0.10.0 - STU 1 Ballot

This page is part of the CH ORF (R4) (v0.10.0: STU 1) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

StructureMap: Map ORF

map "" = "OrfBundleToQr"

// ORF Bundle To QuestionnaireResonse
// Bundle:
// QRF Questionnaire Response:

uses "" alias Bundle as source
uses "" alias Composition as source
uses "" alias Patient as source
uses "" alias Organization as source
uses "" alias Practitioner as source
uses "" alias PractitionerRole as source
uses "" alias ServiceRequest as source
uses "" alias BackboneElement as source
uses "" alias QuestionnaireResponse as target

group OrfBundleToQr(source bundle : Bundle, target qr : QuestionnaireResponse) {
  bundle -> qr.questionnaire = '' "questionnaire";
  bundle -> qr.status = 'completed' "status";
  bundle.entry first as entry then {
    entry.resource as composition then {
      composition.section as section then {
        bundle.entry as entry then {
          entry.fullUrl where ($this in %section.entry.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
            entry.resource : ServiceRequest as serviceRequest then CompositionToQr(bundle, composition, serviceRequest, qr) "servicerequest";
          } "fullUrlAsUuid";
          entry.resource : ServiceRequest as serviceRequest where ('ServiceRequest' + '/' + $ in %section.entry.reference then CompositionToQr(bundle, composition, serviceRequest, qr) "servicerequest";

group CompositionToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source serviceRequest : ServiceRequest, target qr : QuestionnaireResponse) {
  composition ->  qr.item as item,  item.linkId = 'order' then OrderToQr(bundle, composition, serviceRequest, item) "order";
  composition.extension as ext where url = '' ->  qr.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiver' then ReceiverToQr(bundle, serviceRequest, ext, item) "receiver";
  composition.subject ->  qr.item as item,  item.linkId = 'patient' then PatientToQr(bundle, composition, serviceRequest, item) "patient";
  serviceRequest.extension as ext where url = '' ->  qr.item as item,  item.linkId = 'requestedEncounter' then RequestedEncounterDetailsToQr(bundle, ext, item) "requestedEncounter"; first as insurance ->  qr.item as item,  item.linkId = 'coverage' then CoverageToQr(bundle, composition, serviceRequest, item) "requestedEncounter"; ->  qr.item as item,  item.linkId = 'sender' then SenderToQr(bundle, composition, serviceRequest, item) "sender";
  composition.extension first as extension where (url = '') ->  qr.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiverCopies' then ReceiverCopyToQr(bundle, composition, serviceRequest, item) "receiverCopies";
  serviceRequest.extension as ext where url = 'ch-orf-locationandtime' ->  qr.item as item,  item.linkId = 'appointment' then AppointmentDetailsToQr(bundle, ext, item) "apopintments";
  serviceRequest.note first as note ->  qr.item as item,  item.linkId = 'note' then NoteToQr(serviceRequest, item);

group OrderToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source serviceRequest : ServiceRequest, target item : BackboneElement) {
  // <linkId value="order.title" />
  composition.title as title ->  item.item as itemfirst,  itemfirst.linkId = 'order.title',  itemfirst.answer as answer,  answer.value = title;
  // <linkId value="order.type" />
  composition.type as comptype then {
    comptype.coding as coding ->  item.item as itemfirst,  itemfirst.linkId = 'order.type',  itemfirst.answer as answer,  answer.value = coding "type";
  } "CodeableConceptType";
  // <linkId value="order.category" />
  composition.category as compcat then {
    compcat.coding as coding ->  item.item as itemfirst,  itemfirst.linkId = 'order.category',  itemfirst.answer as answer,  answer.value = coding "category";
  } "CodeableConceptType";
  // <linkId value="order.placerOrderIdentifierDomain" />
  serviceRequest.identifier as identifier where (type.coding.where((system.value = '') and (code.value = 'PLAC'))) ->  item.item as itemfirst,  itemfirst.linkId = 'order.placerOrderIdentifier',  itemfirst.answer as answer,  answer.value = (identifier.value) then {
    identifier.system as system ->  item.item as itemsecond,  itemsecond.linkId = 'order.placerOrderIdentifierDomain',  itemsecond.answer as answer,  answer.value = cast(system, 'string') "placerOrderIdentifierDomain";
  } "placerOrderIdentifierDomain";
  // <linkId value="order.fillerOrderIdentifier" />
  serviceRequest.identifier as identifier where (type.coding.where((system.value = '') and (code.value = 'FILL'))) ->  item.item as itemfirst,  itemfirst.linkId = 'order.fillerOrderIdentifier',  itemfirst.answer as answer,  answer.value = (identifier.value) then {
    identifier.system as system ->  item.item as itemsecond,  itemsecond.linkId = 'order.fillerOrderIdentifierDomain',  itemsecond.answer as answer,  answer.value = cast(system, 'string') "fillerOrderIdentifier";
  } "fillerOrderIdentifierDomain";
  // <linkId value="order.precedentDocumentIdentifier" />
  composition.extension as extension where url = '' then {
    extension.value as value where value.startsWith('urn:uuid:') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'order.precedentDocumentIdentifier',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (value.value.substring(9)) "precedentDocumentIdentifier";
  } "composition";
  // 'order.dateTime'- currently not mapped in qr response
  composition.extension as extension where url = '' then {
    extension.value as value then {
      bundle.entry as entry then {
        entry.fullUrl where ($this in %value.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
          entry.resource : PractitionerRole as practitionerRole then UrgentNotificationToQr(bundle, composition, practitionerRole, item) "practitionerRole";
        } "fullUrlAsUuid";
        entry.resource : PractitionerRole as practitionerRole where ('PractitionerRole' + '/' + $ in %value.reference then UrgentNotificationToQr(bundle, composition, practitionerRole, item) "practitionerRole";
  } "composition";
  // Urgent Notification Contact for the Response to this document
  composition.extension as extension where url = '' then {
    extension.value as value then {
      bundle.entry as entry then {
        entry.fullUrl where ($this in %value.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
          entry.resource : PractitionerRole as practitionerRole then UrgentNotificationResponseToQr(bundle, composition, practitionerRole, item) "practitionerRole";
        } "fullUrlAsUuid";
        entry.resource : PractitionerRole as practitionerRole where ('PractitionerRole' + '/' + $ in %value.reference then UrgentNotificationResponseToQr(bundle, composition, practitionerRole, item) "practitionerRole";
  } "composition";
  // order.priority
  serviceRequest.priority as priority ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'order.priority',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = '',  coding.code = priority;

group UrgentNotificationToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source practitionerRole : PractitionerRole, target item : BackboneElement) {
  composition ->  item.item as itemgroup,  itemgroup.linkId = 'order.notificationContactDocument',  itemgroup.item as item,  item.linkId = 'order.notificationContactDocument.practitioner' then {
    practitionerRole.practitioner as practitioner then {
      bundle.entry as entry then {
        entry.fullUrl where ($this in %practitioner.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
          entry.resource : Practitioner as practitioner then UrgentNotificationPractitionerToQr(bundle, composition, practitioner, item) "practitioner";
        } "fullUrlAsUuid";
        entry.resource : Practitioner as practitioner where ('Practitioner' + '/' + $ in %practitioner.reference then UrgentNotificationPractitionerToQr(bundle, composition, practitioner, item) "practitioner";
  } "urgentnotification";

group UrgentNotificationPractitionerToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source practitioner : Practitioner, target item : BackboneElement) { as name then {
    // order.notificationContactDocument.practitioner.title
    name.prefix as prefix where (extension.where((url = '') and (valueCode = 'AC'))) ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'order.notificationContactDocument.practitioner.title',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = prefix;
    // order.notificationContactDocument.practitioner.familyName as family ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'order.notificationContactDocument.practitioner.familyName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = family;
    // order.notificationContactDocument.practitioner.givenName
    name.given as given ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'order.notificationContactDocument.practitioner.givenName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = given;
  practitioner.telecom as telecom where (system = 'phone') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "phone";
  // order.notificationContactDocument.practitioner.memaol
  practitioner.telecom as telecom where (system = 'email') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "email";

group UrgentNotificationResponseToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source practitionerRole : PractitionerRole, target item : BackboneElement) {
  // order.notificationContactDocumentResponse
  composition ->  item.item as itemgroup,  itemgroup.linkId = 'order.notificationContactDocumentResponse',  itemgroup.item as item,  item.linkId = 'order.notificationContactDocumentResponse.practitioner' then {
    practitionerRole.practitioner as practitioner then {
      bundle.entry as entry then {
        entry.fullUrl where ($this in %practitioner.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
          entry.resource : Practitioner as practitioner then UrgentNotificationResponsePractitionerToQr(bundle, composition, practitioner, item) "practitioner";
        } "fullUrlAsUuid";
        entry.resource : Practitioner as practitioner where ('Practitioner' + '/' + $ in %practitioner.reference then UrgentNotificationResponsePractitionerToQr(bundle, composition, practitioner, item) "practitioner";
  } "urgentnotification";

group UrgentNotificationResponsePractitionerToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source practitioner : Practitioner, target item : BackboneElement) { as name then {
    // order.notificationContactDocumentResponse.practitioner.title
    name.prefix as prefix where (extension.where((url = '') and (valueCode = 'AC'))) ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'order.notificationContactDocumentResponse.practitioner.title',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = prefix;
    // order.notificationContactDocumentResponse.practitioner.familyName as family ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'order.notificationContactDocumentResponse.practitioner.familyName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = family;
    // order.notificationContactDocumentResponse.practitioner.givenName
    name.given as given ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'order.notificationContactDocumentResponse.practitioner.givenName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = given;
  practitioner.telecom as telecom where (system = 'phone') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "phone";
  // order.notificationContactDocumentResponse.practitioner.memaol
  practitioner.telecom as telecom where (system = 'email') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "email";

group ReceiverToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source ext : Extension, target item : BackboneElement) {
  bundle.entry as entry then {
    entry.fullUrl where ($this in %ext.valueReference.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
      entry.resource : PractitionerRole as practitionerRole then ReceiverPractitionerRoleToQr(bundle, composition, practitionerRole, item) "practitioner";
    } "fullUrlAsUuid";
    entry.resource : PractitionerRoler as practitionerRole where ('PractitionerRole' + '/' + $ in %ext.valueReference.reference then ReceiverPractitionerRoleToQr(bundle, composition, practitionerRole, item) "practitioner";

group ReceiverPractitionerRoleToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source practitionerRole : PractitionerRole, target itemgroup : BackboneElement) {
  practitionerRole.practitioner as practitioner ->  itemgroup.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiver.practitioner' then {
    bundle.entry as entry then {
      entry.fullUrl where ($this in %practitioner.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
        entry.resource : Practitioner as practitioner then ReceiverPractitionerToQr(bundle, composition, practitioner, item) "practitioner";
      } "fullUrlAsUuid";
      entry.resource : Practitioner as practitioner where ('Practitioner' + '/' + $ in %practitioner.reference then ReceiverPractitionerToQr(bundle, composition, practitioner, item) "practitioner";
  practitionerRole.organization as organization ->  itemgroup.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiver.organization' then {
    bundle.entry as entry then {
      entry.fullUrl where ($this in %organization.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
        entry.resource : Organization as organization then ReceiverOrganizationToQr(bundle, composition, organization, item) "organization";
      } "fullUrlAsUuid";
      entry.resource : Organization as organization where ('Organization' + '/' + $ in %organization.reference then ReceiverOrganizationToQr(bundle, composition, practitioner, item) "organization";

group ReceiverPractitionerToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source practitioner : Practitioner, target item : BackboneElement) { as name then {
    // receiver.practitioner.title
    name.prefix as prefix where (extension.where((url = '') and (valueCode = 'AC'))) ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiver.practitioner.title',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = prefix;
    // receiver.practitioner.familyName as family ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiver.practitioner.familyName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = family;
    // receiver.practitioner.givenName
    name.given as given ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiver.practitioner.givenName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = given;
  // receiver.practitioner.gln
  practitioner.identifier as identifier where (system = 'urn:oid:') then {
    identifier.value as value ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiver.practitioner.gln',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = cast(value, 'string') "gln";
  practitioner.telecom as telecom where (system = 'phone') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "phone";
  // receiver.practitioneremail
  practitioner.telecom as telecom where (system = 'email') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "email";

group ReceiverOrganizationToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source organization : Organization, target item : BackboneElement) {
  // as name ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = name;
  // receiver.organization.streetAddressLine
  organization.address as addr then {
    addr.line first as line1 ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiver.organization.streetAddressLine' then {
      addr.line as line ->  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = line;
    } "addrlinefirst";
    // receiver.organization.postalCode
    addr.postalCode as postalCode ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiver.organization.postalCode',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = postalCode;
    // as city ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = city;
    // as country ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = country;
  } "addr";

group PatientToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source serviceRequest : ServiceRequest, target item : BackboneElement) {
  composition.subject as subject then {
    bundle.entry as entry then {
      entry.fullUrl where ($this in %subject.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
        entry.resource : Patient as patient then PatientDetailsToQr(bundle, composition, patient, item) "patient";
      } "fullUrlAsUuid";
      entry.resource : Patient as patient where ('Patient' + '/' + $ in %subject.reference then PatientDetailsToQr(bundle, composition, patient, item) "patient";
  } "practitioner";

group PatientDetailsToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source patient : Patient, target item : BackboneElement) {
  // patient.familyName as name where (use.empty() or (use = 'official')) then { as family ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'patient.familyName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = family;
  } "familyName"; as name where use = 'maiden' then { as family ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'patient.maidenName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = family "maidenName";
  } "maidenName"; as name where (use.empty() or (use = 'official')) then {
    // patient.givenName
    name.given as given ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'patient.givenName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = given;
  } "givenName";
  // patient.localPid
  patient.identifier as identifier where (type.coding.where((system.value = '') and (code.value = 'MR'))) ->  item.item as item1,  item1.linkId = 'patient.localPid',  item1.answer as answer,  answer.value = (identifier.value) then {
    identifier.system as system ->  item.item as item2,  item2.linkId = 'patient.localPidDomain',  item2.answer as answer,  answer.value = cast(system, 'string') "placerOrderIdentifierDomain";
  } "localPid";
  // patient.birthDate
  patient.birthDate as birthDate ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'patient.birthDate',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = birthDate;
  // patient.gender
  patient.gender as gender ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'patient.gender',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = '',  coding.code = gender;
  patient.telecom as telecom where (system = 'phone') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "phone";
  patient.telecom as telecom where (system = 'email') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "email";
  patient.address as addr then {
    addr.line first as line1 ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'patient.streetAddressLine' then {
      addr.line as line ->  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = line;
    } "addrlinefirst";
    // patient.postalCode
    addr.postalCode as postalCode ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'patient.postalCode',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = postalCode;
    // as city ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = city;
    // as country ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = country;
  } "addr";
  // patient.contactperson as contact ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'patient.contactperson' then {
    // patient.contactperson.relationship
    contact.relationship as relationship then {
      relationship.text as text ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'patient.contactperson.relationship',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = text "relationship";
    }; as name then {
      // patient.contactperson.familyName as family ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'patient.contactperson.familyName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = family "familyName";
      // patient.contactperson.givenName
      name.given as given ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'patient.contactperson.givenName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = given "givenName";
    contact.telecom as telecom where (system = 'phone') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "phone";
    contact.telecom as telecom where (system = 'email') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "email";

group RequestedEncounterDetailsToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source ext : Extension, target item : BackboneElement) {
  bundle.entry as entry then {
    entry.fullUrl where ($this in %ext.valueReference.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
      entry.resource : Encounter as encounter then EncounterToQr(encounter, item) "encounter";
    } "fullUrlAsUuid";
    entry.resource : Encounter as encounter where ('Encounter' + '/' + $ in %ext.valueReference.reference then EncounterToQr(encounter, item) "encounter";

group EncounterToQr(source encounter : Encounter, target item : BackboneElement) {
  // requestedEncounter.class
  encounter.class as class ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'requestedEncounter.class',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = class;
  // requestedEncounter.desiredAccommodation
  encounter.extension as extension where url = '' then {
    extension.value as value ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'requestedEncounter.desiredAccommodation',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = value "desiredAccommodation";
  } "desiredAccommodation";

group AppointmentDetailsToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source ext : Extension, target item : BackboneElement) {
  bundle.entry as entry then {
    entry.fullUrl where ($this in %ext.valueReference.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
      entry.resource : Appointment as appointment then AppointmentToQr(appointment, item) "appointment";
    } "fullUrlAsUuid";
    entry.resource : Appointment as appointment where ('Appointment' + '/' + $ in %ext.valueReference.reference then AppointmentToQr(appointment, item) "encounter";

group LocationToQr(source loc : Locaton, target item : BackboneElement) {
  loc ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'appointment.location' then {
    // as name ->  item.item as itemloc,  itemloc.linkId = '',  answer.value = name;
    location.telecom as telecom where system = 'phone' ->  item.item as itemloc,  itemloc.linkId = '',  answer.value = (%telecom.value) "phone";
    location.telecom as telecom where system = 'email' ->  item.item as itemloc,  itemloc.linkId = '',  answer.value = (%telecom.value) "email";
    location.addr as addr then {
      // appointment.location.streetAddressLine
      addr.streetAddressLine as line ->  item.item as itemloc,  itemloc.linkId = 'appointment.location.streetAddressLine',  answer.value = line;
      // appointment.location.postalCode
      addr.postalCode as postalCode ->  item.item as itemloc,  itemloc.linkId = 'appointment.location.postalCode',  answer.value = postalCode;
      // as city ->  item.item as itemloc,  itemloc.linkId = '',  answer.value = city;
      // as country ->  item.item as itemloc,  itemloc.linkId = '',  answer.value = country;
  } "location";

group AppointmentToQr(source app : Appointment, target item : BackboneElement) {
  // appointment.location
  app.participant as particiapnt then {
    bundle.entry as entry then {
      entry.fullUrl where ($this in %participant.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
        entry.resource : Location as location then LocationToQr(location, item) "location";
      } "fullUrlAsUuid";
      entry.resource : Location as location where ('Location' + '/' + $ in %participant.reference then LocationToQr(location, item) "location";
  // appointment.requestedPeriod
  app.requestedPeriod as requestedPeriod ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'appointment.requestedPeriod' then {
    // appointment.requestedPeriod.start
    requestedPeriod.start as start ->  item.item as itemloc,  itemloc.linkId = 'appointment.requestedPeriod.start',  answer.value = start;
    // appointment.requestedPeriod.end
    requestedPeriod.end as end ->  item.item as itemloc,  itemloc.linkId = 'appointment.requestedPeriod.end',  answer.value = end;
  // appointment.status
  app.status as status ->  item.item as itemloc,  itemloc.linkId = 'appointment.requestedPeriod.status',  answer.value = status;
  // appointment.patientInstruction
  app.patientInstruction as patientInstruction ->  item.item as itemloc,  itemloc.linkId = 'appointment.patientInstruction',  answer.value = patientInstruction;

group CoverageBeneficiary(source patient : Patient, target item : BackboneElement) {
  patient.identifier as identifier where system = 'urn:oid:2.16.756.5.32' ->  item.item as itemkvg,  itemkvg.linkId = 'coverage.beneficiary',  itemkvg.item as itemname,  itemname.linkId = 'coverage.beneficiary.ahvn13',  itemname.answer as answer,  answer.value = (%identifier.value) "ahvn13";

group CoverageKvg(source coverage : Coverage, target item : BackboneElement) {
  coverage ->  item.item as itemkvg,  itemkvg.linkId = 'coverage.kvg',  itemkvg.item as itemname,  itemname.linkId = '',  itemname.answer as answer,  answer.value = (,  itemkvg.item as itemno,  itemno.linkId = 'coverage.kvg.insuranceCardNumber',  itemno.answer as answer,  answer.value = (%coverage.identifier.value) "kvg";

group CoverageUvg(source coverage : Coverage, target item : BackboneElement) {
  coverage ->  item.item as itemkvg,  itemkvg.linkId = 'coverage.uvg',  itemkvg.item as itemname,  itemname.linkId = '',  itemname.answer as answer,  answer.value = (,  itemkvg.item as itemno,  itemno.linkId = 'coverage.uvg.claimNumber',  itemno.answer as answer,  answer.value = (%coverage.identifier.value) "uvg";

