0.9.0 - Draft

This page is part of the CH CRL (R4) (v0.9.0: STU Draft) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: CHCRLPatient - Mappings

Mappings for the ch-crl-patient resource profile.

Mappings for CDA-CH 2020 V2.1 (

Patienthl7:recordTarget (1..1) / hl7:patientRole (1..1)
   extension (placeOfBirth)hl7:recordTarget (1..1) / hl7:patientRole (1..1) / hl7:patient (1..1) / hl7:birthplace (0..1)
   extension (placeOfOrigin)Not supported by CDA-CH V2. Can be specified as observation in the CDA body. See also citizenship/nationality.
   extension (citizenship)Not supported by CDA-CH V2. Can be specified as a social history observation in the CDA body. See CDA-CH-SMCP for possible implementation:
   extension (religion)hl7:recordTarget (1..1) / hl7:patientRole (1..1) / hl7:patient (1..1) / hl7:religiousAffiliationCode (0..1)
   identifierhl7:recordTarget (1..1) / hl7:patientRole (1..1) / hl7:id (1..*)
   name, hl7:recordTarget (1..1 R) / hl7:patientRole (1..1 R) / hl7:patient (1..1 R) / hl7:name (1..1 R)
      familyhl7:name (1..1 R) / hl7:family (1..* R)
      givenhl7:name (1..1 R) / hl7:given (1..* R)
   telecomhl7:recordTarget (1..1 R) / hl7:patientRole (1..1 R) / hl7:telecom (0..*)
   genderhl7:recordTarget (1..1 R) / hl7:patientRole (1..1 R) / hl7:patient (1..1 R) / hl7:administrativeGenderCode (1..1 R), see see
   birthDatehl7:recordTarget (1..1 R) / hl7:patientRole (1..1 R) / hl7:patient (1..1 R) / hl7:birthTime (1..1 R)
   deceased[x]Not supported by CDA-CH V2. Can be specified as observation in the CDA body. See Reporting Death Information from the EHR to Vital Records HL7 Public Health and Emergency Response WG; Structured Documents Work Group; HL7 Draft Standard for Trial Use; 2012
   address, hl7:recordTarget (1..1) / hl7:patientRole (1..1) / hl7:addr (0..*)
         extension (addressLine1)hl7:streetAddressLine (0..1)
         extension (addressLine2)hl7:streetAddressLine (0..1)
         extension (street)hl7:streetAddressLine (0..1)
         extension (houseNumber)hl7:houseNumber (0..1)
         extension (unitID)hl7:additionalLocator (0..1)
         extension (postOfficeBoxText)hl7:streetAddressLine (0..1)
         extension (postOfficeBoxNumber)hl7:postBox (0..1 C)
      cityhl7:city (1..1 R)
      statehl7:state (0..1)
      postalCodehl7:postalCode (1..1 R)
      countryhl7:country (1..1 R)
   maritalStatushl7:recordTarget (1..1) / hl7:patientRole (1..1) / hl7:patient (1..1) / hl7:maritalStatusCode (0..1)
   contact (contact)Not supported by CDA-CH V2.
   communication (languageOfCorrespondance)hl7:recordTarget (1..1) / hl7:patientRole (1..1) / hl7:patient (1..1) / hl7:languageCommunication (0..*) / hl7:languageCode (1..1)

