CH Core (R4)
3.0.0 - STU3 Switzerland flag

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ConceptMap: MaritalStatus eCH-011 to FHIR mapping

Official URL: Version: 3.0.0
Active as of 2018-11-26 Computable Name: MaritalStatusECH011ToFHIRMapping

Copyright/Legal: CC-BY-SA-4.0

MaritalStatus mapping from eCH-011 to FHIR. See maritalData - Zivilstandsangaben eCH-11 and/or BFS Amtlicher Katalog der Merkmale.

MaritalStatusECH011ToFHIRMapping (

Mapping from to

ACTIVE. Published on 2018-11-26 by HL7 Switzerland (HL7 Switzerland: CC-BY-SA-4.0

MaritalStatus mapping from eCH-011 to FHIR. See maritalData - Zivilstandsangaben eCH-11 and/or BFS Amtlicher Katalog der Merkmale.

Group 1Mapping from eCH-011 MaritalStatus to MaritalStatus

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
1 (ledig)is equivalent toS (Never married)
2 (verheiratet)is equivalent toM (Married)
3 (verwitwet)is equivalent toW (Widowed)
4 (geschieden)is equivalent toD (Divorced)
5 (unverheiratet)is equivalent toA (Annulled)
6 (in eingetragener Partnerschaft)is equivalent toM (Married)
7 (aufgelöste Partnerschaft)is equivalent toD (Divorced)

Group 2Mapping from eCH-011 MaritalStatus to NullFlavor

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
9 (unbekannt)is equivalent toUNK (unknown)