group CoverageVvg(source coverage : Coverage, target item : BackboneElement) {
  coverage ->  item.item as itemkvg,  itemkvg.linkId = 'coverage.vvg',  itemkvg.item as itemname,  itemname.linkId = '',  itemname.answer as answer,  answer.value = (,  itemkvg.item as itemno,  itemno.linkId = 'coverage.vvg.insuranceCardNumber',  itemno.answer as answer,  answer.value = (%coverage.identifier.value) "vvg";

group CoverageIvg(source coverage : Coverage, target item : BackboneElement) {
  coverage ->  item.item as itemkvg,  itemkvg.linkId = 'coverage.iv',  itemkvg.item as itemno,  itemno.linkId = 'coverage.iv.verfuegungsnummer',  itemno.answer as answer,  answer.value = (%coverage.identifier.value) "iv";

group CoverageMvg(source coverage : Coverage, target item : BackboneElement) {
  coverage ->  item.item as itemkvg,  itemkvg.linkId = '',  itemkvg.item as itemno,  itemno.linkId = '',  itemno.answer as answer,  answer.value = (%coverage.identifier.value) "mv";

group CoverageSelf(source coverage : Coverage, target item : BackboneElement) {
  coverage ->  item.item as itemkvg,  itemkvg.linkId = 'coverage.self',  itemkvg.item as itemname,  itemname.linkId = 'coverage.self.familyName',  itemname.answer as answer,  answer.value = (,  itemkvg.item as itemno,  itemno.linkId = 'coverage.self.givenName',  itemno.answer as answer,  answer.value = ( "uvg";

group CoverageOther(source coverage : Coverage, target item : BackboneElement) {
  coverage ->  item.item as itemkvg,  itemkvg.linkId = 'coverage.other',  itemkvg.item as itemname,  itemname.linkId = '',  itemname.answer as answer,  answer.value = (,  itemkvg.item as itemno,  itemno.linkId = '',  itemno.answer as answer,  answer.value = (%coverage.identifier.value) "uvg";

group CoverageToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source serviceRequest : ServiceRequest, target item : BackboneElement) {
  composition.subject as subject then {
    bundle.entry as entry then {
      entry.fullUrl where ($this in %subject.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
        entry.resource : Patient as patient then CoverageBeneficiary(patient, item) "patient";
      } "fullUrlAsUuid";
      entry.resource : Patient as patient where ('Patient' + '/' + $ in %subject.reference then CoverageBeneficiary(patient, item) "patient";
  } "practitioner";
  bundle.entry as entry then {
    entry.fullUrl where ($this in and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
      entry.resource : Coverage as coverage where (type.coding.code = 'KVG') then CoverageKvg(coverage, item) "coveragekvg";
      entry.resource : Coverage as coverage where (type.coding.code = 'UVG') then CoverageUvg(coverage, item) "coverageuvg";
      entry.resource : Coverage as coverage where (type.coding.code = 'VVG') then CoverageVvg(coverage, item) "coverageVvg";
      entry.resource : Coverage as coverage where (type.coding.code = 'IVG') then CoverageIvg(coverage, item) "coverageVvg";
      entry.resource : Coverage as coverage where (type.coding.code = 'MVG') then CoverageMvg(coverage, item) "coverageVvg";
      entry.resource : Coverage as coverage where (type.coding.code = 'Self') then CoverageSelf(coverage, item) "coverageSelf";
      entry.resource : Coverage as coverage where (type.coding.code = 'Other') then CoverageOther(coverage, item) "coverageOth4r";
    } "fullUrlAsUuid";
    entry.resource : Coverage as coverage where (type.coding.code = 'KVG') and (('Coverage' + '/' + $ in then CoverageKvg(coverage, item) "coveragekvg";
    entry.resource : Coverage as coverage where (type.coding.code = 'UVG') and (('Coverage' + '/' + $ in then CoverageUvg(coverage, item) "coverageuvg";
    entry.resource : Coverage as coverage where (type.coding.code = 'VVG') and (('Coverage' + '/' + $ in then CoverageVvg(coverage, item) "coverageuvg";
    entry.resource : Coverage as coverage where (type.coding.code = 'IVG') and (('Coverage' + '/' + $ in then CoverageIvg(coverage, item) "coverageivg";
    entry.resource : Coverage as coverage where (type.coding.code = 'MVG') and (('Coverage' + '/' + $ in then CoverageMvg(coverage, item) "coveragemvg";
    entry.resource : Coverage as coverage where (type.coding.code = 'Self') and (('Coverage' + '/' + $ in then CoverageSelf(coverage, item) "coverageself";
    entry.resource : Coverage as coverage where (type.coding.code = 'Other') and (('Coverage' + '/' + $ in then CoverageOther(coverage, item) "coverageother";

group SenderToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source serviceRequest : ServiceRequest, target item : BackboneElement) { as author then {
    bundle.entry as entry then {
      entry.fullUrl where ($this in %author.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
        entry.resource : PractitionerRole as practitionerRole then SenderPractitionerRoleToQr(bundle, composition, practitionerRole, item) "practitioner";
      } "fullUrlAsUuid";
      entry.resource : PractitionerRoler as practitionerRole where ('PractitionerRole' + '/' + $ in %author.reference then SenderPractitionerRoleToQr(bundle, composition, practitionerRole, item) "practitioner";
  composition.extension as ext where (url = '') then {
    ext.extension as extension where (url = 'enterer') then {
      extension.value as value then {
        bundle.entry as entry then {
          entry.fullUrl where ($this in %value.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
            entry.resource : PractitionerRole as practitionerRole then DataEntererPractitionerRoleToQr(bundle, composition, practitionerRole, item) "practitionerRole";
          } "fullUrlAsUuid";
          entry.resource : PractitionerRole as practitionerRole where ('PractitionerRole' + '/' + $ in %value.reference then DataEntererPractitionerRoleToQr(bundle, composition, practitionerRole, item) "practitionerRole";
    } "enterer";
  } "dataenterer";

group SenderPractitionerRoleToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source practitionerRole : PractitionerRole, target itemsender : BackboneElement) {
  composition ->  itemsender.item as itemgroup,  itemgroup.linkId = '' then {
    practitionerRole.practitioner as practitioner ->  itemgroup.item as item,  item.linkId = '' then {
      bundle.entry as entry then {
        entry.fullUrl where ($this in %practitioner.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
          entry.resource : Practitioner as practitioner then SenderPractitionerToQr(bundle, composition, practitioner, item) "practitioner";
        } "fullUrlAsUuid";
        entry.resource : Practitioner as practitioner where ('Practitioner' + '/' + $ in %practitioner.reference then SenderPractitionerToQr(bundle, composition, practitioner, item) "practitioner";
    practitionerRole.organization as organization ->  itemgroup.item as item,  item.linkId = '' then {
      bundle.entry as entry then {
        entry.fullUrl where ($this in %organization.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
          entry.resource : Organization as organization then SenderOrganizationToQr(bundle, composition, organization, item) "organization";
        } "fullUrlAsUuid";
        entry.resource : Organization as organization where ('Organization' + '/' + $ in %organization.reference then SenderOrganizationToQr(bundle, composition, practitioner, item) "organization";
  } "author";

group SenderPractitionerToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source practitioner : Practitioner, target item : BackboneElement) { as name then {
    name.prefix as prefix where (extension.where((url = '') and (valueCode = 'AC'))) ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = prefix;
    // as family ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = family;
    name.given as given ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = given;
  practitioner.identifier as identifier where (system = 'urn:oid:') then {
    identifier.value as value ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = cast(value, 'string') "gln";
  practitioner.telecom as telecom where (system = 'phone') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "phone";
  practitioner.telecom as telecom where (system = 'email') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "email";

group SenderOrganizationToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source organization : Organization, target item : BackboneElement) {
  // as name ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = name;
  organization.address as addr then {
    addr.line first as line1 ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '' then {
      addr.line as line ->  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = line;
    } "addrlinefirst";
    addr.postalCode as postalCode ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = postalCode;
    // as city ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = city;
    // as country ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = country;
  } "addr";

group DataEntererPractitionerRoleToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source practitionerRole : PractitionerRole, target itemsender : BackboneElement) {
  composition ->  itemsender.item as itemgroup,  itemgroup.linkId = 'sender.dataenterer' then {
    practitionerRole.practitioner as practitioner ->  itemgroup.item as item,  item.linkId = 'sender.dataenterer.practitioner' then {
      bundle.entry as entry then {
        entry.fullUrl where ($this in %practitioner.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
          entry.resource : Practitioner as practitioner then DataEntererPractitionerToQr(bundle, composition, practitioner, item) "practitioner";
        } "fullUrlAsUuid";
        entry.resource : Practitioner as practitioner where ('Practitioner' + '/' + $ in %practitioner.reference then DataEntererPractitionerToQr(bundle, composition, practitioner, item) "practitioner";
  } "dataenterer";

group DataEntererPractitionerToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source practitioner : Practitioner, target item : BackboneElement) {
  // sender.dataenterer.practitioner.familyName as name then { as family ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'sender.dataenterer.practitioner.familyName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = family;
    // sender.dataenterer.practitioner.givenName
    name.given as given ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'sender.dataenterer.practitioner.givenName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = given;
  practitioner.telecom as telecom where (system = 'phone') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "phone";
  practitioner.telecom as telecom where (system = 'email') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "email";

group ReceiverCopyToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source serviceRequest : ServiceRequest, target item : BackboneElement) {
  composition.extension as extension where (url = '') then {
    extension.value as value then {
      bundle.entry as entry then {
        entry.fullUrl where ($this in %value.reference) and $this.startsWith('urn:uuid') then {
          entry.resource : Organization as organization then ReceiverCopyOrganizationToQr(bundle, composition, organization, item) "organization";
          entry.resource : Patient as patient then ReceiverCopyPatientToQr(bundle, composition, patient, item) "patient";
        } "fullUrlAsUuid";
        entry.resource : Organization as organization where ('Organization' + '/' + $ in %value.reference then ReceiverCopyOrganizationToQr(bundle, composition, organization, item) "organization";
        entry.resource : Patient as patient where ('Patient' + '/' + $ in %value.reference then ReceiverCopyPatientToQr(bundle, composition, patient, item) "patient";

group ReceiverCopyOrganizationToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source organization : Organization, target itemsender : BackboneElement) {
  organization ->  itemsender.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiverCopy' then {
    // as name ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = name; as contact then { as name then {
        // receiverCopy.title
        name.prefix as prefix where (extension.where((url = '') and (valueCode = 'AC'))) ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiverCopy.title',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = prefix;
        // receiverCopy.familyName as family ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiverCopy.familyName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = family;
        // receiverCopy.givenName
        name.given as given ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiverCopy.givenName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = given;
    organization.telecom as telecom where (system = 'phone') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "phone";
    organization.telecom as telecom where (system = 'email') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "email";
    // receiverCopy.organization.streetAddressLine
    organization.address as addr then {
      addr.line first as line1 ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiverCopy.streetAddressLine' then {
        addr.line as line ->  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = line;
      } "addrlinefirst";
      // receiverCopy.postalCode
      addr.postalCode as postalCode ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiverCopy.postalCode',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = postalCode;
      // as city ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = city;
      // as country ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = country;
    } "addr";
  } "organization";

group ReceiverCopyPatientToQr(source bundle : Bundle, source composition : Composition, source patient : Patient, target itemsender : BackboneElement) {
  patient ->  itemsender.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiverCopy' then { as name then {
      // receiverCopy.familyName as family ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiverCopy.familyName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = family;
      // receiverCopy.givenName
      name.given as given ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiverCopy.givenName',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = given;
      // receiverCopy.title
      name.prefix as prefix where (extension.where((url = '') and (valueCode = 'AC'))) ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiverCopy.title',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = prefix;
    patient.telecom as telecom where (system = 'phone') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "phone";
    patient.telecom as telecom where (system = 'email') ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = (telecom.value) "email";
    // receiverCopy.organization.streetAddressLine
    patient.address as addr then {
      addr.line first as line1 ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiverCopy.streetAddressLine' then {
        addr.line as line ->  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = line;
      } "addrlinefirst";
      // receiverCopy.postalCode
      addr.postalCode as postalCode ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'receiverCopy.postalCode',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = postalCode;
      // as city ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = city;
      // as country ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = '',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = country;
    } "addr";
  } "patient";

group NoteToQr(source serviceRequest : ServiceRequest, target item : BackboneElement) {
  serviceRequest.note as note then {
    note.text as text ->  item.item as item,  item.linkId = 'note.text',  item.answer as answer,  answer.value = cast(text, 'string');