CDA-FHIR-Maps (R4)
0.3.0 - DSTU 1

This page is part of the CDA-FHIR-Maps (R4) (v0.3.0: DSTU 1) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

StructureMap: Bundle to CDA-CH

map "" = "BundleToCdaCh"

// CDA-CH document, 2.16.756.
// 2020-01-16 Oliver Egger, copyright ahdis ag, Apache License
// CDA-CH:
// FHIR CH-Core:

uses "" alias ClinicalDocument as target
uses "" alias Author as target
uses "" alias RecordTarget as target
uses "" alias DataEnterer as target
uses "" alias AssignedEntity as target
uses "" alias Bundle as source
uses "" alias Composition as source
uses "" alias Person as source

imports ""
imports ""

// source:
// target:
group BundleToCdaCh(source bundle : Bundle, target cda : ClinicalDocument) {
  bundle ->  cda.recordTarget as recordTarget, as author then BundleToClinicalDocumentCh(bundle, recordTarget, author, cda) "bundle";

// source:
// target:
group BundleToClinicalDocumentCh(source bundle : Bundle, target recordTarget : RecordTarget, target author : Author, target cda : ClinicalDocument) extends BundleToClinicalDocument {
  bundle ->  author.templateId as templateId,  templateId.root = '2.16.756.' "tempalteId";
  bundle ->  recordTarget.templateId as templateId,  templateId.root = '2.16.756.' "tempalteId";
  bundle ->  cda.custodian as custodian,  custodian.templateId as templateId,  templateId.root = '2.16.756.' "tempalteId";
  bundle -> cda.realmCode as realmCode then {
    bundle -> realmCode.code = 'CHE' "CHE";
  } "realmCode";
  bundle -> cda.templateId as templateId then {
    bundle -> templateId.root = '2.16.756.' "root";
  } "0-structuredBody";
  bundle -> cda.templateId as templateId then {
    bundle -> templateId.root = '2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.2' "root";
  } "componentAsStructuredBody";
  bundle -> cda.templateId as templateId then {
    bundle -> templateId.root = '2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.1' "root";
  } "HL7CdaR2-2005";
  bundle.entry as entry then {
    entry.resource as resource where $this.ofType(FHIR.Composition) then CompositionClinicalDocumentCH(bundle, resource, cda);

// _________________________ Section Level Templates _________________________
// source:
// target:
group SectionCdaRemarksCoded(source bundle : Bundle, source section : Section, target cdasection : CdaSection) extends SectionCdaSection {
  section ->  cdasection.templateId as templateId,  templateId.root = '2.16.756.' "templateId";
  section ->  cdasection.entry as entry,  entry.act as act,  act.classCode = 'ACT',  act.moodCode = 'EVN' then {
    section ->  act.templateId as templateId,  templateId.root = '2.16.756.' "templateId";
    section ->  act.templateId as templateId,  templateId.root = '2.16.840.1.113883.' "templateId";
    section ->  act.templateId as templateId,  templateId.root = '' "templateId";
    section ->  act.code as code,  code.code = '48767-8',  code.codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1',  code.codeSystemName = 'LOINC',  code.displayName = 'Annotation comment' "code";
    // <span id="co1">
    section.text as text then {
      text.div as div ->  act.text as text,  text.reference as reference,  reference.value = ('#' + %div.substring(%div.indexOf('id') + %div.substring(%div.indexOf('id')).indexOf('\"') + 1, %div.substring(%div.indexOf('id') + %div.substring(%div.indexOf('id')).indexOf('\"') + 1).indexOf('\"'))) "id";
    section ->  act.statusCode as statusCode,  statusCode.code = 'completed' "completed";
  } "entry";

group SectionCdaOriginalRepresentationObservationMedia(source binary : Binary, source section : Section, target cdasection : CdaSection) {
  section -> cdasection.text = '<div xmlns=\"\">Representation of the original view:<img src=\"pdf1\"/></div>' "Section";
  section -> cdasection.entry as entry then {
    binary -> entry.typeCode = 'DRIV' "driv";
    binary ->  entry.observationMedia as observationMedia,  observationMedia.classCode = 'OBS',  observationMedia.moodCode = 'EVN' then {
      binary ->  observationMedia.templateId as templateId,  templateId.root = '2.16.756.' "templateId";
      binary -> observationMedia.ID = 'pdf1' "reference";
      binary ->  observationMedia.value as value,  value.mediaType = '2.16.756.',  value.representation = 'B64' then {
        binary.contentType as contentType -> value.mediaType = contentType; as data -> = data;
        binary.language as lang ->  observationMedia.languageCode as languageCode,  languageCode.code = lang "lang";
        binary where $this.language.exists() = false ->  observationMedia.languageCode as languageCode,  languageCode.nullFlavor = 'UNK' "langUnknown";
      } "value";
    } "observationMedia";
  } "entry";