Mappings for eCH-Standards (

   extension (placeOfBirth)eCH-0011: placeOfBirth BFS-322, BFS-323, BFS 324
   extension (placeOfOrigin)eCH-0011: 3.3.10 placeOfOrigin, BFS-42
   extension (citizenship)eCH-0011: 3.3.6 nationalityData
   extension (religion)eCH-0011: religion, BFS-711
   nameeCH-0011: 3.3.2 nameData
      familyeCH-0010: lastName
         extension (ech11name)eCH-0011: officialName, originalName, allianceName, nameOnForeignPassport, aliasName, otherName, declaredForeignName
      giveneCH-0010: firstName equivalent to callName of eCH-0011
         extension (ech11firstname)eCH-0011: officialFirstName, callName, allianceName, firstNameOnForeignPassport, declaredForeignFirstName1
      prefixeCH-0010: mrMrs, title
   gendereCH-0011: 3.3.3 sex. sexType, BFS-33, see ConceptMap
   birthDateeCH-0011: 3.3.3 birthData, BFS-31
   deceased[x]eCH-0011: 3.3.7 deathData, deathPeriod, dateFrom, BFS-361
   addresseCH-0010: 5.5 addressInformation
         extension (addressLine1)eCH-0010: 5.12 addressLine1
         extension (addressLine2)eCH-0010: 5.12 addressLine2
         extension (street)eCH-0010: 5.13 street
         extension (houseNumber)eCH-0010: 5.14 houseNumber
         extension (unitID)eCH-0010: 5.15 dwellingNumber
         extension (postOfficeBoxText)eCH-0010: 5.17 postOfficeBoxText
         extension (postOfficeBoxNumber)eCH-0010: 5.16 postOfficeBoxNumber
      cityeCH-0010: 5.23 town
      districteCH-0010: 5.22 locality
      stateeCH-0010: 5.22 locality
      postalCodeeCH-0010: 5.18 swissZipCode, 5.19 swissZipCodeAddOn, 5.20 swissZipCodeId, 5.21 foreignZipCode
      countryeCH-0010: 5.24 country
   maritalStatuseCH-0011: 3.3.5 maritalData, BFS-341, see ConceptMap
      extension (maritalDataSeparation)eCH-0011: separation - Trennung BFS-343
   contact (contact)eCH-0011: 3.3.8 contactData, BFS-61
      addresseCH-0010: 5.5 addressInformation
   contact (nameOfFather)eCH-0021: nameOfFather
   contact (nameOfMother)eCH-0021: nameOfMother
   communication (languageOfCorrespondance)eCH-0011: 3.3.9 languageOfCorrespondance: de, fr, it, rm = Rhaeto-Romance, en, other languages ISO 639-1

Mappings for EPR ValueSets (


Mappings for RIM Mapping (

PatientEntity. Role, or Act, Patient[classCode=PAT]
   identifier (AHVN13)id
      useRole.code or implied by context
      typeRole.code or implied by context
      systemII.root or
      valueII.extension or II.root if system indicates OID or GUID (Or or root)
      periodRole.effectiveTime or implied by context
      assignerII.assigningAuthorityName but note that this is an improper use by the definition of the field. Also Role.scoper
   identifier (LocalPid)id
      useRole.code or implied by context
      typeRole.code or implied by context
      systemII.root or
      valueII.extension or II.root if system indicates OID or GUID (Or or root)
      periodRole.effectiveTime or implied by context
      assignerII.assigningAuthorityName but note that this is an improper use by the definition of the field. Also Role.scoper
   namen/a, EN (actually, PN)
      family./part[partType = FAM]
      given./part[partType = GIV]
      prefix./part[partType = PFX]
         extension (salutationandtitle)ENXP.qualifier
      suffix./part[partType = SFX]
   genderplayer[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/administrativeGender
   birthDateplayer[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/birthTime
   deceased[x]player[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/deceasedInd, player[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/deceasedTime
   addressn/a, AD
      lineAD.part[parttype = AL]
         extension (addressLine1)
            value[x] (valueCode)N/A
         extension (addressLine2)
            value[x] (valueCode)N/A
         extension (street)
            value[x] (valueCode)N/A
         extension (houseNumber)ADXP[partType=BNR]
         extension (unitID)ADXP[partType=UNID]
         extension (postOfficeBoxText)
            value[x] (valueCode)N/A
         extension (postOfficeBoxNumber)ADXP[partType=POB]
      cityAD.part[parttype = CTY]
      districtAD.part[parttype = CNT | CPA]
      stateAD.part[parttype = STA]
      postalCodeAD.part[parttype = ZIP]
      countryAD.part[parttype = CNT]
         extension (countrycode)SC.code
      codingunion(., ./translation)
   multipleBirth[x]player[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/multipleBirthInd, player[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/multipleBirthOrderNumber
   photoplayer[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/desc
   contactplayer[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/scopedRole[classCode=CON]
      genderplayer[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/administrativeGender
   contact (contact)player[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/scopedRole[classCode=CON]
      addressn/a, AD
      genderplayer[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/administrativeGender
   contact (nameOfFather)player[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/scopedRole[classCode=CON]
      genderplayer[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/administrativeGender
   contact (nameOfMother)player[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/scopedRole[classCode=CON]
      genderplayer[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/administrativeGender
      languageplayer[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/languageCommunication/code
   communication (languageOfCorrespondance)LanguageCommunication
      languageplayer[classCode=PSN|ANM and determinerCode=INSTANCE]/languageCommunication/code

