ValueSet Comparison between vs


ErrorValueSet.versionValues for version differ: '1.3.0' vs '1.3.1'
InformationValueSet.dateValues for date differ: '2024-05-17T13:24:45+00:00' vs '2024-06-17T08:47:24+00:00'
ErrorValueSet.compose.exclude[0]Code 113721003 added
ErrorValueSet.compose.exclude[0]Code 103467006 added
ErrorValueSet.compose.exclude[0]Code 18214000 added
ErrorValueSet.compose.exclude[0]Code 103469009 added
ErrorValueSet.compose.exclude[0]Code 131324005 added
ErrorValueSet.compose.exclude[0]Code 103464004 added
ErrorValueSet.compose.exclude[0]Code 103468001 added


        • Values Differ
        .descriptionThe "CH ELM Results Leg Org" organism group provides a curated set of codes representing specific organisms. Each code within this group has been selected to ensure precise representation and consistency in relation to the primary LOINC codes. Clients utilizing the "CH ELM Results Leg Org" group should refer to the provided codes to accurately and uniformly capture and report organism-related information.
                    .publisherFederal Office of Public Health FOPH
                          .titleCH ELM Results Leg Org
                              • Values Differ


                                ..Concept103465003Legionella pneumophila serogroup 3 (organism)
                                  ..Concept89605004Legionella longbeachae (organism)
                                    ..Concept116380009Legionella micdadei (organism)
                                      ..Concept103463005Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 (organism)
                                        ..Concept116379006Legionella maceachernii (organism)
                                          ..Concept450611004Legionella bozemanae (organism)
                                            ..Concept58923007Legionella cincinnatiensis (organism)
                                              ..Concept131322009Legionella pneumophilia serogroup 10 (organism)
                                                ..Concept103448007Legionella brunensis (organism)
                                                  ..Concept80897008Legionella pneumophila (organism)
                                                    ..Concept113721003Version: Legionella gormanii (organism)
                                                    • Added this Concept
                                                    ..Concept103467006Version: Legionella pneumophila serogroup 5 (organism)
                                                    • Added this Concept
                                                    ..Concept18214000Version: Legionella anisa (organism)
                                                    • Added this Concept
                                                    ..Concept103469009Version: Legionella pneumophila serogroup 7 (organism)
                                                    • Added this Concept
                                                    ..Concept131324005Version: Legionella pneumophilia serogroup 12 (organism)
                                                    • Added this Concept
                                                    ..Concept103464004Version: Legionella pneumophila serogroup 2 (organism)
                                                    • Added this Concept
                                                    ..Concept103468001Version: Legionella pneumophila serogroup 6 (organism)
                                                    • Added this Concept


                                                    Unable to generate expansion - see errors