// source:
// target:
// target:
group SectionCdaOriginalRepresentation(source bundle : Bundle, source section : Section, target cdasection : CdaSection) extends SectionCdaSection {
  section ->  cdasection.templateId as templateId,  templateId.root = '2.16.756.' "templateId";
  section where title.exists().not() then {
    section where (%bundle.entry[0].resource.language.startsWith('de')) ->  cdasection.title as title, = 'Original Darstellung' "titleDE";
    section where (%bundle.entry[0].resource.language.startsWith('fr')) ->  cdasection.title as title, = 'Représentation originale' "titleFR";
    section where (%bundle.entry[0].resource.language.startsWith('it')) ->  cdasection.title as title, = 'Rappresentazione originale' "titleIT";
    section where (%bundle.entry[0].resource.language.startsWith('en')) ->  cdasection.title as title, = 'Original representation' "titleEN";
  } "defaulttitles";
  bundle.entry as entry then {
    entry.fullUrl where ($this in %section.entry.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
      entry.resource as binary then SectionCdaOriginalRepresentationObservationMedia(binary, section, cdasection) "patient";
    } "fullUrlAsUuid";
    entry.resource as binary where ('Binary' + '/' + $ in %section.entry.reference then SectionCdaOriginalRepresentationObservationMedia(binary, section, cdasection) "patient";
  } "patient";

// _________________________ Entry Level Templates   ________________________
// _________________________ Header Level Templates _________________________
// source:
// target:
group PersonAssignedEntityWithId(source practitioner : Practitioner, target assignedEntity : AssignedEntity) {
  practitioner.identifier as identifier -> as id then IdentifierII(identifier, id);
  practitioner.address as address -> assignedEntity.addr as addr then AddressAD(address, addr); as humanname ->  assignedEntity.assignedPerson as assignedPerson, as en then HumanNameEN(humanname, en);

// source:
// target:
group DataEnterer(source bundle : Bundle, source practitionerRole : PractitionerRole, target assignedEntity : AssignedEntity) {
  practitionerRole.practitioner as practitioner then {
    practitioner.reference as reference then {
      bundle.entry as entry then {
        entry.fullUrl where ($this in %reference.value) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
          entry.resource : Practitioner as practitioner then PersonAssignedEntityWithId(practitioner, assignedEntity) "AssignedEntityWithId";
        } "uuid";
        entry.resource : Practitioner as practitioner where ('Practitioner' + '/' + $ in %reference.value then PersonAssignedEntityWithId(practitioner, assignedEntity) "AssignedEntityWithId";
      } "practitioner";
    } "valueReference";
  } "extensionPerson";
  practitionerRole.organization as organization -> assignedEntity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization then {
    organization.reference as reference then {
      bundle.entry as entry then {
        entry.fullUrl where ($this in %reference.value) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
          entry.resource : Organization as organization then Organization2CdaOrganization(organization, representedOrganization) "representedOrganization";
        } "uuid";
        entry.resource : Organization as organization where ('Organization' + '/' + $ in %reference.value then Organization2CdaOrganization(organization, representedOrganization) "representedOrganization";
      } "practitioner";
    } "valueReference";
  } "extensionPerson";

