.value = create('Identifier') as id then II(src, id) "value";

// target:
group InnerExtensionId(source src, target ext : Extension) {
  src -> ext.url = 'id' "url";
  src -> ext.value = create('Identifier') as id then II(src, id) "value";