Mappings for CDA (R2) (

   identifier (AHVN13).id
   identifier (LocalPid).id
   contact (contact)n/a
   contact (nameOfFather)n/a
   contact (nameOfMother)n/a
   communication (languageOfCorrespondance)patient.languageCommunication

Mappings for FiveWs Pattern Mapping (

   identifier (AHVN13)FiveWs.identifier
   identifier (LocalPid)FiveWs.identifier

Mappings for HL7 v2 Mapping (

   identifier (AHVN13)PID-3
      systemCX.4 / EI-2-4
      valueCX.1 / EI.1
      periodCX.7 + CX.8
      assignerCX.4 / (CX.4,CX.9,CX.10)
   identifier (LocalPid)PID-3
      systemCX.4 / EI-2-4
      valueCX.1 / EI.1
      periodCX.7 + CX.8
      assignerCX.4 / (CX.4,CX.9,CX.10)
      useXPN.7, but often indicated by which field contains the name
      textimplied by XPN.11
      givenXPN.2 + XPN.3
      periodXPN.13 + XPN.14
   telecomPID-13, PID-14, PID-40
   deceased[x]PID-30 (bool) and PID-29 (datetime)
      textXAD.1 + XAD.2 + XAD.3 + XAD.4 + XAD.5 + XAD.6
      lineXAD.1 + XAD.2 (note: XAD.1 and XAD.2 have different meanings for a company address than for a person address)
      periodXAD.12 / XAD.13 + XAD.14
      codingC*E.1-8, C*E.10-22
      textC*E.9. But note many systems use C*E.2 for this
   multipleBirth[x]PID-24 (bool), PID-25 (integer)
   photoOBX-5 - needs a profile
      relationshipNK1-7, NK1-3
      telecomNK1-5, NK1-6, NK1-40
      organizationNK1-13, NK1-30, NK1-31, NK1-32, NK1-41
   contact (contact)
      relationshipNK1-7, NK1-3
      organizationNK1-13, NK1-30, NK1-31, NK1-32, NK1-41
   contact (nameOfFather)
      relationshipNK1-7, NK1-3
      telecomNK1-5, NK1-6, NK1-40
      organizationNK1-13, NK1-30, NK1-31, NK1-32, NK1-41
   contact (nameOfMother)
      relationshipNK1-7, NK1-3
      telecomNK1-5, NK1-6, NK1-40
      organizationNK1-13, NK1-30, NK1-31, NK1-32, NK1-41
      languagePID-15, LAN-2
   communication (languageOfCorrespondance)
      languagePID-15, LAN-2
      otherPID-3, MRG-1

Mappings for LOINC code for the element (


Mappings for Krebsregistrierungsgesetz (

   identifier (AHVN13)Versichertennummer nach Artikel 50c des Bundesgesetzes vom 20. Dezember 1946 über die Alters- und Hinterlassenenversicherung (Versichertennummer) (Art. 3 Abs. 1 Bst. b)
      familyName (Art. 3 Abs. 1 Bst. a)
      givenVorname (Art. 3 Abs. 1 Bst. a)
   genderGeschlecht (Art. 3 Abs. 1 Bst. e)
   birthDateGeburtsdatum (Art. 3 Abs. 1 Bst. d)
   addressWohnadresse (Art. 3 Abs. 1 Bst. c)

Mappings for NATIONAL CANCER DATA DICTIONARY, V 1.1, Part A: BASIC VARIABLES for Adults, Adolescents, and Children (

   identifier (AHVN13)OASI number (Variable number: 1.4)
      familyFamily Name(s) (Variable number: 1.1.1)
      givenFirst Name(s) (Variable number: 1.1.2)
   genderSex (Variable number: 1.2)
   birthDateDate of Birth (Variable number: 1.3.1)
      lineStreet name (Variable number: 1.5.1), Street number (Variable number: 1.5.2), Extra address line (Variable number: 1.5.3)
      cityCity/Municipality name (Variable number: 1.7)
      postalCodePostcode (Variable number: 1.6)