// _________________________ Template Type not specified  ___________________
// source:
// target:
group CompositionClinicalDocumentCH(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, target cda : ClinicalDocument) {
  composition.type as type then {
    type.coding as coding where $this.system = '' ->  cda.code as code,  code.translation as translation then CodingCE(coding, translation) "translation";
  composition.confidentiality as conf where $this.extension.where(url = '').exists() -> cda.confidentialityCode as cdaconf then {
    conf.extension as extension then {
      extension.valueCodeableConcept as valueCodeableConcept then {
        valueCodeableConcept.coding as coding then CodingCE(coding, cdaconf);
  } "confidentialityCode";
  // If setId exists as, then map to ClinicalDocument.setId
  composition.identifier as identifier where $this.system = 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986' -> cda.setId as setId then IdentifierII(identifier, setId) "IdentifierII";
  // If setId doesn't exist, used bundle.identifer
  composition where $this.identifier.where(system = 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986').exists() = false then {
    bundle.identifier as identifier -> cda.setId as id then IdentifierII(identifier, id) "setId";
  } "setIdCreated";
  // If versionNumber exists as, then map to ClinicalDocument.versionNumber
  composition.extension as ext where $this.url = '' -> cda.versionNumber as versionNumber then {
    ext.valueUnsignedInt as valueUnsignedInt then IntegerINT(valueUnsignedInt, versionNumber) "IntegerInt";
  } "versionNumberMapped";
  // If versionNumber doesn't exist, create ClinicalDocument.versionNumber = 1
  composition as composition where $this.extension.where(url = '').exists() = false -> cda.versionNumber as versionNumber then {
    composition -> versionNumber.value = '1' "versionNumber";
  } "versionNumberCreated";
  composition.extension as extension where $this.url = '' -> cda.informationRecipient as informationRecipient then {
    extension -> informationRecipient.typeCode = 'PRCP' "PRCP";
    extension ->  informationRecipient.templateId as templateId,  templateId.root = '2.16.756.' "templateId";
    extension.valueReference as valueReference then {
      bundle.entry as entry then {
        entry.fullUrl where ($this in %valueReference.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
          entry.resource : Patient as patient -> informationRecipient.intendedRecipient as intendedRecipient share intendedRecipient then {
            patient.address as address -> intendedRecipient.addr as addr then AddressAD(address, addr);
   as humanname ->  intendedRecipient.informationRecipient as informationRecipient2, as en then HumanNameEN(humanname, en);
          } "fullUrlPatient";
          entry.resource : Organization as organization ->  informationRecipient.intendedRecipient as intendedRecipient share intendedRecipient,  intendedRecipient.receivedOrganization as receivedOrganization then Organization2CdaOrganization(organization, receivedOrganization) "organization";
        } "uuid";
        entry.resource : Patient as patient where (($ = %valueReference.reference.substring(8)) or ($ = %valueReference.reference.substring(9))) -> informationRecipient.intendedRecipient as intendedRecipient share intendedRecipient then {
          patient.address as address -> intendedRecipient.addr as addr then AddressAD(address, addr);
 as humanname ->  intendedRecipient.informationRecipient as informationRecipient2, as en then HumanNameEN(humanname, en);
        } "intendedRecipient";
        entry.resource : Organization as organization where (($ = %valueReference.reference.substring(13)) or ($ = %valueReference.reference.substring(9))) ->  informationRecipient.intendedRecipient as intendedRecipient share intendedRecipient,  intendedRecipient.receivedOrganization as receivedOrganization then Organization2CdaOrganization(organization, receivedOrganization) "organization";
  } "informationRecipient";
  composition.extension as extension where $this.url = '' -> cda.dataEnterer as dataEnterer then {
    extension ->  dataEnterer.templateId as templateId,  templateId.root = '2.16.756.' "templateId";
    extension.extension as extensionTime where $this.url = '' then {
      extensionTime.valueDateTime as valueDateTime -> dataEnterer.time as time then DateTimeTS(valueDateTime, time) "DateTime";
    } "extensionTime";
    extension.extension as extensionPerson where $this.url = 'enterer' then {
      extensionPerson.valueReference as valueReference then {
        bundle.entry as entry then {
          entry.fullUrl where ($this in %valueReference.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
            entry.resource : PractitionerRole as practitionerRole -> dataEnterer.assignedEntity as assignedEntity then DataEnterer(bundle, practitionerRole, assignedEntity) "AssignedEntityWithId";
          } "uuid";
          entry.resource : PractitionerRole as practitionerRole where ('PractitionerRole' + '/' + $ in %valueReference.reference -> dataEnterer.assignedEntity as assignedEntity then DataEnterer(bundle, practitionerRole, assignedEntity) "AssignedEntityWithId";
        } "practitioner";
    } "extensionPerson";
  } "dataEnterer";